Looks very thorough - thank you. How did you identify all those settings, and choose the values you did? (I appreciate that takes moments to ask and a long time to answer, so no pressure!) Are you a professional in the field - a game developer or something similar, or a dedicated gamer who figured it all out with a lot of research?
Bit of everything really.
Used to work with Computers, building, fixing and doing support an working with Microsoft, Nvidia reps an other companies. Also, you just pick things up over large amounts of time, i tend to keep extremely up to date with everything tech wise an windows.
But a lot of this stuff you can just as easily pick up from gaming over a large number of years an being apart of different game communities.
In other games or gaming communities, specially in competitive ESL games a lot of this stuff is well known an has been for a long time an is used by nearly everyone who takes the game seriously, some of them registry edits i've been using for over 6 years or more. In fact, some of these edits are actually even posted by the Devs for SC on the support page.
Its why im always surprised when large numbers of people dont know about it still. This stuff really should be out there more as it really does help improve game performance an not just in SC either.
The more people who know about this sort of stuff the better.
If you need to know what some of these settings actually do, you can also find them with an explanation on the Microsoft website. I believe theyre listed somewhere still.