Is the Perseus useful to the org?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
How do you slave a turret? I've heard this several times but I am not sure if there is a capability yet. By slave I mean, point the turrets forward (ones that can) and use them forward facing only tied to the pilot.. just like a fighter. I understand the blades will be AI... that is not what I am asking about.
Its not. Its one of the future features like being able to hire AI. The idea is you can add modules to your ships computer rack to either slave the gun to the pilots cursor or allow the gun to automatically fire on targets. What has been expressed is that guns size and types will require different computer capacity and each ship will have different computer resources used for things like slaving turrets, scanning, etc. All part of allowing you to customize your ship to the role and situations.


Space Marshal
May 31, 2014
RSI Handle
Of all the concepts they could have gone for, this is not the most interesting.
I think this ship would be low in need but it depends on the make up of the fleet it is in. I do see it being useful with a specific escort as it doesn’t have a high crew demand. However, with the size of the org it really will depend on what the mission is and what is available for as a fleet for that mission.

I’d like to think of all of the ships as chess pieces. There will be a need for each piece, however keep in mind this will not be your typical chest piece. You may have a knight that can double as a bishop, maybe it only slides diagonally for 3 or 4 squares, but having 4 of them vs two of the normals could work. Or no queen but a king that can move in all directions for 3 squares vs 1. Not ideal but saves you a piece you can use to replace that queen with another upgraded knight.

I”m looking forward to seeing how fleet battles come in to play and what the life expectancy is as well as how tactics play out.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I think this ship would be low in need but it depends on the make up of the fleet it is in. I do see it being useful with a specific escort as it doesn’t have a high crew demand. However, with the size of the org it really will depend on what the mission is and what is available for as a fleet for that mission.

I’d like to think of all of the ships as chess pieces. There will be a need for each piece, however keep in mind this will not be your typical chest piece. You may have a knight that can double as a bishop, maybe it only slides diagonally for 3 or 4 squares, but having 4 of them vs two of the normals could work. Or no queen but a king that can move in all directions for 3 squares vs 1. Not ideal but saves you a piece you can use to replace that queen with another upgraded knight.

I”m looking forward to seeing how fleet battles come in to play and what the life expectancy is as well as how tactics play out.
I would say this ship on paper has lots of possibilities. Its slated targets is for the most part in the sweet spot of most players ship sizes as capital ships will often be to costly to operate as a daily driver and the smaller ships while common are going to be mostly seen around core systems given their limited ranges and small payloads (not enough to be targets of opportunity for player pirates and thus not really needing escorts)

In fleet battles its primary role would be to knock out the Hammerhead whose primary role is to act as a fighter screen for the large capital ships. Knock out the hammerheads and then your fleet fighters/bombers can easily work against the Capital ships as well as bring in boarding parties to capture them if that's the goal. This is not to say the Perseus can't join in just it has to be more careful as it would be far easier to be targeted by the Capital ships and thus be at a disadvantage.

Now the real strength would be to use the Perseus as part of a pirate strike force as it would be able to quickly disable the large haulers and the large guard ships as the goal would be to get in and out quickly before the call for help can be answered. So an attrition fight would not be a good thing.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I think it's going to depend greatly on how much hull the ship has. It carries 2 Large shield generators so can take some beating. If the hull is beefier than the HH, then I think it will have a place at whatever speed it offers. Like the HH, it could prove a great in system interdiction ship, against people trespassing in mining fields, etc.

The faster this is the more useful it will be and of course we know nothing yet about S7 weapons. Once this goes up on erkul we'll at least know something about the damage the hull can absorb. My guess is this will be quite large. Still though, like the HH, a Polaris is gonna kill this quickly. It has only Medium sensors so probably would never know what killed it in such a contest. For independent action, choose the Polaris.

BTW, so far as I am aware, there are still no countermeasures to be found on any large and cap class ships. That is by design and that is why the HH is so easy to kill with torps.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Still though, like the HH, a Polaris is gonna kill this quickly
The problem I have with this statement i keep seeing is that the Polaris isn't a true capitol class. It has a few components, but is still mostly a large vessel. So if the Perseus is designed to kill it, why do people think the Perseus will lose to absolutely everything except the HH? Because I haven't heard detractors say it will be able to kill anything but the HH and large noncombat ships.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
I'm not sure about its solo use. However, I think of the Perseus from a fleet action perspective. If we thought of an Org fleet led by a Javelin as its flagship, the Perseus would be like a light frigate sailing at the fleet's fringe, its mission to deter the enemy from encroaching upon the capital ship. In that regard, it may be highly useful to deter incoming bombers, etc. before they get too close.


Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2016
RSI Handle
I like this discussion. I am considering overpaying for a Best in Show Hammerhead because i think it's pretty, and it is still the gunship to beat in the PU right now. I like point defense, it is what we really are going to be dealing with when every Ares and eclipse in the verse starts pounding us.

That being said, I can't justify the Perseus over my long term goal, the Polaris. At this point, we are really talking about large fleet composition and Long term ops. The Perseus is going to be effective in a fleet of ships. It will be looking for Minelayers to kill, Hammerheads to break, and helping when it comes time to kill a big bad Idris. It needs to be a part of a strike package. That being said, I'm not ready to shell out the bucks for another round of ships. Meta is making my original fleet feel really old and redundant. (looking at you Max and Terrapin)
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
When you say other ships can fill its role in numbers, Just think about their jump / weapons ranges. This can not only jump farther and faster than fighters, it can most likely shoot from a farther distance than smaller vessels can. If you are an unsuspecting target, and you have a perseus jump in near you, how long would it take your org to assemble a fleet to counter and get them there in time. A HH isnt going to be able to hit a perseus if its guns cant reach it, much less any other ship with smaller weapons (I could be wrong, I just assume smaller weapons have less range).


Space Marshal
Apr 12, 2015
RSI Handle
I purchased the Perseus (Ambush Pack) because I felt it was the closest thing to what I want in a FLEET ship that I could afford. By melting everything of course, including my Carrack which I personally was not happy with after waiting for so long.
You know, for me, I wish they just made the [Carrack] entirely fat, including the cockpit/ramp and front landing gear, or have made it a cap ship and kept it long. I think the back of the [Carrack] looks like a star destroyer, the middle of the ship looks like a heavy freighter, and then the front of the ship side profile looks like an awkward goose whose neck is going to get snapped by a hard landing.

I love the functions, but in all honesty I have two IRL friends max who I'm going to be able to recruit to play this game, and having both of them be able to man size seven guns is probably a stronger sell than let's go exploring. I'd be keeping the Carrack as my Normandy if it still looked like it did in concept, or had the tank look back to front, but if I'm not going to feel like a baller every time I hit F4, I'm much less interested.

I've always been interested in being able to give a black eye to those who have bigger ships, and trading a tali for the aquila, and the Carrack for a Perseus might let me do that and still be able to explore.

[And the Perseus looks like a 1960s Chevrolet fucked a naval destroyer and they had a baby. I'm here for it.]
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Space Marshal
Apr 12, 2015
RSI Handle
When you say other ships can fill its role in numbers, Just think about their jump / weapons ranges. This can not only jump farther and faster than fighters, it can most likely shoot from a farther distance...A HH isnt going to be able to hit a perseus if its guns cant reach it, much less any other ship with smaller weapons (I could be wrong, I just assume smaller weapons have less range).
They've suggested the larger weapons will have longer ranges in the ares q+a, I do believe.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I think the back of the ship looks like a star destroyer, the middle of the ship looks like a heavy freighter, and then the front of the ship side profile looks like an awkward goose whose neck is going to get snapped by a hard landing.
The Perseus looks like what I had hoped the Constellation would have. It just looks so damned amazing. The Connie just looks goofy, but this looks like an actual ship.


Space Marshal
Jun 17, 2018
RSI Handle
I think there is a 0% chance the Perseus can fit anything bigger than a Rover, much less 2 Arrows. The only space that's not already taken up is the cargo area which can hold "up to 50 SCU or a rover" (emphasis mine). There's like.....literally no place to put them except for that 50 SCU. Be like trying to squeeze 2 Arrows in the back of a Freelancer.

It's just a multi-ship pack, they sell them all the time. If the Polaris only has space for a single fighter, no way the Perseus has room for two when the Polaris is 50% longer and has 3x the cargo space, which is even separate from the hangar deck.
Prettey sure they'll fit after salvage


Grand Admiral
Nov 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I purchased the Perseus (Ambush Pack) because I felt it was the closest thing to what I want in a FLEET ship that I could afford. By melting everything of course, including my Carrack which I personally was not happy with after waiting for so long. Sure Carrack probably would have been better to keep than the Perseus, but I'm not going to keep a ship I'm not happy with. My plan for this ship is as a CAP Escort, Mining/Frigate Escort, Blockade Defense, Patrol within TEST controlled space (LONG LIVE OUR GLORIOUS LEADER!), Mission Running, VIP Escort, Planetary Invasions. The possibilities end when your imagination does.

There are some flaws in the Perseus that does need to be addressed. Like the lack of medical facilities. Hell even a fold down bed with some medical equipment that comes out of the wall that could at least stabilize a patient until a Medical Assistance Team arrived. Last thing I need is to have men under my command die needlessly, IF our characters lives are going to be that valuable in SC of course... Size of the torps could have been bigger, but I suppose they fit for it's compact Gun Boat design. Cargo bay is almost useless, I would have preferred a fighter bay or even use half of that extra space for facilities like a small med bay, armory, brig, or whatever. Point is it's too small and feels like wasted space for this design, but it is a "civilian" model so I guess that explains it. Bridge is alright I guess but could have been better. Needs like a holo display/map for the commander to have an interactive view of the battle and to see any visual orders/attack plans given by the Fleet Commander. With the dual large shields I hope there to be some good armor. Especially on the bow, being the most exposed underneath. Docking collar and Escape pods are an excellent addition. Docking collar will make it easier to get my men medical care quickly.
My Perseus or Hammerhead will patrol with ya!


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
BTW, so far as I am aware, there are still no countermeasures to be found on any large and cap class ships. That is by design and that is why the HH is so easy to kill with torps.
Its currently easy to kill but this is only due to the current state of the game. The near future already has the solution in the concept of using point defense guns to shot down missiles and torpedoes. So the hammerhead should be able to defend itself by actively shooting down missiles and torpedoes as well as other large/capital ships have similar capability.

They've suggested the larger weapons will have longer ranges in the ares q+a, I do believe.
Correct as well as higher penetration values against armor.

The problem I have with this statement i keep seeing is that the Polaris isn't a true capitol class. It has a few components, but is still mostly a large vessel. So if the Perseus is designed to kill it, why do people think the Perseus will lose to absolutely everything except the HH? Because I haven't heard detractors say it will be able to kill anything but the HH and large noncombat ships.
The Polaris only advantage over the Perseus at the moment is the capital radar and the size 10 torpedoes which should allow it to not only see the Perseus first but also fight against it outside the range Perseus can hit back. If the Perseus is able to engage in close quarters its going to have a chance of taking out the Polaris but it all depends on the armor differences between the two.

The other question is how easily its going to be for the Idris to maneuver to bring its rail gun against the Perseus (same question against the Polaris). It might be that one Perseus is not much of a threat against an Idris but 3 would eat it for breakfast.

The advantages you get for going up in ship size is the shield/armor combat reach, damage/penetration and qt travel speed/range. The biggest disadvantage is operating costs and that you are a big juicy target for everyone who wants to test their skills.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
The Polaris only advantage over the Perseus at the moment is the capital radar and the size 10 torpedoes which should allow it to not only see the Perseus first
Yeah, it's a bigger radar, but also a Cap power supply. Signatures are a thing and the Polaris should have a MASSIVE signature. So even the smaller radar of the Perseus could pick up the Polaris first. We really won't know until we have in game and scanning features are more fleshed out.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Yeah, it's a bigger radar, but also a Cap power supply. Signatures are a thing and the Polaris should have a MASSIVE signature. So even the smaller radar of the Perseus could pick up the Polaris first. We really won't know until we have in game and scanning features are more fleshed out.
It might work that way but currently its radar size dictates how far out you can see and in past CR games radar size gave you fixed range. I have a feeling that its still going to be fixed range (you can adjust the scan area to increase range in a given direction) but that ships EM/IR etc will impact how quickly other ships identify your existence inside their scanners range.

So gun size will increase range and radar size will increase possible target range.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Hence the reason to engage that Polaris with more than one Perseus. The first one is likely to be toast!
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
It might work that way but currently its radar size dictates how far out you can see and in past CR games radar size gave you fixed range. I have a feeling that its still going to be fixed range (you can adjust the scan area to increase range in a given direction) but that ships EM/IR etc will impact how quickly other ships identify your existence inside their scanners range.

So gun size will increase range and radar size will increase possible target range.
From what I've read/experienced it's IR/EM that dictates how far you can be seen. Different sized radars then modify that number, with a smaller radar reducing it by up to 60%. Large radars I believe see at a 75% modifier. So if you're signature is too high, you'll be seen regardless.

From what I know an example would be: An EM of 100k being passive scanned by a Large radar would see the ship from 75km away. But an EM of 60k being passive scanned by a Cap radar would see the full 60km away. The real numbers we won't know until both ships are in game and see whether a Cap power plant has a higher signature than two Large power plants, since all other components are similar. I don't know if radar EM adds much to that. Also note, I've gotten a Carrack running hot and in QT to register near 200k EM.
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