By the way, if you're looking for ways to fund...
Welcome to TEST Gasparr, sounds like you are hard-up? if your short of Credits I've got an opportunity here for you if you're interested:
I'm looking for a team of seven extraordinarily talented individuals to take on a bunch of Bandits terrorizing a small settlement in Pyro. I know, it sounds like an old movie plot but hear me out.
The town has been so ravaged they don't have much left to offer security companies to come in and protect them but for a small number of we who are expert in the art of applied violence, the reward of several hundred CU's of Larenite split seven ways should be enough to keep us in Benny's and Whammers for the next year or so and who'd really be able to say no to being able to put food on the table for that amount of time considering the state of the economy on this side of Terra right now?
If you're interested, I'll be running the operation out of a Starfarer named "
The Murderers Child" so we will be able to keep the operation rolling in fuel and whatever munitions we can fit in the hold which I won't be expecting you to recompense me for if you end up using some of mine... but don't be thinking you can bring an A2 and start dropping MOABs, we need the town to be kept in what little it passes for the one piece it is currently in, so nothing larger than S3 bombs and S5 torps please.This is as much about keeping the town alive as it is about repelling the bandits and collateral damage is strictly out of the question - drop me a line through the Spectrum with the kind of resources you have at your disposal which you can bring to the field and outlining your Rep weightings with the UEE, local system security forces, and all pirate clans for the last four Sol III standard cycles