Is the Tonk going to be completely useless?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
So, as I'm into tonks modeling (the german WW2 variants mostly, cos just look at all those sexy vertical easy to penetrate panels!), I decided to grab the holoviewer model and make a properly 3d printable version from that. I want a tonk on my desk! Right after I'm finished with the MSR...

Note that the following is entirely based on the Holoviewer Model, and as such, probably incorrect!

First of all, it feels smaller "in person" than the 16m length would suggest, but that's cos I'm used to ships being rather large as well...

Upon looking inside (which you can do yourself by downloading mesh lab and grabbing the model as per the instruction here ) it seems like it will be an unmanned turret, 2 driver seats in the front, and a gunner seat placed in the middle. The rear has a crew/transport compartment where you enter the tonk, and should be the place for the troops it carries. It has module panels inside for the modules to be fitted later.
Here comes the interesting bit: if CiG goes with the physicalized modules and "wiring" on the tank like on the ships, they will either:
- have to make the tank a bit larger (wider mostly) or
- make the rear compartment smaller to accomodate the modules
- add space under the floor, which there is some even now
Most module panels open into the tracks on the sides! There is no thicccc armor between the tracks and the actual inside of the tonk, and no space for any stuff like generators, coolers, comm equipment and whatever else it needs to run. There are two panels that could house some small modules without clipping into the turret operator seat area.
There are no gun racks or space for them.
Note that the pilot compartment is rather large and wastes space, but that is a necessity of the game (you need space to stand up in)
Also there is no space to the sides or the floor for the suspension to attach to yet, and the number2 roadwheels are missing any sort of linkage to the tank lol
The rear large door on the holomodel while looks cool, is a huge waste of space as well.

Now for the turret:
Looking at the main gun, depending on it's pivot point (which I assume is Not the rounded protrusions on the turret's sides), should be capable of pointing down quiet a bit, thus able to shoot what's right in front of it, and making this a good tank for fighting in a hull-down position as well. The same can't be said for the dual laser on top. It sits too low and back for any support against close targets like infantry runnin up to it.
Also, no coax, wtf CiG?
The missile rack on the back is impressive and should provide a lot of AA cover until it runs dry. 24 missiles is nothing to scoff at, so yeah, I was wrong on that account!
But.. if the game had ricochets, the turret+hull from the front is what I believe is referred to as a shell-trap. Any incoming hard shell (or maybe even lezorz) will be bounced into the bottom of the turret from the hull, or the hull from the turret. It is good looking sci-fi design, I love the shape, it's just not very practical.
On the bottom front of the turret (in-line with the dual lasers) where the turret ring should be, there is a rectangular stepped inset, which looks like could be a window/camera port. Again, with all the armor sloped to that spot, it would be a very bad idea irl, but I digress.. So, this may be the spot where the turret operator looks through? You would have ablosuletly terrible fov though cos of the turret overhang above and the gun blocking the left. It's also highly likely it's just an interesting visual design element...

Tracks: it's RWD as of now, which means CiG will have to come up with a system that drives the rear sprockets, and place the engine accordingly. There is some space inside and above the tracks, and a little bit in the front wedge of the hull. Or they can just say it's hub-motors... I'd go with that as it's the easiest sci-fiest of them all.
It has been confirmed by CiG that the Tonk will have fully working tracks and suspension! I wonder how that will play out with the online physics model lol

Here's a render for size refernce, yes it's insanely large. figures are 185cm, green lines are 16m (length of tonk /w gun)
Also some cutaways.
View attachment 20293
View attachment 20292
View attachment 20291

btw, how many orks would you need to lift those hinged armor plates on the sides for field repairs? lol
Sweet modeling. And yes there is lots of wasted space inside but that's the cost of needing physicalized space to move both PC and NPC's around in. Still being a grunt and seeing one of those coming towards you would be most intimidating. Also makes me realize just how large the Herc has to be to be able to carry two and the ramps to roll on/off.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Sweet modeling. And yes there is lots of wasted space inside but that's the cost of needing physicalized space to move both PC and NPC's around in. Still being a grunt and seeing one of those coming towards you would be most intimidating. Also makes me realize just how large the Herc has to be to be able to carry two and the ramps to roll on/off.
Yeah they seem to have put a lot of effort into it, loads of small random details are there as well.
This model clocks in at exactly 900.000 polygons! Thats a shitlload of polys just to be displayed in a small window in a browser lol.

As you said, there is space for stuff in the front, and the turret is huge, they could add stuff there, but repairs and replacement on the turret could be problematic as it's only accessible from the ouside.
Well, at least it appears to be fully closed up, no space for ppl inside, but that can be changed easily.
They could also add stuff between the outer side panel and the inner, placed between the tracks, extending the inside this way.
Currently there are no return rollers for the tracks, so that space will be used by at least a few of those I guess.

Anyways, here's a top view:
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Why does it need to be a threat to anything but ground vehicles? We know there are at the moment two very effective AA ground vehicles that will prevent most ships of being effective in atmosphere from getting anywhere near the battle. So if you are able to use your Tonk to destroy the enemies AA while protecting your own AA then you would be able to leverage air support to great effect.

Things to take into consideration.
Given SC is going for realism with physicalized inventory that means ground troops are going to need resupplies and no magic parachuting in ammo crates will work. Ammo for ground troops will need to be flown in, drove in. . Very few of the ground vehicles have cargo space. So foot soldiers are going to be limited to what they can carry on themselves which will reduce the number of rockets and ammo for the rail gun.
The Ballista and Cyclone as reported by Sean Tracy are very effective against single pilot fighters when used in combined arms with in Theaters of War.

So while Tonks will be easy targets for fighters they will be effective against ground troops and vehicles while under the protection of AA.
Ground troops can have support from an Ursa, Hoplite, Valkyrie etc.
Wild Weasel craft are specifically designed to deal with AAA. Such craft exist in Star Citizen. :)


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Ground troops can have support from an Ursa, Hoplite, Valkyrie etc.
Wild Weasel craft are specifically designed to deal with AAA. Such craft exist in Star Citizen. :)
They do and they will be effective. But they also are taken out at a high rate as it not a clear advantage against AA and is more based on the skill of both AA and the pilot. The other consideration is that it is shooting size 7 and size 5 missiles so it has the potential range to out reach most fighter weapons.

The best offense against surface AA is likely to be an Idris flying low. I doubt even a battery of Ballista can touch that shield.
An intresting idea. It does have VTOL thrusters so we don't have to worry about the engines overheating attempting to keep it airborn. I imagine if you are able to maintain air domination then it would be possible. But my concern is that it only has one turret on the bottom and its not going to be able to use any of the other turrrets against ground targets.


Space Marshal
Jan 12, 2017
RSI Handle
IMO the tonk is gonna break the game. Think about it. If they could somehow fit in the CAT you could broadside something fierce lol. Then you have like 20 setups like that in an armada ganking people. Imagine having a C2 with a tonk at the back for defense. IMO they will be carrier ship addons and together the tonk will add value.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
IMO the tonk is gonna break the game. Think about it. If they could somehow fit in the CAT you could broadside something fierce lol. Then you have like 20 setups like that in an armada ganking people. Imagine having a C2 with a tonk at the back for defense. IMO they will be carrier ship addons and together the tonk will add value.
Considering that the Tonk size is unlikely to be fitted into a Caterpiallar: you can't even fit a Merli in there and is way way smaller that this.... and I'm not even considering the problem to get it into the ramp...
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