So after a bit of a hiatus and have just recently finished stalker2 I've found myself updating and logging into sc.
While it is nice having persistent hangers it's amusing to see a little nox sitting alone in the middle of a giant xlarge pad that just came up from the void.
After an hour of playing around in the hanger figuring how to park the smaller ships so that they could remain to be loaded in bigger ships I proceed to head out of hurston in the Polaris. Only to have the game crash and the ship shown up as unknown. Over an hour reclaim count down ened that session.
The next day I spent far to long looking for the tractor beam module for the mulitool. Before attempting to load 9 boxes into a c2 before once again the game crashed.
While I expect the game to be buggy this seems to be rather extreme or it could be the servers on the west coast usa have been smashed all day and are puckered out
While it is nice having persistent hangers it's amusing to see a little nox sitting alone in the middle of a giant xlarge pad that just came up from the void.
After an hour of playing around in the hanger figuring how to park the smaller ships so that they could remain to be loaded in bigger ships I proceed to head out of hurston in the Polaris. Only to have the game crash and the ship shown up as unknown. Over an hour reclaim count down ened that session.
The next day I spent far to long looking for the tractor beam module for the mulitool. Before attempting to load 9 boxes into a c2 before once again the game crashed.
While I expect the game to be buggy this seems to be rather extreme or it could be the servers on the west coast usa have been smashed all day and are puckered out