Thoughts on the Terrapin?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
All modern tanks have hardened electronic systems to prevent them from being rendered inert due to an EMP pulse, it has been that way since the cold war. They also have a fair amount of mechanical redundancy and modularity which makes getting them back running relatively fast.
I'm sorry but someone has misled you. Soviet fighters through the 70's and 80's had some E1 EMP protection since they were still using vacuum tubes, but they were not using the tubes because of the possibility of EMP. They used them because their IC technology had very poor quality control through those years and they had no choice. As consequence, Soviet avionics were more than a full generation behind their western counterparts, and this gap still exists today.

Tanks do not include special EMP hardening at all. They never have. Their metallic armor dissipates E1, E2 and E3 components of the EMP, but that is function of the volume of the armor, not some special attempt to stop an EMP.

EMP hardening has never been practical because the E1 wave is almost impossible to stop, as it is X-Ray; and permanently destroys electronics that are not grounded. X-Ray can only be stopped by sheer mass, as we do with lead vests in X-Ray rooms. Imagine flying a plane or a tank filled with lead. Even tanks would not be able to move.

One expects the game is emulating E2 and E3 spikes which should be easier to stop, but you should not expect that as a standard option like a cigar lighter. I think EMP Generators are going to be very hard to get hold of and very hard to stop, but that does not simply hand a ship over to marauders. Fighting defensively on your own ship is supposed to have benefits that are hard to overcome.

If you're interested in the real life applications of all this, see what Yosemite Space is doing with their new Gumstix testing on ISS. Pretty cool stuff they've got there. Beating an EMP and beating space radiation are petty similar save the intensity of the events. Hence they look hard at how to stop radiation from corrupting data and programs rather than how to stop it interfering at all, which they cannot do on such small spacecraft.
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Aug 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I can honestly see the Terrapin as a viable escort for miners in asteroid fields where it can take a couple bumps against the 'roids and also take quite the beating while shooting back against any kind of raiders. But out in the open whether in space or in atmo? Once it's caught it's a sitting duck. No amount of armor or shields will save it.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
A lot of folks who were hoping for an M1 Abrams in space are pretty disappointed, but the Q&A did a WHOLE lot to pique my interest in the scanning and exploring mechanics they're cooking up. As a new Carrack owner (squee!) i have a vested interest in that whole system and it sounds like the terrapin will be a pretty cool little recon/scout ship. I'm just excited to find me a rock to set down on!


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
See? Thats the difference. I have absolutely no idea what I'm gonna do with the Terrapin. I just WANTED it - thats all :D
Are you kidding? with the shields and armor on that thing it wont crash into a sun, it would piece right through it. Enjoy your new sunpiercer.
P.S. I would gladly crew up with you on it as your scan operator. together we can cash in an selling data and retire to some obscure vacation planet where you would most likely chain me to your espresso machine fort all eternity.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
A lot of folks who were hoping for an M1 Abrams in space are pretty disappointed, but the Q&A did a WHOLE lot to pique my interest in the scanning and exploring mechanics they're cooking up. As a new Carrack owner (squee!) i have a vested interest in that whole system and it sounds like the terrapin will be a pretty cool little recon/scout ship. I'm just excited to find me a rock to set down on!
Man I love that gif.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
So, since our sons' birthday we are watching "Star Wars: Rebels". Aside of that I really like this kids-compatible Star Wars stuff, did you notice that the "Ghost" leans towards the Terrapin, at least looking to the style of the ship?

Damn, now again I am feeling this inner wish that CIG could design their ships slightly larger than they currently are building them. I mean, imagine the Terrapain not only able to carry 2 crew members + 0 cargo space but instead a whole team + snub + small cargo bay + transportation system for carrying containers....*sighs*


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I mean, imagine the Terrapain not only able to carry 2 crew members + 0 cargo space but instead a whole team + snub + small cargo bay + transportation system for carrying containers....*sighs*
You mean like a carrack? Sam?
Hehe. Yeah, they do have plenty of multicrew ships. Most of mine are.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Damn, now again I am feeling this inner wish that CIG could design their ships slightly larger than they currently are building them. I mean, imagine the Terrapain not only able to carry 2 crew members + 0 cargo space but instead a whole team + snub + small cargo bay + transportation system for carrying containers....*sighs*
You're describing the Conny. The main difference is the Conny has the very dull linear layout, but if you look at the general contents and capabilities of the ships, the Conny has what you're looking for. I have been convinced for a long time that had CIG waited to release the Conny she would be much more popular. People tend to disregard her as old hat. She is though, the answer to those who want to live and work on a small ship like what we see in the YT series in StarWars, and the Firefly series as well. I think they made her long and skinny to throw us off that fact.

BTW, Rebels totally rocks. No spoilers from me. Watch the whole series.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Terrapin! Doom Turtle. So pretty.
She is growing on me. If what you want is to sneak around and gather intel, or guide torpedoes in from afar, she is going to be hard to beat.

Even though I love the way it looks, I cannot get past the impression that it was half-assed. No cargo, one bed, 2 x size 2 on one turret, no missiles, and it's sluggishness is something that's being touted.
Not really half-assed, but very specific use. She's basically a super-capable Hornet Ghost/Tracker. If you want to sneak around and gather intel, you need to sacrifice some combat abilities, but she is supposed to be sporting powerful scan capabilities. I would not want to be in one in a fight, but if you can mount a pair of the S4 BEHR Ballistic Cannons on her chin, in the first moments of a surprise attack she could have quite a potent punch!

Imagine laying in wait in an asteroid field, with all passive sensors whirring away while your Polaris is moving in, and directing the Polaris S10 torpedoes and S3 missiles to devastating effect. It is a very dangerous job, and if you get caught you have only a few options, but what a kick this thing would be to fly!

BTW, you only need one bed. What this means is you can log out and the ship will disappear, and log in and you are in the ship, wherever you last left it. Basically you can stay on station, scanning undetected, for days at a time. The bed offers a HUGE advantage over the Hornet Ghost/Tracker combo, and she is long range. That's something none of the Hornets offers.

Many tasks in SC will require powerful scouting services, and this is the best ship to date for such services. Pirates will love this ship.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2014
RSI Handle
I am a huge BSG fan. And my favorite ship there is the Raptor, and it seems to me, at least on the surface, that the Terrapin is basically the SC version of the BSG Raptor. Add to that it looks badass? Yeah, it's a good bet this ship we know so little about will rock. Just don't expect it to be able to do everything. One of the Q&A's I remember CR saying it's basically the most armored starter ship class. So that in mind I have no doubt there will be tougher or just as tough NON-starter class ships that we can crazygonuts in. Or not, I don't know. Is PU out yet? I am dying here!


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Are you kidding? with the shields and armor on that thing it wont crash into a sun, it would piece right through it. Enjoy your new sunpiercer.
P.S. I would gladly crew up with you on it as your scan operator. together we can cash in an selling data and retire to some obscure vacation planet where you would most likely chain me to your espresso machine fort all eternity.
You're in. Don't forget to bring the first aid kit![/&spoiler]
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Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2016
RSI Handle
Reddit is saying it will fit in a Polaris, but not a Carrack.
That's too bad, kinda figured though. It would have been nice since they sold them together in that package at one point.
lol, Dragonfly -in-> Terrapin -in-> Carrack. Like nesting dolls but with exploration ships.
Guess I'll need an NPC to fly my Terrapin along with me.

Overall looking forward to the Terrapin, a bit bummed by its lack of firepower other features like cargo for its price, but I know I'll love mine regardless. Maybe down the line will be able to modify our ships to the point of customizing hardpoints to allow unsupported weapon sizes or things that aren't weapons, with appropriate drawbacks of course.
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