Is the Perseus useful to the org?


Space Marshal
Jun 17, 2018
RSI Handle
I feel like this ship has to have something we're missing. There's no way it's useless.
If it's useless it would be very irresponsible to buy it... so as a vessel that will endanger its crew unnecessarily to achieve an equal effect compared to alternative hit and run tactics with heavy fighters and bombers it's a must have without question then.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I feel like this ship has to have something we're missing. There's no way it's useless.
Well Q&A tread is already present in Spectrum, some of the question alreaady posted are aimed toward the advantages of this ship in anti-sub-capital ship combat scenarios, so we'll see.
For now, it feel like the Perseus unique role is to attrack torpedos, so they are not aimed toward other move valuable ship... not a very proud role.


Nov 28, 2018
RSI Handle
It's a good ship. I see some people comparing it to 4x Aries. Well if you had 4 people to fly your 4 Aries then you can fly this ship perfectly. 4x Aries is $800. 1x Perseus is $600.
Yes it sucks at maneuvering, but you are shooting at Hammerheads from like 6.5k Range. By the time the Hammerhead gets to 4.2K range with their S4, it's already long dead lol.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
It's a good ship. I see some people comparing it to 4x Aries. Well if you had 4 people to fly your 4 Aries then you can fly this ship perfectly. 4x Aries is $800. 1x Perseus is $600.
Yes it sucks at maneuvering, but you are shooting at Hammerheads from like 6.5k Range. By the time the Hammerhead gets to 4.2K range with their S4, it's already long dead lol.
Well, living the price aside (you'll will be able to buy those ship in game after all...), is not only a mater of fire power, is the whole packege that make it viable or not.
Yes, the Ares will be more fragile of the Psrseus, but they are also smaller, with a less signature, and likely very, very less affective by torpedos and eventually being able to resist a bit while engaged with a dogfighter. (or at least run away...)
The Perseus on the other end is a big target (and I'll to remeber you that the Idris also have a nice reilgun.... just in csse..), slow, with really ppor protection angaist either incoming torpedos AND fighter. Yes, it will likely have better shield and armor, but it will also take a LOT more hit then the smaller fighter and also have a big signature.

So yes, if we have 4 pilot we could use the Perseus at full capacity, but why prefer it over 4 Ares (or a combination of Ares and Eclipse) since the effective weapons are either the same (ares) or better (Eclipse)?


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
It's a good ship. I see some people comparing it to 4x Aries. Well if you had 4 people to fly your 4 Aries then you can fly this ship perfectly. 4x Aries is $800. 1x Perseus is $600.
Yes it sucks at maneuvering, but you are shooting at Hammerheads from like 6.5k Range. By the time the Hammerhead gets to 4.2K range with their S4, it's already long dead lol.
The problem with your scenario --> by the time the Perseus gets to 6.5km away from a Hammerhead, my Retaliator has had you locked for about 15km (or a Polaris would have you locked for ?25-30-ish km?) a battle, you aren't going to get that close without being a big target yourself.

At least with the Ares, you are much smaller and harder to target with torpedoes, while having the same range since your guns are the same size. Also, the Perseus is going to take at least 4 people minimum, more likely 6 to fly effectively. If the AA guns are decent, then I can see a role for the Perseus protecting larger ships from incoming torpedoes, but as pointed out above by @Cugino83 , that isn't a great role (and likely, fighters would also be able to fill that role, when we can target torpedoes, or again, a HH would also be great at that role with the 6 turrets with the 4 Size4 guns).


Nov 28, 2018
RSI Handle
Well, living the price aside (you'll will be able to buy those ship in game after all...), is not only a mater of fire power, is the whole packege that make it viable or not.
Yes, the Ares will be more fragile of the Psrseus, but they are also smaller, with a less signature, and likely very, very less affective by torpedos and eventually being able to resist a bit while engaged with a dogfighter. (or at least run away...)
The Perseus on the other end is a big target (and I'll to remeber you that the Idris also have a nice reilgun.... just in csse..), slow, with really ppor protection angaist either incoming torpedos AND fighter. Yes, it will likely have better shield and armor, but it will also take a LOT more hit then the smaller fighter and also have a big signature.

So yes, if we have 4 pilot we could use the Perseus at full capacity, but why prefer it over 4 Ares (or a combination of Ares and Eclipse) since the effective weapons are either the same (ares) or better (Eclipse)?
In any war you have to factor in the cost. If we all had unlimited resources then this wouldn't be a discussion.


Nov 28, 2018
RSI Handle
The problem with your scenario --> by the time the Perseus gets to 6.5km away from a Hammerhead, my Retaliator has had you locked for about 15km (or a Polaris would have you locked for ?25-30-ish km?) a battle, you aren't going to get that close without being a big target yourself.

At least with the Ares, you are much smaller and harder to target with torpedoes, while having the same range since your guns are the same size. Also, the Perseus is going to take at least 4 people minimum, more likely 6 to fly effectively. If the AA guns are decent, then I can see a role for the Perseus protecting larger ships from incoming torpedoes, but as pointed out above by @Cugino83 , that isn't a great role (and likely, fighters would also be able to fill that role, when we can target torpedoes, or again, a HH would also be great at that role with the 6 turrets with the 4 Size4 guns).
S9 missiles are not difficult to shoot down if you dedicate. Those things are huge and travel like a turtle. Yes sure it may hit you from 6.5k range if you fire like 10 of them at the same time :p

Make no mistake, S9 Missiles are not going to be what you think. A Retaliator taking out a Hammerhead at 20k range... They are easy targets to take down. You would have to fire a tonne of them at the same time and hope that ship doesn't have crew dedicated to shooting down missiles (missiles as priority). Or else get within 1k range to fire them...
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Regarless of the weapon with a wondering 92 m/s of SCM speed, I doubt this ship could be much of a treat to something like the HH since that has a "astonishing" SCM speed of 105m/s
Where are you seeing the speeds? There's nothing about it on the specs of the store page.


Grand Admiral
Nov 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I think we probably know all there is to know about it from all the datamining and pictures.

Question is, will this be a useful ship?

At the moment, taking out a Hammerhead is not hard, a few Eclipse torp runs and its done.

With improved countermeasures making this a bit tougher, having a gunship like the Perseus makes sense, but having 4-5 Ares Infernos does the same thing.

So many questions.
I have the Perseus and hammer head now lol.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Size 7 guns and size 5 torpedoes? How is this this better than 4 Ares? Ares are more maneuverable and if you want size 5 torpedoes, get a Gladiator. Those size 5 torpedoes won't hit a fighter and you can't get close enough to a capital ship to launch them and not have them shot down before they can hit. Decoys so they stop shooting you for a few seconds while they shoot your torpedoes?

A big, giant target with no med bay, needs pilot, engineer and two gunners, MINIMUM, and it hits as hard, really, as 4 Ares, but is a sitting duck with large shields and a giant profile. You'll be easy to hit in a 100 meter ship and large shields will not stand up to capital ship bombardment.

If you want to kill sub-cap or capital ships with 6 people, get 4 Ares and 2 Eclipses. The Kraken even has one size 8 turret.

I'm completely underwhelmed, CIG.
The Ares has 4 size 5 missile hardpoints. AFAIK they are not bespoke, which means each Ares can carry and launch in one salvo 4x size 5 torps.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I agree those S7's are going to pack a punch against any ship they can land shots on. And the mini guns are going to make it hard to bring down by throwing torpedoes at it.
Look where the Point Defense turrets are. They are Size 3 GT220, which has, around, a 3500 meter range. Only one of the turrets has a shot if fired at from the front or either beam. Size 9 torps are slow but travel at 980m/s. If the torpedoes are not launched one at a time but 4+ at a time, then two or three will hit. If you are facing 4 Eclipses, or a Polaris, you have to survive more than one salvo, but even a single Tali will hurt. (Presuming ECCM vs. Chaff and Flares reduces their effectiveness from the current 100%.)

Oops, less than 2500 meters for the GT220 according to Erkul.
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Where are you seeing the speeds? There's nothing about it on the specs of the store page.
In the Perseus promo page, chapter "The Perseus by numbers"


Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
S9 missiles are not difficult to shoot down if you dedicate. Those things are huge and travel like a turtle. Yes sure it may hit you from 6.5k range if you fire like 10 of them at the same time :p

Make no mistake, S9 Missiles are not going to be what you think. A Retaliator taking out a Hammerhead at 20k range... They are easy targets to take down. You would have to fire a tonne of them at the same time and hope that ship doesn't have crew dedicated to shooting down missiles (missiles as priority). Or else get within 1k range to fire them...
They are currently 980 m/second, laughably slow, since both my Carrack and my Star Runner can simply run away from them. (As can a Hammerhead.) Which means they cross the engagement range of those size 3 point defense turrets of the Perseus in less than a third of a second. They should be travelling at roughly 1800 m/s. (Roughly 150% of the maximum speed of the fastest designed targets.
To the front and off either beam there is only one turret that can engage the torps. (The bottom turret can only fire to the rear.)

If the torps are coming in one at a time, sure, you can probably get a majority of them, but unless you are facing a lone Eclipse, why would you only be facing one torpedo at a time? The Tali and the Polaris each have four rails.

Since a Hammerhead has size 4 guns, and there are few angles that a Hammerhead can't put 4 turrets on, it get significantly tougher to score a hit with a Torp.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Once dubbed “sub-cap slayers,” the four massive size-7 cannons attached to manually operated turrets spell big trouble for big ships.
Twin ballistic Gatling guns can be fully automated or remotely controlled to keep incoming ordnance at bay,
while a military-inspired launch bay packs up to 20 size-5 torpedoes to make life hell for swarming fighters or rival gunboats.
4 size 7 guns ( 2 on each turret )
4 size 3 Ballistic Gatling ( 2 on each turret )
20 size 5 missile/torpedoes

I would not want to be on receiving end of the barrage of fire when it let loose....

Perseus Specs.png

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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
In the Perseus promo page, chapter "The Perseus by numbers"

Ahh, did not see that page. Interesting that it can carry a Rover. I do like that since the others of its size cannot. Lack of medway is concerning, but I feel it should be in a fleet anyways.


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
I'm impressed people actually weigh up its viability unlike me who just see's the hammerhead in half and think yes... that should be my ship.... which it is now
I'm with you on this :)

Oh and it does not matter, but the turret range of a S7 is over 8km (see Ares Q&A).


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
turret range of a S7 is over 8km (see Ares Q&A).
I was wondering this myself. People were talking like it had a 2.5km range when we don't even have S7 in game right now. Hopefully S7 is stronger than we think because people are already writing this ship off.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I was wondering this myself. People were talking like it had a 2.5km range when we don't even have S7 in game right now. Hopefully S7 is stronger than we think because people are already writing this ship off.
I wonder what the projectile speed is? If I see a shot from 8km away will I have a few moments to dodge it?
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