No Baby Shark? lameLooks like @sum1 is looking to be temporarily locked in a SC ship bathroom in the dark while forced to endure endless loops of songs like "Never Gonna Give You Up," by Rick Astley, "I Love You" by Barney the Dinosaur, the Teletubbies theme song & many other annoying songs. We'll know when he's had enough when the vomiting stops & then he's happily singing along with them. We'll let him enjoy a beer after that to welcome him back to the party. I'm just joking of course, but wouldn't that be a suitable punishment for Rick Rollers?
You wanna get banned? because this is how you get banned!
Most sharks don't survive well in captivity without a LOT of finances & effort. This is TEST Squadron, I'm pretty sure that most would prefer that the budget get blown on beer instead of fish they can't enjoy other than watching being fed. This being said, we might be able to get a great deal on some "Ill-tempered sea bass" from Dr Evil. Given that he's been out of work for a while he might even toss in some spare laser beams for their heads. Then if they don't work out, we can always grill them up & eat them instead.No Baby Shark? lame
Don't you mean 19 thousand!!!!there's one in every crowd
in our crowd of 19,000 there's probably several
Wouldn't it be I die and then go to hell? I just want to make sure I have the timeline straight on this.
I estimate around 420,069 in Test.there's one in every crowd
in our crowd of 19,000 there's probably several