Vanduul Helmet - Get 50 unique kills event!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
That Halloween special event is on, and you can get this awesome Vanduul Helmet if you get 50 unique kills with a Glaive or Gladius.

We are going to shoot each other! :D

Event is on the calendar on Guilded:



Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
If we get 50 of you into my carrack and I fly it into the sun as per test protocol that should count as 50 kills for me right???


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Haha took my starfarer gemini out for a run. Well when I say run I mean really slow walk.

The red gladius's broke upon me like the wind against a mountain lol. I one shotted 3 of them, and a cutlass and a connie that tried.

Oh the starfarer lols.

Devil Dog Hog

Space Marshal
Jan 28, 2016
RSI Handle
Pilot will count as a kill, the rest will not.
Gosh darn it CIG, why are you making it so easy to murder each other but so hard to profit off it for free stuff. Guess I'll just go and "earn" a space living by robbing some folks, sigh. Its enough to make a man fly his Aurora into the sun to fake his own death. . . .wait, does that count as a unique death if I do it in a gladius?


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
How do you know how many you've killed?


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I support the Bennyhenge task to gain the mask, but I think that CIG royally shit the bed with the Vanduul mask portion of the event. CIG should have given players a means to keep track of how many kills they have made, but they should also have limited the ways to gain those by only counting those players that are choosing to fly either the Glaive or the Gladius ships. Thanks to the mental midgets at CIG releasing this event at the same time as they got rid of the majority of armistice zones, CIG has effectively promoted griefing by jerks camping areas where players are helpless & can't defend themselves. I was killed repeatedly as I started to lift off at Everest, PO & as I was exiting Lorville before I could quantum away. In my honest opinion, they should've given players separate servers to kill each other on & leave us peaceful players out of the BS unless we choose to join the fray. Add in ALL of the bugs, glitches & errors that this patch has plagued me with & my attitude presently is CIG can go fuck themselves with rusty blades. This patch so far is effectively unplayable by me. Sorry for killing the buzz, but CIG has slammed me into the fuck it wall repeatedly, which sucks because I was so incredibly hyped for all of the great things this patch could have been instead.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
[...] releasing this event at the same time as they got rid of the majority of armistice zones, CIG has effectively promoted griefing by jerks camping areas where players are helpless & can't defend themselves. I was killed repeatedly as I started to lift off at Everest, PO & as I was exiting Lorville before I could quantum away. [...] This patch so far is effectively unplayable by me.
Sounds like those S10 turrets at the space stations 'aint doing their thang? I got to Olisar and the platforms were there but the guns were not which was weird.... perhaps you were on a server where those had not spawned too?

I like to imagine the look on the fools who choose to try to do this in high security space - when someone finally pops 'em, they'll spawn at the prison with about 18 hours of sentence to serve! Awww, you can't finish your helmet quest because you chose to Grief rather than organize yourself like good TESTies did? well, let me show you my face of sorrow for the futile fruitlessness of your predicament:

Crazy happy face.png

I doubt any player trying to get to 50 unique kills by pad and spawn camping is going to make that number without having their run derailed by the fuzz.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Sounds like those S10 turrets at the space stations 'aint doing their thang? I got to Olisar and the platforms were there but the guns were not which was weird.... perhaps you were on a server where those had not spawned too?

I like to imagine the look on the fools who choose to try to do this in high security space - when someone finally pops 'em, they'll spawn at the prison with about 18 hours of sentence to serve! Awww, you can't finish your helmet quest because you chose to Grief rather than organize yourself like good TESTies did? well, let me show you my face of sorrow for the futile fruitlessness of your predicament:

View attachment 18950

I doubt any player trying to get to 50 unique kills by pad and spawn camping is going to make that number without having their run derailed by the fuzz.
Thanks my friend, I really needed a good lol.

I spent the entire evening redoing all that I could to clear the glitches including a character reset. No dice with the bugs, but I seemed less laggy after I did all that & reinstalled the game. I'm still having that same annoying shot terminal glitch with no previews of any armor or clothing, but I must have caught a fresh server because I didn't see any other players & I went all over the place testing to see if there was any exception. Maybe CIG is wanting me to run around nearly naked but with 1 of those bear helmets & a noob tube. I'd like to get the achievement masks, but IDK if I'll be able to without a LOT of help. I actually like CIG adding in activities that reward us, but the timing of this combined with them dropping the armistice zones was just monumentally stupid & invited griefers to go nuts. If it had been up to me, I would've at the very least delayed the zone drop until Nov after all of the Halloween shenanigans had finalized. All of this being said, I still have a sliver of hope that the MSR could possibly make a hauntingly spooky arrival before the sun rises the day after Halloween.
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Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
another reason to tear through us in his gladius during CFT heh 😉
Unless the first HH blows up and I must call mine to get blown up very fast during the engagement: HH vs Talli.
The only chance that the HH has against a Talli is to get close to the Talli asap so the turrets can start raining down on the Talli, which unfortunately failed 😭
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Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
If we get 50 of you into my carrack and I fly it into the sun as per test protocol that should count as 50 kills for me right???
Actually, as part of TESTing the game, I have tried to ram the Stanton (the star of the Stanton system) with the Carrack. This was as a result of one of the bugs, when my Carrack was spawned 800 km from the Stanton when I logged in. The result was interesting. the Stanton was running away. The distance got closer and closer, but the star size didn't increase. Then it was 0 km and the distance started to increase, but the star was still in my HUD and it was of the same size. 🍻


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Actually, as part of TESTing the game, I have tried to ram the Stanton (the star of the Stanton system) with the Carrack. This was as a result of one of the bugs, when my Carrack was spawned 800 km from the Stanton when I logged in. The result was interesting. the Stanton was running away. The distance got closer and closer, but the star size didn't increase. Then it was 0 km and the distance started to increase, but the star was still in my HUD and it was of the same size. 🍻
I tried to violate the star of the Stanton system with my Freelancer back in 3.0. I got the same crazy results.
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