Hello Fellow Testies... it's been a looong while
I'm looking to sell my precious Tali base plus front cargo module and rear living module, all with LTI. All at cost for testies, so thats $200 total. I'd prefer to sell them all as a bundle rather than splitting off the modules.
Payments via paypal, friends and family or you can pay fees, up to you. I'm in the UK if that matters for tax reasons but I already have the ship, its not buyback so I understand that doesn't?
Reason for selling: I started following star citizen in 2014 and pretty soon joined Test Squadron. Back then I had just started dating someone and video gaming was a lot of my free time. Now its 2022 I've married said person and we have a 9 week old boy, free time is more of a premium. Also my PC no-longer really handles the game well, so funds would be better spent there than on a ship I can fly at 10fps! I no-longer forsee myself able to use a ship that needs so much crew in the verse, so I want to minimise down to more solo capeable ships, if I have time for multiplayer I'll just crew something of yours!
(Or use my reclaimer, I just cant get rid of that fat booty! No, seriously I can't, I must have used store credit as its non giftable!
Actually some advice on that, it was originally a vanguard pledge that I ccud to a reclaimer, if I melt it can I use the associated store credits to buyback the vanguard pledge with lti, which is at least mostly soloable?)

I'm looking to sell my precious Tali base plus front cargo module and rear living module, all with LTI. All at cost for testies, so thats $200 total. I'd prefer to sell them all as a bundle rather than splitting off the modules.
Payments via paypal, friends and family or you can pay fees, up to you. I'm in the UK if that matters for tax reasons but I already have the ship, its not buyback so I understand that doesn't?
Reason for selling: I started following star citizen in 2014 and pretty soon joined Test Squadron. Back then I had just started dating someone and video gaming was a lot of my free time. Now its 2022 I've married said person and we have a 9 week old boy, free time is more of a premium. Also my PC no-longer really handles the game well, so funds would be better spent there than on a ship I can fly at 10fps! I no-longer forsee myself able to use a ship that needs so much crew in the verse, so I want to minimise down to more solo capeable ships, if I have time for multiplayer I'll just crew something of yours!
(Or use my reclaimer, I just cant get rid of that fat booty! No, seriously I can't, I must have used store credit as its non giftable!
Actually some advice on that, it was originally a vanguard pledge that I ccud to a reclaimer, if I melt it can I use the associated store credits to buyback the vanguard pledge with lti, which is at least mostly soloable?)

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