First! Now to find a healer.
I know a lot of people are taking the Outpost Homestead to mean player-created/owned buildings but I think it's not going to be that. I feel from what we have seen so far that they mean Homesteads to be NPC POI in expanding the buildings available at landing sites and creating more elaborate small settlements and such. While I am sure player built/owned homestead will come from this in time I do not believe this will be that.
I'm looking forward to those settlements, but I've to agree we shouldn't expect player-ownable building for quite some time. More likely there will be a revamp of the older POI changing them from the pre-fabbbricated pod to a more articulated contructions, may be not on all the location, but for placed like farms, minig facility and reserach aoutpost that would be interesting.
Also, since the loot gameplay, those will be a good spot to bould some treading hub, where players can gather to sell theyr loot, both to NPC or other player alike.
For Medical gameplay that is looking promesing. I'm not interested in the direct medical loop, but that opens up a lot of possiblity, like "trauma team" style org that will came to resque you inc ase of dangerous situation (TT does operate also aas a private, on the call, scurity force), and that opens up gameplay possibility for different kind of players: medica, combat pilot, FPS players...