Is the Perseus useful to the org?


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
The one and only thing the Peseus has going for it vs a Hammerhead is that the Perseus needs less crew and can concentrate fire on a target better.

Thats a good thing.
It is interesting to theorycraft a role for this ship, but my #1 thought is that CIG seems to finally be coming to their senses and are offering ships that 3 or 4 players could effectively multi-crew. Honestly, trying to crew some of the larger ships is going to be a real pain. I see the Perseus now as more of an "Idris-lite", i.e., big ship (not quite capital class) that a small group could take out on a patrol and take on some fights. The ability to fly in atmosphere and land is also a big bonus, this could be a command ship for some groups.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The Perseus is an up-gunned 600i.

2 remote turrets (s3 vs S2), 4 total S7 guns on two turrets, vs 3 S5 guns.

20 S5 troops Vs 16 3 missiles

100m long vs 91, 92 SCM vs 145

50 SCU or a rover vs 40+ a rover.

needs dedicated gunners to make it work though,

seriously, if you like flying a 600i with people in combat, you will love the Perseus. If not, you will probably hate it.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Things I wish they would change about the Perseus.

Two more S3 turrets, or 2 S4 anti missile turrets.

Big guns should be S8 or the Nautilus should have S6 chin guns. Unfortunately, CIG has not done a good job designing ships with an overall view. Too many ships keep “punching above their weight class”.

auroras and other starters should have have S1 weapons and maybe a few missiles. Gladius 3s3, Sabre 4s3, Vanguard 2s3 on the wings, 1s5 on the nose, Connie 4s5 etc.

all weapons should be gimbaled. the size of the hit box depends on how much you are stressing your gimbal‘s slew rate by maneuvering. Straight and level, biggest box, jumping around like a frog on a hot plate, smallest box. Different gimbals could be made with some having bigger hit boxes or more accurate hit boxes with different slew rates, etc.

interceptors max out at S2 guns, heavy fighters Max S5, etc.

unfortunately, they either changed the old ideas without updating the old ships,or they decided they needed to make things “better” so people would buy new ships. Either way, they have a design issue that is going to come back to bite them come balancing time.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
The one and only thing the Peseus has going for it vs a Hammerhead is that the Perseus needs less crew and can concentrate fire on a target better.

Thats a good thing.
Absolutely. They each serve a support role in a larger task force. Neither serves well as a lone patrol ship or as the centerpiece of a small task force.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
The Perseus is an up-gunned 600i.

2 remote turrets (s3 vs S2), 4 total S7 guns on two turrets, vs 3 S5 guns.

20 S5 troops Vs 16 3 missiles

100m long vs 91, 92 SCM vs 145

50 SCU or a rover vs 40+ a rover.

needs dedicated gunners to make it work though,

seriously, if you like flying a 600i with people in combat, you will love the Perseus. If not, you will probably hate it.
The turrets on the 600 are pairs of Size 3 guns.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
It comes down to how many torps can you engage in that less than 3 second window.

A Retaliator should make you sweat. Four Eclipses or a Polaris should make you sweat rather uncomfortably. A pair of coordinated Talis should induce panic.
I feel like this goes for any ship.

Things I wish they would change about the Perseus.

Two more S3 turrets, or 2 S4 anti missile turrets.

Big guns should be S8
This was my thought as well, a couple dedicated anti-torp turrets and maybe S8 guns. Also the bottom turret moved somewhere else, it looks like it has a bad firing lane. I kinda wish it had two/three massive turrets on the top Battleship style!

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
it's a echo in here.. I'm sure I read some comments twice or more...
Doesn't anyone read what's already been posted....
NO we don't we're shit poster experts in TEST SQUADRON 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Well there is one thing some need doing, RTFM... at least ..some time.. 😂 😂 👀

There is a lot of assumption and guessing what is what and what have what .... when there is a manual that have all data ... and then some more info..

So let's QUOTE my self .... ( picked out the most essential in the manual )

Once dubbed “sub-cap slayers,” the four massive size-7 cannons attached to manually operated turrets spell big trouble for big ships.
Twin ballistic Gatling guns can be fully automated or remotely controlled to keep incoming ordnance at bay,
while a military-inspired launch bay packs up to 20 size-5 torpedoes to make life hell for swarming fighters or rival gunboats.


2 x MANED 4 size 7 guns ( 2 on each turret )

2 x AUTO or REMOTE 4 size 3 Ballistic Gatling ( 2 on each turret )

2 x Missile launchers 10+10 a total of 20 size 5 missile/torpedoes

I would not want to be on receiving end of the barrage of fire when it let loose....

Actual SPEC:
Perseus Specs.png


Side note: link to page with brochure, scroll down and you can download PDF
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
The primary role of the corvettes is to act as a patrol and convoy escort vessels. I see this ship and a Hammerhead or two supporting several Hull-E's. It is not so much to be used to go out and tangle with capital size ships, but added punch in case of pirate or Vanduul raids. Able to deal with large class ships that these might bring.
Also, it would be more cost effective and use less manpower than using a Polaris and would have longer range and sustainability than the Ares would.
I was thinking about this this weekend and I came to realize this is the perfect pirate ship. Its going to make quick work of ships like the Hull's, Merchantmen, Reclaimers and their hammerhead escort.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
How do you slave a turret? I've heard this several times but I am not sure if there is a capability yet. By slave I mean, point the turrets forward (ones that can) and use them forward facing only tied to the pilot.. just like a fighter. I understand the blades will be AI... that is not what I am asking about.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
The pack comes with 2 arrows so i'm guessing they are going to fit somehow.
I think there is a 0% chance the Perseus can fit anything bigger than a Rover, much less 2 Arrows. The only space that's not already taken up is the cargo area which can hold "up to 50 SCU or a rover" (emphasis mine). There's like.....literally no place to put them except for that 50 SCU. Be like trying to squeeze 2 Arrows in the back of a Freelancer.

It's just a multi-ship pack, they sell them all the time. If the Polaris only has space for a single fighter, no way the Perseus has room for two when the Polaris is 50% longer and has 3x the cargo space, which is even separate from the hangar deck.
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