Boredgamers interview of Imperium


Space Marshal
May 9, 2014
RSI Handle
OH goodness no, I am no Pirate. I love fluffy kitties and lady bugs and morning dew drops on roses. I would never stoop to piracy.

Just because we are some people's villains, doesn't mean we are bad guys. I am very much in the game for legitimacy in trade and exploration, and helping my fellow pilot. I don't think piracy is bad, it's just not my thing. I will help any of my fellow Testies in their ventures... but I will shoot down any non-affiliated pirates. There is a role for each of us in this massive aspect of a game. We don't have to all be pirates, and certainly not the majority I have seen here are all about that piracy. But you know, you do you, and I will do me, and we will all space happy fun times together.


Grand Admiral
Aug 4, 2015
RSI Handle
I think they are the most dangerous type of pirates. They are already stealling the fun out of this game...unless you find buricratc rule fun... We are morarlly oblijed to fight back the evil empire and own our plucky freedom fighter (with beer) role.

We shall conduct robinhood style raids in the name of the dear leader!

Space Monkey

Vice Admiral
Feb 21, 2015
RSI Handle
Sounds like TEST is (one way or the other, whether we like it or not) going to be made out to be the pirates. I mean, terrorists IRL don't see themselves as terrorists; they see themselves as "freedom fighters" and "just trying to bring down what we see as a corrupt government" or whatever.

TEST.... Hate to break it to y'all... But, we are going to be pirates. I know, I know, many of us already know this, and look forward to it. But as the "loudest" members of an organization tend to define what that organization actually is, (ie. #Feminism and #BlackLivesMatter ) let's face it: We will be the pirates in Star Citizen. If for nothing else than inter-org propaganda. If we band together in a pocket of space, I wouldn't be surprised if other orgs come after us even if simply to fulfill their "righteous crusade". Gotta keep the boys busy between wars, right? Why not pick on TEST for target practice? My point is, guys like Imperium are essentially claiming to be our worse nightmare, so the sooner we own our role, and live up to it, the better.

Now as for me, as a fair disclaimer, I am normally against non-consensual PvP (except in lowsec/nullsec space, of course). So it is ironic that I'm here in TEST, right? However, I'm a lover not a fighter, so if you can't beat them... JOIN THEM! :) I just want to play a video game and have fun like y'all, but in this ecosystem, the REAL pirates (Imperium, et. al.) aren't going to let that happen.
I'd actually have to disagree. Other orgs can surely see TEST as pirates if they want to but from what I have seen TEST encourages all game play.
As the only amongst the largest org that encourages all game play including piracy, people could make the mistake that we are all about this. This is not the case. As it is, because of the nature of piracy in game, it will be managed differently. It is important not to affect the org as a whole. For TEST members to be accepted as vanilla and not have any issue in UEE space and those who do not want to participate in piracy or the less legal aspect of professions, I far as I know, the goal is to prevent the org from getting a bad reputation. We don't knwo what it will look like because that will be determined by the game. This is be one of the most amazing aspects of TEST because we will be able to capitalize on every aspect of the game and not just what our reputation lets us do and dictates where we go. Rock Raiders and Cargo monkeys will benefit mostly because they will be protected by TEST everywhere.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
What I want to know is how are they possibly as large as they are if they really are no funsicles?
They cyber squatted the URL (missing "s") and thousands of Star Citizen backers went to that site by mistake and registered on their forums, assuming they were the legit forums.

Being the largest org from day 1 resulted in many new backers simply joining them just because they are the biggest.
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Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2015
RSI Handle
What I want to know is how are they possibly as large as they are if they really are no funsicles?
Perhaps the experience was exactly like mine: they were the biggest, most professional-looking org in Star Citizen (at the time) and as a result, 95% of their members are either inactive or too lazy to leave. Sound familiar? In fact, I wouldn't really count on the RSI website's member count making a huge difference for ANY org really until the game actually goes into 100% completed beta phase.

I think TEST will really benefit from cranking out the propaganda / recruiting efforts at beta when many other players actually wake up, find out that the org they join 2-3 years ago died or got boring, and look for a warmer online family.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2014
RSI Handle
Just because Montoya is a Gurista clone fanboy doesn't mean we all are. Have you even read our charter? o_O

This is the everyman-org. You are welcome to join the Test affiliate pirate org once that becomes a thing. But the main premise put forth on this site and the orgs page on RSI are about being welcoming and available for all. We can't be available for all if we are banned from 90% of space.
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Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2015
RSI Handle
because Montoya is a Gurista clone fanboy doesn't mean we all are. Have you even read our charter? o_O

This is the everyman-org. You are welcome to join the Test affiliate pirate org once that becomes a thing. But the main premise put forth on this site and the orgs page on RSI are about being welcoming and available for all. We can't be available for all if we are banned from 90% of space.
OH, absolutely! Twas a friendly poke at Glorious Leader, and the repeated, "We aren't all pirates!" chatter :)

Just cause other orgs don't have fun and take themselves too seriously, doesn't mean we have to. I do what I wunt.
I certainly agree about doing what we want and having fun. Here's to hoping that inter-org politics doesn't get in the way of that.


Spreader of Truth / Master of Hamsters
Staff member
Oct 30, 2013
RSI Handle
Just because Montoya is a Gurista clone fanboy doesn't mean we all are. Have you even read our charter? o_O

This is the everyman-org. You are welcome to join the Test affiliate pirate org once that becomes a thing. But the main premise put forth on this site and the orgs page on RSI are about being welcoming and available for all. We can't be available for all if we are banned from 90% of space.
Hell I run a non-partial Medical org on my alt because I just want to help out unfortunate people getting blown up in space (think Doctors without Borders).

Krystal LeChuck

Meme Meister
Staff member
Jun 10, 2014
RSI Handle
I will be a pirate... There... I said it...


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm not necessarily gonna be a pirate. I'm not necessarily not be a pirate. It's hard to say right now, with no real knowledge about the pirate's life in game.


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm not necessarily gonna be a pirate. I'm not necessarily not be a pirate. It's hard to say right now, with no real knowledge about the pirate's life in game.
OMG THIS!!! all this saber-rattling, and for what? So much could change, who knows WHAT actual gameplay will be like? I mean, what if the only way TO get ahead is by stealing your neighbor's boots (ie. ARK: SE and Rust)


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm not necessarily gonna be a pirate. I'm not necessarily not be a pirate. It's hard to say right now, with no real knowledge about the pirate's life in game.

SC is a sandbox - anyone mandating rules or one playstyle, before seeing what emerges as fun, is painting themselves into a corner


Space Marshal
Sep 9, 2015
RSI Handle
OH goodness no, I am no Pirate. I love fluffy kitties and lady bugs and morning dew drops on roses. I would never stoop to piracy.

Just because we are some people's villains, doesn't mean we are bad guys. I am very much in the game for legitimacy in trade and exploration, and helping my fellow pilot. I don't think piracy is bad, it's just not my thing. I will help any of my fellow Testies in their ventures... but I will shoot down any non-affiliated pirates. There is a role for each of us in this massive aspect of a game. We don't have to all be pirates, and certainly not the majority I have seen here are all about that piracy. But you know, you do you, and I will do me, and we will all space happy fun times together.
I like your attitude. If you have a newsletter i will subscribe
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Semphis Rythorn

Rear Admiral
Aug 9, 2014
RSI Handle
I find it funny that people think that TEST is going to be the next Goonswarm. Yes we do support all types of gameplay Hell i may even be a pirate someday if i find it fun. These people and their Constitutions and and Hurr durr we must be super rigid forget one thing.

How to have a good time. Its one of the things i like about TEST we aren't super rigid or have a need of some goddam document.
we are flexible and we our rules are basic as hell.
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