Great talk guys!
But what about crew commander?
IE: Red 1 in talking to Ground Control and in a channel with Red 2- 10, while also listening in to the verbal chit chat of Captain of Destroyers 1-6,
but Red 2 - 10 are only talking to each other, and Captain of Destroy is calling orders to Destroyer Engineear... Enginner... Ingangear... The Fix It Guys, and all while Ground Control is telling Captain of Destroyers 1 - 10 and Wing Commander what to do... assuming Montoya is a big shiney planet we eventually rename Ground Control
This exactly. This is why the military has multiple channels. Usually you have a main battle net, that is only used for the specifics. Everyone monitors it.
Then within the individual vehicles, like tanks, we have an IC system for that vehicle only. So the crew commander monitors the net. And relays orders through the IC to the crew of the tank.
There are secondary nets set up on different channels, IE, Rock raiders have their own net they switch to for Rock Raider specific info, orders, etc.
Then you have C&C vehicles or ships that have multiple radio systems on different channels that they monitor. So the Rock Raiders C&C ship will monitor both the main battle net and the Rock Raiders channel simultaneously.
That way if the bulk of the RRs are on the RR net and something is happening on the main net, the CC ship can jump on the RR net and tell everyone to switch back to the main net.
For us, it'll be multiple channels or channel discipline. So unless we're individually able to monitor multiple channels while in battle, our best bet is to
Use channel disciple: only operation or battle specific material on the net.
Otherwise, we'll need a C&C person to monitor multiple nets for us, relaying communications between channels