Is the Perseus useful to the org?


Nov 28, 2018
RSI Handle
They are currently 980 m/second, laughably slow, since both my Carrack and my Star Runner can simply run away from them. (As can a Hammerhead.) Which means they cross the engagement range of those size 3 point defense turrets of the Perseus in less than a third of a second. They should be travelling at roughly 1800 m/s. (Roughly 150% of the maximum speed of the fastest designed targets.
To the front and off either beam there is only one turret that can engage the torps. (The bottom turret can only fire to the rear.)

If the torps are coming in one at a time, sure, you can probably get a majority of them, but unless you are facing a lone Eclipse, why would you only be facing one torpedo at a time? The Tali and the Polaris each have four rails.

Since a Hammerhead has size 4 guns, and there are few angles that a Hammerhead can't put 4 turrets on, it get significantly tougher to score a hit with a Torp.
You have 3 seconds (not 1/3 of a second). A torp isn't like an Aurora. It has no shields, no armor, 1 shot it's down.
And did you forget those S7 8k range guns? There any reasons why they can't be used to shoot down all the S9+ missiles well before they get to 3k range?


Nov 28, 2018
RSI Handle
In my opinion, S9+ missiles can be used in 3 ways.
1. On an unsuspecting target
2. To draw fire away from your own ship
3. The best way to use them, take your ship to full speed, fly pass your target, and as you pass your target launch the torps. You are basically shielding your missiles until impact. Obviously this has consequences.

Trying to kill a sub capital from 20k range isn't one of them, unless of course all the crew is drinking beer (1).


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
I wonder what the projectile speed is? If I see a shot from 8km away will I have a few moments to dodge it?
It was for the Ares Ion (Ares Q&A), so this is for laser cannon S7. They said that if we want some comparison with what existed in game, the Ion laser gun would do 2400 DPS and fire over 8km away.

And nothing about projectile speed unfortunately. Since lasers in SC don't travel the speed of light that is a big distance to cover ;)


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
It was for the Ares Ion (Ares Q&A), so this is for laser cannon S7. They said that if we want some comparison with what existed in game, the Ion laser gun would do 2400 DPS and fire over 8km away.

And nothing about projectile speed unfortunately. Since lasers in SC don't travel the speed of light that is a big distance to cover ;)
Yeah, a couple patches ago I was in my Connie and had a Hornet come after so I got up to top speed and decoupled - he was in range of my S4 laser canon but the projectiles were too slow and he could dodge them easily. Same for his Repeater fire, to be honest, I was able to dodge those well enough no to be at risk. It was fairly stalemate until he got the nuts up to close distance 🙂


Grand Admiral
Jun 23, 2016
RSI Handle
I purchased the Perseus (Ambush Pack) because I felt it was the closest thing to what I want in a FLEET ship that I could afford. By melting everything of course, including my Carrack which I personally was not happy with after waiting for so long. Sure Carrack probably would have been better to keep than the Perseus, but I'm not going to keep a ship I'm not happy with. My plan for this ship is as a CAP Escort, Mining/Frigate Escort, Blockade Defense, Patrol within TEST controlled space (LONG LIVE OUR GLORIOUS LEADER!), Mission Running, VIP Escort, Planetary Invasions. The possibilities end when your imagination does.

There are some flaws in the Perseus that does need to be addressed. Like the lack of medical facilities. Hell even a fold down bed with some medical equipment that comes out of the wall that could at least stabilize a patient until a Medical Assistance Team arrived. Last thing I need is to have men under my command die needlessly, IF our characters lives are going to be that valuable in SC of course... Size of the torps could have been bigger, but I suppose they fit for it's compact Gun Boat design. Cargo bay is almost useless, I would have preferred a fighter bay or even use half of that extra space for facilities like a small med bay, armory, brig, or whatever. Point is it's too small and feels like wasted space for this design, but it is a "civilian" model so I guess that explains it. Bridge is alright I guess but could have been better. Needs like a holo display/map for the commander to have an interactive view of the battle and to see any visual orders/attack plans given by the Fleet Commander. With the dual large shields I hope there to be some good armor. Especially on the bow, being the most exposed underneath. Docking collar and Escape pods are an excellent addition. Docking collar will make it easier to get my men medical care quickly.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I was wondering this myself. People were talking like it had a 2.5km range when we don't even have S7 in game right now. Hopefully S7 is stronger than we think because people are already writing this ship off.
The Size 3 Gatling point defense system has a 2.5km range.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
You have 3 seconds (not 1/3 of a second). A torp isn't like an Aurora. It has no shields, no armor, 1 shot it's down.
And did you forget those S7 8k range guns? There any reasons why they can't be used to shoot down all the S9+ missiles well before they get to 3k range?
You are correct, just under 3 seconds. My bad.

I don't consider a Size 7 gun to be point defense. But hey if it is firing at torps instead of ships, that is a win. Low rate of fire and low muzzle velocity vs. a high speed target, on an STS mount should not be the most effective AAA in the game. They used 16" guns on battleships to shoot at Kamakazies in the Pacific. It wasn't very effective. :)


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
The primary role of the corvettes is to act as a patrol and convoy escort vessels. I see this ship and a Hammerhead or two supporting several Hull-E's. It is not so much to be used to go out and tangle with capital size ships, but added punch in case of pirate or Vanduul raids. Able to deal with large class ships that these might bring.
Also, it would be more cost effective and use less manpower than using a Polaris and would have longer range and sustainability than the Ares would.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
The Size 3 Gatling point defense system has a 2.5km range.
Ahh, I must've not been paying attention, was sleep deprived yesterday. 2.5km is a decent range on anti-torp when you should probably have already spotted them coming in. If you don't spot the torp firer then you're in trouble no matter what.

By melting everything of course, including my Carrack which I personally was not happy with after waiting for so long.
I actually feel this way in a sorts about the Carrack. It's a nice ship, but I feel like something is missing. Honestly feel the same way about the MSR, maybe I just need to fly it more and get used to it. MSR feels a bit too doorsy. So many fucking doors.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
The primary role of the corvettes is to act as a patrol and convoy escort vessels. I see this ship and a Hammerhead or two supporting several Hull-E's. It is not so much to be used to go out and tangle with capital size ships, but added punch in case of pirate or Vanduul raids. Able to deal with large class ships that these might bring.
I actually like this guy's take on it. It does appear to be a very viable raiding ship itself. Not so much a protection ship such as a HH, but a hunter class ship. Rolling up on a trading vessel and taking down its shields fast with those S7 guns, maybe even disabling the engines.

One thing people have talked about but I haven't heard this take, those two things on the side of the docking plate may actually be clamps to attach to another ship and enter. Probably not, but would be amazing if true.


Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Ahh, I must've not been paying attention, was sleep deprived yesterday. 2.5km is a decent range on anti-torp when you should probably have already spotted them coming in. If you don't spot the torp firer then you're in trouble no matter what.
It comes down to how many torps can you engage in that less than 3 second window.

A Retaliator should make you sweat. Four Eclipses or a Polaris should make you sweat rather uncomfortably. A pair of coordinated Talis should induce panic.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Now in a Squadron, a Polaris or two at the center, 2 to four of these and 4-6 Hammerheads, with the Hammerheads on the perimeter, would be a nasty customer.
The one and only thing the Peseus has going for it vs a Hammerhead is that the Perseus needs less crew and can concentrate fire on a target better.

Thats a good thing.
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