Boredgamers interview of Imperium


Space Marshal
Sep 9, 2015
RSI Handle
So much negativity about an org whoes actions dont effect us. Im glag there are different orgs with various outlooks and structures. The more there are the more likley people will find one that fits them. Even if its not Test its still a good thing.

How about we all just get along?


Digital Janitor
Staff member
Jan 22, 2014
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More specifically, the begin explaining their structure so that we can understand how IMPORTANT they are.

In an org that is in a game about pretend internet spaceships.

That by itself implies the existence of not just a stick up their ass, but a whole goddamn tree shoved so far up that the branches tickle their uvula.
comment of the month.
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Space Monkey

Vice Admiral
Feb 21, 2015
RSI Handle
So much negativity about an org whoes actions dont effect us. Im glag there are different orgs with various outlooks and structures. The more there are the more likley people will find one that fits them. Even if its not Test its still a good thing.

How about we all just get along?
Argh, come on we're just a bunch on pussy cats.

Seriously though, it's all in good fun. Maximizing game fun-ability and all.

We 're a large org and I think we owe it to ourselves to find an equally good adversary.
It's not negativity, it's about playing a good game.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Well, good for Imperium for continuing to be good at poking fun at.

In all seriousness, they can do stuff their way and we'll do it ours. I'm in TEST because I think the "umbrella" structure is awesome and I like the laid back atmosphere. Their "no affilates whatsoever" seems a tad heavy-handed, especially since there are many orgs that are basically social clubs and networking.

But internet spaceships iz srs bsns

Reyalp CB4

Space Marshal
Oct 1, 2015
RSI Handle
its funny how they already lumped piracy in with griefing and cheating. They make me think of the people i play rocket league against that get SOOOO mad when i play a song after i make a goal.

Im Sorry some times i happen to like hearing Whitney Houston Belt "I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU" as i watch a teammate or me score a point.
There's always some one that gets on the mic rages about the song.

Plus i love how they go on about not needing any other org cause you wont get bored in theirs. Then go on to list all the things you can't do cause "dey be NO NOes"


Vice Admiral
Mar 28, 2015
RSI Handle
VoA turned me off SCbase and Imperium, much more entertaining here than with the imps.

The use of the word Imperium suggests a lot about their mentality, and approach to other players.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
So much negativity about an org whoes actions dont effect us. Im glag there are different orgs with various outlooks and structures. The more there are the more likley people will find one that fits them. Even if its not Test its still a good thing.

How about we all just get along?
We do get along, everybody is just poking some fun.

Every week we pick a different org to hate on, I believe next week its Serenity.


Spreader of Truth / Master of Hamsters
Staff member
Oct 30, 2013
RSI Handle
So much negativity about an org whoes actions dont effect us. Im glag there are different orgs with various outlooks and structures. The more there are the more likley people will find one that fits them. Even if its not Test its still a good thing.

How about we all just get along?
Bingo! I for one, personally welcome our Imperium overlords.


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2015
RSI Handle
Yeh, I joined Imperium first, and from my newbie perspective I was overwhelmed with all their rules and regulations (for a VIDEO game, that is). They seemed to take themselves very seriously. I'm not a hardcore gamer, so even though the org claimed to be casual friendly, I did not get the impression that I would have thrived there. Heavily structured. In a good way, it kind of reminded me of Eve University; very faux-professional.

It's been a while, but as I recall, the stick that broke the camel's back was the (then) requirement that you can only belong to a single org; either that or Imperium had to be the primary listed. Either way, I wasn't down with pledging my undying allegiance to anyone, yet. They hadn't earned that privilege with me, yet. TEST gave me flexibility & some semblance of loose tolerance towards other orgs (something that some real-world organizations *coughreligions* should take a lesson from). I didn't want to join the next digital Jihad, so Imperium was out.

One thought I want to share, though: I would not underestimate them. After playing a few games of Planetside 2 with them alongside TRAF, I came to find out that their leadership is pretty effective for Planetside 2. I don't know if they are still affiliated, but I'd keep an eye out for that just in case.

Space Monkey

Vice Admiral
Feb 21, 2015
RSI Handle
TEST gave me flexibility & some semblance of loose tolerance
Are you saying TEST is an accrobat with loose morals?..

Mission accomplished!

I would not underestimate them
I agree. They are definitely out there to win it which will make it more fun and make us better TESTies...or at least crash trying.
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Grand Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
RSI Handle
On why they don't allow affiliates: "imperium should absorb all of our members time"

Sounds like a good time...

painfully boring to watch/listen to. They seem very excited about themselves yet it seems OVERLY micromanaged and extra tight-ass and lame. I go back to ADI (a third time) before ever joining them. They think they have something special going on, but have clearly demonstrated already, wasting many peoples time with free labours... yet they can not even contribute to the rest of RSI/SC by being affiliates ?
Bah, I will gun for them when the game goes live, just mode targets for the fodder coming out of my cannons.
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Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2015
RSI Handle
Sounds like TEST is (one way or the other, whether we like it or not) going to be made out to be the pirates. I mean, terrorists IRL don't see themselves as terrorists; they see themselves as "freedom fighters" and "just trying to bring down what we see as a corrupt government" or whatever.

TEST.... Hate to break it to y'all... But, we are going to be pirates. I know, I know, many of us already know this, and look forward to it. But as the "loudest" members of an organization tend to define what that organization actually is, (ie. #Feminism and #BlackLivesMatter ) let's face it: We will be the pirates in Star Citizen. If for nothing else than inter-org propaganda. If we band together in a pocket of space, I wouldn't be surprised if other orgs come after us even if simply to fulfill their "righteous crusade". Gotta keep the boys busy between wars, right? Why not pick on TEST for target practice? My point is, guys like Imperium are essentially claiming to be our worse nightmare, so the sooner we own our role, and live up to it, the better.

Now as for me, as a fair disclaimer, I am normally against non-consensual PvP (except in lowsec/nullsec space, of course). So it is ironic that I'm here in TEST, right? However, I'm a lover not a fighter, so if you can't beat them... JOIN THEM! :) I just want to play a video game and have fun like y'all, but in this ecosystem, the REAL pirates (Imperium, et. al.) aren't going to let that happen.
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