Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

Beef Squatch

Vice Admiral
Feb 20, 2015
RSI Handle
I think players should be able to enjoy the game however they choose, but the only thing that makes me have reservations about test condoning piracy is several orgs, will declare war on other orgs over piracy, they've even formed an alliance with charter. Perhaps this will fizzle out before that start of the PU, but it's already been around for over a year.


TL;DR I don't care if you're a pirate but other orgs seem to


Feb 21, 2015
RSI Handle
I think players should be able to enjoy the game however they choose, but the only thing that makes me have reservations about test condoning piracy is several orgs, will declare war on other orgs over piracy, they've even formed an alliance with charter. Perhaps this will fizzle out before that start of the PU, but it's already been around for over a year.


TL;DR I don't care if you're a pirate but other orgs seem to
So we fight 'em?


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
My banu, super hornet, and Gladius are always available for discreet cargo redistribution.


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
I think players should be able to enjoy the game however they choose, but the only thing that makes me have reservations about test condoning piracy is several orgs, will declare war on other orgs over piracy, they've even formed an alliance with charter. Perhaps this will fizzle out before that start of the PU, but it's already been around for over a year.


TL;DR I don't care if you're a pirate but other orgs seem to
I understand your concern, but we're BIG. No org will be able to stamp out piracy, and if they attempt a shoot on sight war with TEST all the pirates will just band together ALONG with all our law abiding members. If they start shooting TEST members with no bounty, they themselves are committing piracy and even the UEE will be on our side then. It's one thing to hunt pirates, it's another to declare all out war on an org because they play a game different than you. We have no intention of specifically targeting any org, we pirate based on how much loot we can pull off any individual ship. Don't fear those coalitions, from what I've seen they're a bunch of overly dramatic wannabe politicians and idealists who will have nowhere near the power they're talking about. It's really quite hilarious how much drama they have ALREADY managed to manufacture before the game even exists.
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Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
I think it's simpler than that. 90% of TEST will have nothing to do with Piracy. At which point PACT declares war on TEST as a whole, they're the assholes, because most of the people they're attacking are honest merchants... Which sounds like Piracy to me.
Yep. That's what my wall o' text boils down to.


Feb 13, 2015
RSI Handle
I think players should be able to enjoy the game however they choose, but the only thing that makes me have reservations about test condoning piracy is several orgs, will declare war on other orgs over piracy, they've even formed an alliance with charter. Perhaps this will fizzle out before that start of the PU, but it's already been around for over a year.


TL;DR I don't care if you're a pirate but other orgs seem to
I'm not worried. Quite the opposite. The way I see it, this means some epic battles and chance of cool pirate/anti-pirate alliances and diplomacy.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I think players should be able to enjoy the game however they choose, but the only thing that makes me have reservations about test condoning piracy is several orgs, will declare war on other orgs over piracy, they've even formed an alliance with charter. Perhaps this will fizzle out before that start of the PU, but it's already been around for over a year.


TL;DR I don't care if you're a pirate but other orgs seem to
First thing about PACT is its all talk right now. We, and they, have 0 idea how piracy is actually going to work in the PU, I just think it sounds like a cool way to make cash while also having a good supply of PVP fights. (Besides with a 9:1 NPC: Player ratio, there are ALWAYS going to be pirates around, so PACT is mainly just a bunch of white knighting)

But let's look at the member orgs of PACT.

Aside from Imperium and SUN, they all have less than a hundred members a pop. While it's not a numbers war, like EVE, we definitely have a larger pool we can pull skilled pilots from. It's a bit elitist to say that every pilot in X org or Y org is better, or worse, than TEST.

And even as a pirate, I'm a TEST member first. If some other scrub pirates are fucking with our Merchant convoys, believe me, I will be the first to join the fight and blow them out of the sky. And I think most non-pirate TEST members are the same way, you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.

And like Grammar said, depending on if there are "WarDecs" like in EVE, then PACT could basically have a big problem if they can't attack legitimate lawful members of TEST without racking up big big bounties for griefing/piracy (ironically), so it would basically be business as usual for the unlawful members of TEST. I don't think the UEE would take kindly to a mini-civil war going on in their space. However out in lawless space (where most of the more "hardcore" TEST members will probably be) it will be business as usual with people trying to off them on the regular.
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Vice Admiral
Nov 4, 2014
RSI Handle
Beef makes a very good point.

I am not the only one, I know there are others, who have alt accounts that will be pirates. my main I plan on keeping in relatively good standing with the UEE.

To that effect, I believe many alliances will actually have 'sister organizations' outside of the group of organizations, 'unofficial affiliates' if you will, that would let members join on alt (or main) characters and do pirate-y things and other stuff that UEE disapproves of.

Beef Squatch

Vice Admiral
Feb 20, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't want to raise a huge stink or anything just generating conversation! I don't mind fighting some fools but I don't want to be badgered by these people at every turn of the Galaxy either.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I don't want to raise a huge stink or anything just generating conversation! I don't mind fighting some fools but I don't want to be badgered by these people at every turn of the Galaxy either.
Oh yeah, a very reasonable stance to take.

It's really going to be a waiting game until the PU Alpha and the Orgs 2.0 system comes out- it may be that TEST Pirates make a separate org allied with TEST, or we are are sub-org, or something else entirely. We really don't know, but I think that most of us here are not trying to cause non-pirate TEST members any headaches.

TEST is a pirate friendly org in the fact that we embrace that CIG is letting people be pirates. But, I am a TEST member first, and a pirate second. I don't want my fellow TESTies to have any significant negative feedback in game because of my actions in the PU release (although PU Alpha is fair game, we should try and break it as much as possible). I'm not trying to be a dick (not that I'm trying to say anyone is saying that, quite the opposite!), and the last thing I want is for the majority of our members to take a reputation hit with the UEE or whatnot because me and my crew of merry lads knocked off that Hull C 2 jumps over, and they know we chill out in the same org. That's just inconsiderate on my part.

But as I said, it's going to 100% depend on what CIG does with organizations and the reputation system, so right now I'm just not going to get worked up over it.
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Reptar Khan

Vice Admiral
Feb 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Oh, didn't even think about Org <-> UEE standings...
Yeah I've no prob joining ReTEST or something lol.
Read PACT Wall'o'Text
... Let all gang up on pirates and have space lynch mobs, for Goood!
... If some pirates are really bothering/offended me we need to do the above more
  • Pirates are persons who engage in acts of piracy. Acts of piracy are any illegal acts of violence, depredation (e.g., plundering, robbing, or pillaging), or detention committed for economic or purely malicious ends by the crew or passengers of a ship against another ship, facility or persons or property on board such ship or facility.
    It is anticipated that classification of acts of piracy should be formed by a natural consensus within the PACT Summit Council. Where a natural consensus is not formed decisions will be made by a majority vote. Each Representative is accorded one vote.
I kind of want to start a lot of 2 Alt Organizations & get that 51% vote power then turn it into a pirate guild. Would need like 11 Dummy Accounts to swing the votes... They already have people Un-Signing and it's not even PU yet...

Beef Squatch

Vice Admiral
Feb 20, 2015
RSI Handle
Honestly being a pirate sounds like tons of fun. Find unsuspecting person. Attack and board said ship. Steal all their things . And to top it off, if this was like day Z, I would steal their pants, insult their mothers and make them drink bleach.


Vice Admiral
May 8, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm very interested in pirating while listening to Running Wild

In fact, NKato's logo reminds me of Running Wild's mascot Captain Adrian!


Jan 4, 2015
RSI Handle

Reptar Khan

Vice Admiral
Feb 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Family got decent new PC two days ago.
Decided to save for a nicer tier of PC (http://pcpartpicker.com/p/PTDXZLMax $ win vs AMD nugget http://pcpartpicker.com/p/WnMKMp)
Download SC, Step 1 Vandul Swarm with HOTAS (didn't even look at the key bindings or layout)... Well I did manage to kill 1 Vanduul after a bit of floundering. Then off to the race track (probably should get the hang of flying first lol).

A little differnt then Elite Dangerous but I need much better grafics then that PC can put out.

All and all: Roll Training Montage of AC with drinking down eggs for breakfast & memorizing the key bindings while doing sit ups!


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
Family got decent new PC two days ago.
Decided to save for a nicer tier of PC (http://pcpartpicker.com/p/PTDXZLMax $ win vs AMD nugget http://pcpartpicker.com/p/WnMKMp)
Download SC, Step 1 Vandul Swarm with HOTAS (didn't even look at the key bindings or layout)... Well I did manage to kill 1 Vanduul after a bit of floundering. Then off to the race track (probably should get the hang of flying first lol).

A little differnt then Elite Dangerous but I need much better grafics then that PC can put out.

All and all: Roll Training Montage of AC with drinking down eggs for breakfast & memorizing the key bindings while doing sit ups!
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