Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
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Wait, I have to drink Heineken to save Beer, or does one just need to drink beer, as I'd perfer a different brand if I be drinking?

Yeah, I think a lot of people feel that way. But there is also, we need to keep our economy moving or we could have a recession that would make the 1929 crash look like a picnic. It's a balancing act.
Indeed, unfortunately my particular country has had the word economic hit and one of the highest number of deaths. About as unbalanced as it's possible to be, heh.
I am sure most people feel this about their country. This virus if nothing else does show just how global most people are in their travels, which has to be a good thing even if it leads to a higher spread rate of new strains.

Finally starting to see the tail end of this nightmare

View attachment 20280

Unfortunately there is still that lag between new cases and deaths which are currently peaking:

View attachment 20281

I honestly wish I could be as optimistic as you are in regards to the curve but I feel like its just a small dip before it picks back up again. One thing I do fully expect to see is as this drags on the number of deaths should naturally start to taper off even if the infection rate remains high. While its still to early to definitively tell the data is starting to point towards the fact that all of our actions in most countries did little to impact the infection curve. That this virus and its multitudes of mutations will be with us for the foreseeable future and the vaccines while technologically incredible will prove to be about as effective as the yearly flu shot (~45% effective).


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Thursday 11th of February:

- World: 107,482,468 confirmed cases and 2,358,085 confirmed deaths.

- US: CDC advises that if people have had their full course of vaccine injections there is no need to self isolate if they come into contact with someone carrying COVID-19, unless they become symptomatic.

- US: Study finds double-masking does work: "Each modification substantially improved source control and reduced wearer exposure,"

- UK: Researchers announce following a national trial Arthritis drug tocilizumab combined with an existing steroid treatment can help reduce deaths, an extra life will be saved for every 25 patents given the combination, while reducing recovery time and lessening the risk of having to be intubated.

- Germany: Extends lockdown, leaders defend the move advising of a very real risk of a 3rd wave.

- Portugal: Extends lockdown.

- Scotland: Warns vaccine program may slow later in the month amid Pfizer supply issues, central government remains confident.

- France: Paris Airport abandons plans to build another terminal as demand remains low.

- Africa: Continents health agency says Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine should still be rolled out following concerns raised in country of South Africa and it's efficiency in regard to the local dominant variant.

- Phillapines: To receive 600,000 doses of vaccine donated by China.

- Zimbabwe: To receive 200,000 donated vaccines from China and will purchase a further 600,000.

- Sweden: Sees lowest number of daily deaths in over 2 months.

- China: Number of trips to celebrate Lunar New Year down 74% on previous year.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Friday 12th of February:

- World: 108,015,884 confirmed cases and 2,374,415 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 108 million cases, we passed 107 million on Wednesday meaning another million in the last 2/3 days.

- US: Amazon retail company sues New York in response to a probe into COVID working safety concerns and apparent layoff connected to those who spoke out.

- US: Report indicates ex-president Trumps infection with COVID-19 was more serious than public advised at the time, as his blood oxygen fell into the 80's causing concerns they'd need to resort to intubation.

- UK: Economy contracts by 9.9% in 2020, the sharpest since records began in the 1700's.

- Scotland: Scotch sees its worst year in a decade for exports following COVID and a 25% tariff imposed by the US.

- Australia: Melbourne goes into circuit-breaker lockdown as Quarantine Hotel worker linked to a hot-spot of 13 cases. Australia Open tennis tournament to continue, but with not crowds watching.

- UK: Announces plans for Quarantine Hotels like Australia, however not as strict... which considering the piece of news about Melbourne above does not bode especially well...

- Europe: Germany, Austria and Czech republic announce boarder closures and travel restrictions.

- France: Recommends only a single Vaccine dose needed for people who have been previously infected by the virus biologically.

- Serbia: Approves SputnikV vaccine.

- WHO: Indicates all hypothesis on COVID origins still on the table in regard to current investigation. "Some questions have been raised as to whether some hypotheses have been discarded. Having spoken with some members of the team, I wish to confirm that all hypotheses remain open and require further analysis and study"

And local news from round 'BobFace's way:

- Lincolnshire: Local authority suspends refuse collection for 10 days as the virus rips through and incapacitates the majority of the waste removal technicians due to mass self isolation. This includes all scheduled curb side household, special arrangement bulky item removal and public waste bins.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Saturday 13th of February:

- World: 108,357,853 confirmed cases and 2,387,192 confirmed deaths.

- UK: Multiple more areas to undergo mass door-to-door testing as more cases of South African variant found.

- UK: Criticism comes in for the government after vulnerable groups missed out of initial priority vaccination list.

- US: Accusations emerge that COVID response in New York State hid the extent of the crisis in the states elderly homes.

- Cyprus: Protest against corruption and lockdown measures descends into clashes with police.

- China: Refuses to hand over personal data on earliest infections in the epidemic to WHO investigation team.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today, Sunday 14th of February:

- World: 108,692,309 confirmed cases and 2,396,649 confirmed deaths.

- New Zealand: City of Auckland goes back into lockdown as 3 confirmed cases discovered.

- UK: Foreign Secretary refuses to speculate when lockdown will be lifted saying any such move would be an arbitrary target.

- UK: Passes 15 million people with at least one administered vaccine dose, hitting the governments arbitrary target to have it achieved by mid February.

- UK: Ban on evictions extended to March.

- France: Hospitals prepare for crisis scenario amid expected serge due to variants.

- Guinea: Records first Ebola deaths since 2016 amid outbreak.

- Lebanon: Begins vaccination program.

- Rwanda: Begins vaccination program.

- Serbia: 1,000 people caught in a night club. The maximum permissible group is five, meaning the club was 19,900% over the legal limit.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Monday 15th of February:

- World: 109,058,261 confirmed cases and 2,405,339 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 109 million cases, we passed 108 million on Friday meaning another million in the last 3/4 days.

- Israel: Data from public vaccination drive indicates Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has the same efficiency rate in real world use as it did in it's medical trials at 94%.

- Israel: Take up of vaccines slows as misinformation keeps some people from accepting the medication.

- WHO: Approves Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine for global use, including use in the Covax vaccine cooperative.

- US: Administering 1.7 million COVID vaccinations a day, but faces shortages as eligibility expands."California announced that it would soon become one of just a handful of states to expand vaccine access to people of any age with underlying health issues or severe disabilities. But it has already used 72 percent of its doses and has shortages in some areas. The mass vaccination site at Dodger Stadium shut over the weekend because Los Angeles had exhausted its supply"

- UK: Members of a family who congregated for a wedding anniversary party fined a combined total of £14,000.

- UK: Report claims there is "no evidence" that Schools spread COVID however in the same report indicated that in Autumn of 2020 schools had the same infection rates (as evidenced by sickness absences) as the wider communities they are in. 'BobFace Note: That is called "being just as big a part of the problem" and is appears to be quite a big piece of evidence that yes they are just as major a source of infection as everywhere else.

- UK: Prime Minister Johnson suggests a global "Pandemic Treaty" for cross countries cooperation and sharing of data. European Council president Charles Michel responds “I welcome the support of Boris Johnson to work together on a pandemic treaty in order to improve global preparedness, resilience and recovery”

- UK: Another mutant variant discovered in the country, the well known one is called B117, the new one is called B1525 and while similar to B117 has similar spikes to the potent South African variant. It has been identified in 10 other countries, with 32 known cases in the UK so far.

- WTO: New head of World Trade Organization warns against Vaccine Nationalism: "Vaccine nationalism at this time just will not pay, because the variants are coming. If other countries are not immunized, it will just be a blow back."

- US: Dr. Fauci wins Dan David Prize award for defending science: “As the Covid-19 pandemic unraveled, [Fauci] leveraged his considerable communication skills to address people gripped by fear and anxiety and worked relentlessly to inform individuals in the United States and elsewhere about the public health measures essential for containing the pandemic’s spread,”

- Germany: Danish Mink COVID variant appears in Germany with at least 10 cases discovered.

- Sweden: Sudden increase Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) linked to COVID however knowledge still sketchy on exactly what or how.

- Europe: Since placing export checks, the Bloc has approved exports of vaccine to 21 non-EU countries including the US, UK and China.

- Malawi: President fires head of COVID taskforce amid allegations of misuse of a fund of $7.7 million.

- Cambodia: Reports first cases of UK variant.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Tuesday 16th of February:

- World: 109,313,916 confirmed cases and 2,412,321 confirmed deaths.

- US: NY governor admits mistake at not including elderly care homes fatalities but draws short of an apology.

- Netherlands: Crisis looms as human rights court at the Hague rules emergency curfew between 9pm and 4.30am to control COVID spread breaches rights to free movement and should be lifted immediately.

- Norway: Due to relax restrictions in the Capital area.

- Germany: To offer free Antigen tests to all from March.

- Mexico: Official indicates the country is going to issue a formal complaint to the United Nations on the unequal access to vaccines across the globe.

- EU: Reports indicate the Bloc has added a clause to Vaccine contracts allowing them to reject vaccines which become ineffective to new variants and transfer over to new versions produced which are effective.

- South Africa: Johnson and Johnson vaccine to be given to 80,000 in large scale trial.

- Cuba: Domestically produced vaccine candidate, Soberana 2, due to enter trials.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Wednesday 17th of February:

- World: 109,659,317 confirmed cases and 2,423,307 confirmed deaths.

- World: Global cases fell 16% last week.

- US: Return to cooperative status with the World Health Organization with a $200 million payment. A spokesperson for the US said “This is a key step forward in fulfilling our financial obligations as a WHO member and it reflects our renewed commitment to ensuring the WHO has the support it needs to lead the global response to the pandemic,”

- US: President Biden states all Americans should have had access to a vaccine by August.

- UK: Family of Sir Captain Tom Moore, who raised over £39 million for the National Health Service, reveal they had to conceal severe online criticism of the centenarian over Christmas when he and his family went on holiday to the Bahamas, and also when he became ill with COVID stating what have been described as "vile" and "troll" comments flooded in.

- UK: First Human Challenge Trials on COVID-19 due to begin in the UK. This is not the same as Vaccine trials which have happened in many countries - this is where they isolate a willing test subject person and infect them and watch what happens. Participants will receive £4,500 for talking part.

- UK: Calls for temporary cease-fire in all worlds conflict zones for global vaccine rollout.

- AstraZeneca: Vaccine production at Belgium plant has "Drastically" increased.

- EU: Head of the commission indicates they have ordered 300 million Moderna vaccines.

- Germany: Announces UK variant spreading fast and expected to become dominant variant.

- Poland: Cases on the rise again following restriction easing.

- Japan: Begins vaccination program.

- Australia and New Zealand: Announce their lockdowns in Melbourne and Auckland to both end on Thursday as the countries successfully control the outbreaks.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
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I miss you guys and gals. Being an asshole is not a crime, but it is who I am. So, I want to say I am still pissed off at the world and Star Citizen, but I know 2030 will be better. In the mean time embrace gambling, spend your stimulus check on hookers, invest in bitcoin, and drink a lot... I mean a lot. If you need some therapy, refinance your house and build your basement, have your dad come over and give you advice from 3 decades ago, and rework your mistakes from the advice your dad gave you. You'll be busy until the cows come home.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Week 4 of this years influenza tracking here in Florida. Peak flu season and its almost non existent. I bet you aside from whatever conspiracy theory I may be able to come up with, that its because all of the kids aren't transferring it to their parents.



Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I miss you guys and gals. Being an asshole is not a crime, but it is who I am. So, I want to say I am still pissed off at the world and Star Citizen, but I know 2030 will be better. In the mean time embrace gambling, spend your stimulus check on hookers, invest in bitcoin, and drink a lot... I mean a lot. If you need some therapy, refinance your house and build your basement, have your dad come over and give you advice from 3 decades ago, and rework your mistakes from the advice your dad gave you. You'll be busy until the cows come home.
Dude, keep doing you. While I'm not encouraging you to be an asshole, if anyone has any real issue with you we'll tell you to stfu and go from there. Opine away my friend.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today, Thursday 18th of February:

- World: 110,146,931 confirmed cases and 2,435,733 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 110 million cases, we passed 109 million on Monday meaning another million in the last 4/5 days.

- World: Infection levels fall to those last seen in October 2020.

- UK: Wanted man in Sussex hands himself over to the Police saying he just wants some "peace and quiet" and will gladly take prison over the people he was living with.

- UK: Northern Ireland lockdown extended to 1st of April.

- US: In first half of 2020 national Life Expectancy fell by one year.

- Netherlands: Curfew ruled to be breaching human rights by a court appears set to remain in place.

- Indonesia: Makes vaccination compulsory with $350 fines for people in the capital city Jakarta if they refuse.

- Vatican: Staff advised they could lose their jobs if they refuse vaccine without legitimate medical reason.

- France: President Macron proposes Vaccine Sharing Scheme after wealthy nations criticized for ordering more doses than they need.

- EU: Several countries report public resistance to taking Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine as citizens apparently hold out for jabs with a higher efficiency., prompting officials to advise any vaccine now is better than a higher efficacy one in three months time.

- Pfizer/BioNTech: Lab test suggests South Africa varient cuts efficiency by 2/3rds, but vaccine should stiff offer protection from severe illness... like the Oxford/AstraZeneca one the above EU citizens are refusing...


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Friday 19th of February.

- World: 110,562,484 confirmed cases and 2,448,188 confirmed deaths.

- World: G7 countries pledge a combined $7.5 billion of additional funding for the Covax vaccine sharing initiative.

- US: Freezing weather across the States delays 6 million COVID vaccinations.

- UK: Pledges surplus vaccines to poorer countries once population has been treated.

- UK: Health Secretary found to have acted unlawfully by not releasing details of COVID contracts to the public within legally required time limits.

- UK: Report suggests Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine has a higher efficiency if the gap between the two doses is 3 months rather than the advised 6 weeks, taking it as high as 80%.

- Poland: South African variant confirmed present in the country.

- Ireland: Dublin Airport travelers down by 78% in 2020.

- Ireland: Department of Health reports discovery of three Brazilian variant cases.

- Philippines: Sees highest daily deaths in 5 months.

- Israel: Data from national vaccine rollout indicates Pfizer vaccine reduces transmission.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today, Saturday 20th of February:

- World: 110,921,047 confirmed cases and 2,456,372 confirmed deaths.

- World: Over 200 million vaccinations have been given so far.

- US: Passes 28 million confirmed cases.

- World Trade Organization: The new head of WTO leans on the UK to not wait until it has vaccinated its own population before donating surplus doses to poorer nations, stating it is in the interests of the whole world to get as many people vaccinated as quickly as possible.

- Israel: Reports a 95.8% drop in Covid-19 infections in those who have been vaccinated.

- Argentina: Health Minister resigns amid claims of individuals being allowed to side-step the queue for inoculation.

- Australia: Anti-vaccine protests held across the country with the chant "My body, my choice" the day before vaccination program set to begin. They were reportedly on the whole peaceful, however multiple arrests were made in Melbourne.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today, Sunday 21st of February.

- World: 111,161,924 confirmed cases and 2,462,141 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 111 million cases. We passed 110 million on Thursday meaning another million in the last 3/4 days.

- US: Fauci advises Masks may be required until 2022 however other measures may be able to be eased sooner as vaccines roll out.

- US: New York City has less than 1000 first-doses left due to delivery delays caused by extreme bad winter weather.

- UK: Announces target to have every adult in the country offered a dose of vaccine by July 31st. One third of adults have so far had at least one dose.

- UK: Medical Regulator launches investigation in to £30 million contract for test tubes which had been awarded to a company which had no history of making medical equipment, which happened to be run by the Health Secretaries ex-neighbor who before this ran a pub called the "Cock Inn"... The Health Secretary indicates he had nothing to do with the deal, however has recently been found guilty of not publishing details of deals public money was spent on within the required 30 days to make it all above board.

- UK: Having been found guilty of acting unlawfully in not publishing details of deals within 30 days Health Secretary states it was "the right thing to do" on TV interview:
"People can make up their own view about whether I should have told my team to stop buying PPE and spend the time bringing forward those transparency returns by just over a fortnight. Or whether I was right to buy the PPE and get it to the front line. You tell me that that is wrong. You can’t. And the reason you can’t is because it was the right thing to do. Legal cases about timings of transparency returns are completely second order compared to saving lives. There is no health secretary in history who would have taken the view that they needed to take people off the project of buying PPE in order to ensure that nine months later the Health Secretary didn’t have a slightly bumpy interview on the Marr programme. It is not what it is about, Andrew [Marr], it is about doing the right thing."
Critics note that it would be understandable if the Government didn't have an legion of office staff at its disposal called "The Civil Service" which has some quarter of a million+ staff at its disposal, and adding one more to that number to get the details published on time would not have been put of the question.

- WHO: Urgently requests Tanzania begins to report COVID cases, being one of the only countries on earth to not be providing this information. The country has downplayed the issue, refused to put in measures and even indicated it is COVID free, however a recent spate of Public Officials dying from something which appears to be very COVID-19ish seems to contradict that stance.

- Italy: Concerns are raised as infection rate appears to be raising again.

- Netherlands: Amsterdam, and police clear Lockdown protesters by force.

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