Great video as always
What I find most amusing about the people like the one who think they know SC and have issues or opinion about SC
And it is obvious from anyone who did try SC and got some back info and did some proper research..
They don't know shit what they are talking about.. and they are proud of it.. like.. WTF!
DAMN i'm happy as I'm not a parent of any of those yaaaahooos! talk about hillbilly IQ..
Then as many know my thought on reddit have always been the same..
This image explain it all ... DO take it in slow reading, so who read don't skip a word or two.. ha ha ha ha..
Opinion even mine when it is not based on fact known, it is just words that have no meaning....
Open your mouth without right info and have a opinion is just a polite way of stealing the fart from your ass...

And breaking wind have never been informative... just smell like shit.. ha ha ha ha