Starfield - Discussion Thread

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
All right, I rewatched entire Starfield demo and I'm 90% sure the game doesn't allow manual planetary landings. Unless the demo didn't include them, or unless manual landing gameplay mechanics is not implemented in game yet.

Starting at 5:37, we can the Navigation Console onboard our demo starter ship (pic 1 below)
Todd Howard says: "this is your Star Map (...) You can choose a landing spot or fast travel to known locations".

There is a SET LANDING TARGET (A) on the Star Map UI. LAND (X) appears when Howard stops the map spinning somehow -- then we can select landing spot in the middle of the forest (pic 2), or move the landing target to the nearest outpost (pic 3).

The same (X) button is then used to send the ship to The New Atlantis. The next scene we can see is a landing. It clearly looks like an automated landing (animation), the same as all other landings which can be seen in Bethesda demo. It is the same sequence in all cases: a view from below, then from the cockpit, from rear, followed by the overhead view (pics 4-5).

I'm afraid takeoff is also automated, even from the middle of the planet or a moon. Again, it looks like the same sequence, no matter if we are leaving a moon (pic 6) or a planetary landing site (pic 7).

The reason why Starfield (probably) works like that is obvious: map switching. I guess all those planets and moons which can be seen in the sky or in Star Map are simple 3D objects only. Once we click (X), the game loads a new map and spawns our ship in it. The same happens when we leave the planet or a moon; I guess this time the game loads a single Star Map map with all 100 star systems, including 15 known ones like Alpha Centauri or Sol.

Don't get me wrong -- I still think it would be a cool game. I can't wait to play it (once all day 1 major bugs are fixed ; )

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Pic 1

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Pic 2

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Pic 3

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Pic 4

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Pic 5

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Pic 6

View attachment 24696
Pic 7

For reference:

To be honest, I'm not seeing a downside to automated landings and take offs.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
As expected. Remember that this is still creation engine loading in maps. There is no coherent universal space here like we have in SC.
I'd expect there is no freeflight in atmo either, the one in-atmo transition to space that I remember seems to be on rails.
Tbh I don't mind not having to deal with so many things in my story driven rpg, but it does certainly limit the available space. I think that's the better approach for this style of game, less empty space, more dense content relative to games like NMS or Ed.


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
The reason why Starfield (probably) works like that is obvious: map switching. I guess all those planets and moons which can be seen in the sky or in Star Map are simple 3D objects only. Once we click (X), the game loads a new map and spawns our ship in it. The same happens when we leave the planet or a moon; I guess this time the game loads a single Star Map map with all 100 star systems, including 15 known ones like Alpha Centauri or Sol.
For now I imagine the "planetary exploration" to work the same as the one in the Mass Effect series of games.
Scan the surface. Where appliable drop down to harvest resources or because "emergency beacon found".
It's the fact that we lack a Maco or any other kind of ride that slightly alarms me. If the planets are small enough that you may as well walk I don't expect too much content.
Come to think of it, the exploraton feature of Mass Effect got a bit tedious after the second dozend planets or so. And those games I did love to pieces.
Now imagine err... quick calculation... around 50 times that random content.
I do not plan to get that "Planetory Explorer" title that I am certain to exist.


Space Marshal
Apr 12, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm excited for starfield. I think it gets at 70% of what I wanted out of star citizen. Very excited about the shipbuilding feature. That being said, very few single player games manage to keep my attention for more than 10 to 15 hours nowadays. Which is a problem I can see coming from miles away here if it's not as polished as it appears.

My dream for star citizen was always to be able to convince my friends to buy in and play it with me. The games which I play online with my friends are the ones I play for dozens of hours. As it is now I still hope star citizen gets there... The faith gets harder as the years go by.

I just hope starfield sparks the magic I haven't felt from games in a very long time. Like since mass effect 2 levels of time.

If not, I'll be right back to waiting for progress on server meshing.


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
I just hope starfield sparks the magic I haven't felt from games in a very long time. Like since mass effect 2 levels of time.
Oh yes! My sentiment exactly. If Starfield lets me talk a villain into shooting himself (her-, it-..?) like I did with Saren in the original MassEffect... :love:
For that alone I'd give it 5 of 5 Stars. Or 10 out of 1000 randomly generated ones. Your choice.

Trivia section: He (Saren) follows two principles, the first being: "Never kill anyone without a good reason" and the second: "You can always find a reason to kill someone".
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Looks fun. I am fuzzy on the question if it can be run on PC or does it require an XBox?

I recall playing Skyrim on a PS3 about 15 years ago and that sucked. There was a bug Bethesda never bothered to fix that limited your character’s level. Not worth playing on the secondary platform.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Looks fun. I am fuzzy on the question if it can be run on PC or does it require an XBox?

I recall playing Skyrim on a PS3 about 15 years ago and that sucked. There was a bug Bethesda never bothered to fix that limited your character’s level. Not worth playing on the secondary platform.
Yes it is coming to PC.
You can buy it on Steam, or play it via XBox PC Game Pass subscription (or buy it there in the xbox pc app, but why would anyone do that?)

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I'm afraid enough drop off to cause CIG to pay attention will result in not enough money to get to even beta, resulting in Star Citizen to simply be abandoned.
I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Starfield launches about the same time as Pyro. Many will leave SC temporarily which means SC will become much more playable without investing in more servers. A year later, players will get tired of Starfield’s lack of immersion and go back to pining for SC. Eventually the lack of cut screens and broader experience will win players back.

The one thing Starfield has that SC doesn’t is the modular design by the player of their own ships. I suspect SF enthusiasts will throw that in the face of SC enthusiasts and it will sting some, but in the long run, SF was not designed to keep players over the very long haul. Even given modding, the cut screens will get old and the solo experience wears out over time.

I think SC will take a hit this holiday season, and maybe its funding will drop off a little, but CIG needs a kick in the pants anyway. So lets hope it just makes the cream rise to the top.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Starfield launches about the same time as Pyro. Many will leave SC temporarily which means SC will become much more playable without investing in more servers. A year later, players will get tired of Starfield’s lack of immersion and go back to pining for SC. Eventually the lack of cut screens and broader experience will win players back.

The one thing Starfield has that SC doesn’t is the modular design by the player of their own ships. I suspect SF enthusiasts will throw that in the face of SC enthusiasts and it will sting some, but in the long run, SF was not designed to keep players over the very long haul. Even given modding, the cut screens will get old and the solo experience wears out over time.

I think SC will take a hit this holiday season, and maybe its funding will drop off a little, but CIG needs a kick in the pants anyway. So lets hope it just makes the cream rise to the top.
I didn't say Starfield would cause that much drop off. I was responding to:
While we all would like to see SC move forward, it will most likely take a drop off in their yearly funding to spur on wrapping things up.
Pyro launching end of this year, early next was predicated on static server meshing being in the Q1 patch 2023 or Q2 at the latest. Surprise, CIG missed another self imposed deadline.

I've been comparing Starfield to Squadron 42, generally. It isn't the PU.

The big thing Starfield has that Squadron 42 doesn't is a will to finish the game.


Vice Admiral
Jul 16, 2022
RSI Handle
Game is confirmed to be on Microsoft's Game Pass so for $10 a month this is included, this is a deal for me because I have never played a singleplayer game for more than a few months so $20-$30 compared to full price and if I don't like it I only wasted $10.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
NOW I wonder what a depressing conversation partner I might have been...
But talking about the Hitchhikers guide, what's it saying about the Stanton system I wonder?
The original entry was 'Harmless'.
The revised entry was 'Mostly harmless'


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
The original entry was 'Harmless'.
The revised entry was 'Mostly harmless'
Sounds about right.
Waiting for the Vogons to build their hyperspace bypass to Pyro straight through Microtech.
By that time Starfield probably hits the stores and I'm going to name my ship "Vogon Poetry". Because it's gonna take no prisoners.
That ships's probably going to look like something Drake might build.
So Starfield?
Star Citizen?
Don't matter.
The guy (girl? Small furry creature from Alpha Centauri?) playing it. Does he (she.. jadda-jadda) have fun?
That's all that is important i guess.
And also:
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
3.20 doesn't have Pyro listed. Pyro won't be before 2024 and 4.0 at the earliest.
The date is unknown but given Pyro is 4.0 they can't be before each other. :)

I have a feeling that this Citizencon will either showcase SQ42 or Pyro and I am leaning heavily towards the possibility of Pyro before the end of the year.
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