Crypto discussion


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
They'll look at them and say:

"How quaint, my sub-derma pc implant that runs off my metabolism could make a million of these a second if I ate an extra packet of donuts for breakfast, but what value do they have? Enigmacurrancy, that's where its at." ;-)

In other news, not sure how I missed this, Poly Network is hacked for $600 million in various coin but for some reason they didn't touch Doge...

Hackers later claimed it was a publicity stunt to highlight vulnerability as the destination accounts for the coins taken were of course visible on the Blockchain, but critics point out although almost all has been returned $33 million was frozen bu a coin which had that ability, and over $250 million returned appears to be being held to ransom as it is in a password protected account which the hackers said the password would only be provided 'once everyone is ready'.
You laugh now but my $10 in BTC will be worth billions when the grandsnots get erm.

They'll say "Grandpappy sure was smart. Look! We're eating lab created fillet mignon on platinum plates indoors in the comfort of air conditioning cause it's too hot outside....what with it being 50 degrees Celsius!"


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
i sold my ADA last night(follows BTC closely but has bigger swings). think im going to wait a few days after that huge pump from last night. i dont think its done dropping yet.
well this was a mistake lucky for me i bought it back at 1.51 so i still had a huge gain with that giant spike in ADA. I'm leaving it in there now with all the good news going on about it.
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Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Good move. It's up to 2.55 KAA CHING!!!!!!
i sold at 2.6 today to see if things slide a bit eth btc were not doing so hot so i figurred usually ada follows eth so we will see what happens i'm hoping it goes back down to 2.40 or 2.45 then i'll buy back in if not i'll just accept the losses.


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
i sold at 2.6 today to see if things slide a bit eth btc were not doing so hot so i figurred usually ada follows eth so we will see what happens i'm hoping it goes back down to 2.40 or 2.45 then i'll buy back in if not i'll just accept the losses.
welp this was a mistake lol within 10 mins of selling suddenly the price shot up to 2.80 so i had to buy back at 2.79....
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
welp this was a mistake lol within 10 mins of selling suddenly the price shot up to 2.80 so i had to buy back at 2.79....
This may be early, but I would sell ADA here before smart contracts come out.

Buy the rumor, sell the news. You want to beat the rest of the sellers that are all trying to play that game.


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
This may be early, but I would sell ADA here before smart contracts come out.

Buy the rumor, sell the news. You want to beat the rest of the sellers that are all trying to play that game.
i'll trust your judgement i am already seeing a drop in prices i think ada is capped out for the moment might move to eth till ada cools down.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Sell crypto, buy meme stocks. Apes strong together.
I don't know dickall 'bout no crypto but I do know that that Tali in your sig is looking MIGHTY sexy :glorious:

But can someone post up a referral code for BlockFi again? And can uncle sam see this monies as easily as say my 401K or other assets? Asking for a "friend" :)


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't know dickall 'bout no crypto but I do know that that Tali in your sig is looking MIGHTY sexy :glorious:

But can someone post up a referral code for BlockFi again? And can uncle sam see this monies as easily as say my 401K or other assets? Asking for a "friend" :)
Tally is Secks.

I sold all my bitcoin to buy one Tally and one Pizza.


I ragret nothing.


Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
Seung piqued my interest in Cardano way back when the last big crypto craze happened, and I traded in what I mined back then into ADA, was around $0.20-0.40 when I got in, but I mostly look at BTC/ADA rate because that's what I deem if it's worth trading into Cardano. Back then, it was around 0.00002BTC/ADA when I bought in.

After the peak, it dropped very fast (both $ and BTC values) but I kept my GPU mining whenever I wasn't using it. Was getting at the time $0.50/day sometimes... but at the rate of the time. I then converted most of those into ADA as time went on, without bothering to follow up on the news. A lot of those transactions were in the 0.00001 or 0.000005 or lower during 2018, 2019, and I gathered quite a lot of ADA then, at $0.03-0.05.

Then the staking started. Obviously, I staked all of it. There's really no reason not to. It's been 1 year now, and the ROI is around 5.5%, right around what they predicted. In total ADA that is.

$ wise, it went up over 25x. over 100x from its lowest point, but I didn't get all of them then, and I didn't convert them from cash, but BTC from mining revenue, so I still look at that mostly. So technically, money-wise, it's gained quite a lot, but so has BTC, so the "true" ratio of what I gained right now is 0.00006 vs 0.000005 at its lowest point, which is still 12x. But let's average it out throughout this time frame of around 0.00001BTC/ADA, and that is still a 6x gain overall vs if I held BTC instead.

Oh and also, sometime around Dec 2020, I managed to get my hands on an RTX3070, and that's upgraded from a GTX1080Ti, which I sold for pretty much the same price as when I bought it at... (with the rest of my old PC, so it's not really, but the other components aren't as expensive as the GPU craze we had this past year, so I'd say 90% of the price of the system was the GPU) Literally within 5 mins of listing, 4 people messaged me to pick it up ASAP with cash... that was some crazy times... Anyway, new PC, new GPU my mining rate doubled pretty much.

Since the big increase in ADA, I didn't trade to it as much, because it's not worth it to... I did get a few more during its slight dip the past few months, but it's a drop in the bucket of water compared to what I already held (and traded a few years ago).

I did venture a bit into Algorand as well and staking there as well (very similar to Cardano as a project). About the same ROI as ADA, but its BTC and $ values haven't really gone up at all. Still holding it, but just an experimental tiny amount.

Overall, I'm still at over 97% ADA (partly due to its rise) and 1% BTC from temporary mining rewards, and 2% from ALGO.

I have some ADA held in Coinbase... started using it since they adopted ADA. They decided to review my account for some reason earlier in the year, and are stuck at "Account Under Review" and I can't do anything with it. Seems to be a recurring issue with Coinbase, and I see a lot of complaints of people with Account Under Review for many months. (approaching 2, maybe 3 months for me now?) Even if it isn't fixed, I would be ready to consider it a full write-off and stopped using Coinbase altogether... It's really a small amount. Less than my ALGO even after ADA's rise.

I'm in it for the long haul, and great to see ADA break $3 USD (sucks that CAD/USD ratio got closer... would've gotten more out of a weaker CAD, but we'll see in the future... in it for the long haul) but I don't plan on playing the market with it any time soon.

Anyway, all this to say: Thank you @SeungRyul for showing me the way to Cardano way back in the day, a project that really makes sense with a solid foundation that I truly can believe in, that the rest of the world is just starting to see its potential.

PS: haven't been really active on TEST lately... but what happened to Seung?
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Woah! Nice little crash this morning, I saw a few exchanges reporting outages due to volume.

Big liquidations for overleveraged longs no doubt.

SOL dumped and bounced all the way back

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