The Theory of " FAT FURY "


Dec 26, 2024
RSI Handle
Hello every one,
My name is David, but im more know, if even known by name Varcan.
After many years of waiting i was able to get my hands on a decent PC, and be able to play Star Citizen.
The reason why i did start is ... complicated, im Star Wars fan since 1987 and i love the way of how CIG is giving me an opportunity to play the game with at least minimum of their SW themed ships.

The culminative moment of my decision was a Tie-Fighter ermmmm The Guardian - yes i know You probably heard the story from about half of SC community what is and what not good about this ship but hear me out.

at the early 2023 when i was looking for a decent game that could bring back my childhood back with good graphics and Star Wars themed ships, and as I've seen many of them that didn't do it right i came to the SC community and they did show me what Star Citizen is all about.
- that time i didnt have a PC yet, it was just me and my old PS4.

The first I've seen were Exactly the Leaks of Mirai Guardian know back there as something else - forgive me I've forgot - and it wasn't fury since it was released in May that year.
And imagine my frustration when i already had all the leaks and found out it is Mirai Fury that got released but Guardian at all, and then we have called it a "MIrai FAT Fury", and there where everything gets interesting ! cuz its not he FAT fury - YET...

Once I've got my hands on a tons of leaks, predictions, and i started my theorizing with being already by able to play the game since June- July this year - i was going furious and started to question my sanity...
but TL:DR i was right with everything, my theories are within my Org Discord and mostly wrote with my home language witch is Polish - so forgive me if i write like 5 yo kid in English.
what was i right about: Its size, weapons, crew size, its propose and having an interior - half a year before we get it playable here...

So what is all the fuss about? we have the Fury, the Guardian already ?! ... but as i wrote above - we didn't get FAT fury yet...
- after couple of hours flying and KOSing everything with both my guardians - yes ofc i had to get 2 of them - friend of mine that always have supported me even when 90% of org questioned my sanity, he came with words "What if i told You, you were right about FAT Fury not being The Guardian At all??"

And So ... that's why im actually here, CIG removes my posts from their Discord Channels... My Org started to question my Sanity again... only few of us are working on that yet to be called "Theory".
And here we go...
At the CitizenCon 2023 we have received Concepts of upcoming Ships like Tali, Intrepid, Guardian etc. - btw my theory about Intrepid was ok as well, just size of Gun didn't match.
We were told That we can get them with next 12 months...

At the CitizenCon 2024 (i know i should write 2954) - we have received 2 concept rooms - one from 2023, with names, with release date at the end of 2024 and an apology about Legionarie not being released yet because of the lack of gameplay for this ship, and after we have few scenes about upcoming ships such as Polaris, Intrepid and Terrapin Medivac, What Happens next - they Show an another Concepts to come to live in next 12 months...
We have new Hornets, Medical Terrapin, long Awaited Perseus, and other big vessels... AND ... Guardian ?? Ok Sure - that time we didn't know about its Final and Confirmed Looks, everything was about theory and with Theory and speculations only BUT, now ? when i look at my Tie-Fighters errr... Guardians - IT IS NOT THE SHIP FROM Citizencon 2024...
- I got my Hands on Jump Magazine where they shown Guardian creation from the basic cumulation of all possible MISC/MIRAI theme parts, up to a project that got accepted by Mod/ Devs or Kriss himself.
- so i look again at my ship, at Concepts from 2023, again into magazine, an again at my Ship... so i look at 2024 concepts... Trying different angles, camera play ... NOPE... its not The guardian.

SO WHAT THE... In the name of Galactic Empire is that Ship ?? An another Multi-role MISC/MIRAI Guardian-TAC type of ship ??
I have no idea, im digging as deep as possible to get any info about this, and at the end it looks like im not alone with this "Theory"...

The Theory of " FAT FURY " is still alive, it didn't came to complete after Guardian Release...
few pictures below, maybe my Sanity is long lost, but if that was the case, why was i Right about Guardian, Intrepid, oh... and even Starlancers...

Can You Guys accept me here? and help me out with Theory Crafting ?



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Welcome, your English is fine! :like:

I do like a nice theorycraft... perhaps instead of a different ship, a varient? It could be the Race version of the Guardian, with 100% less weapons but 100% more engines (have you noticed all the Xi'an ships have 4x engines and all the Xi'an tech Mirai only have 2 so far?) and it could be called the Pacifist, instead.


Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
Welcome Varcan...glad to hear that your PC is rocking SC. I love to theory craft too!

The below concept ship is definitely not the Guardian. Can't wait to find out more about what appears to be another Mirai ship. Love the lines either way. Maybe CIG will name this ship 'Crabby McCrab'?

Star Citizen New Ships and Vehicles in ...


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
The below concept ship is definitely not the Guardian. Can't wait to find out more about what appears to be another Mirai ship. Love the lines either way. Maybe CIG will name this ship 'Crabby McCrab'?

View attachment 26246
You want a Crabby Ship? I suggest that you look towards the Banu Defender.



Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm going to play a bit of the Devil's Advocate in stating that I believe that the preview image from CitizenCon 2023 that was dubbed by the community actually was the Mirai Guardian, CIG just hadn't decided on what weapons to equip it with at that point. Fast forward a bit & the weapons added throw off the original sneak peak, but we all know that things change during their development. This being said, in lore there is an interstellar race that is a massive favorite viewing activity for the Banu as well as many others. Perhaps, as suggested above by @NaffNaffBobFace , the previewed image version will turn out to be a racing version for that type of race across the Verse or perhaps it's a stealth scouting version?


Dec 26, 2024
RSI Handle
thank You all for Warm Welcom and so many answers and reply's !!!
- i was doing some research about this "Super Fat Fury", and there is nothing so far i could get... its strange since other ships has their leaks at least half a year before its final release...
- if its a Variant or something different i don't know, i love the idea about Stealth or Racing !!! if its size keeps it's concept picture then it could be even multirole gunship with 4 big engines, i've heard somewhere before that "Guardian" spouse to have hangar for Pulse in one of its wings - perhaps that's the version since these "Wings " are huge as f...
- about the performance between the 2 of Guardian and QI is... questionable, by paper its around 2-3 with Pitch and Yaw but QI is 10 slower on roll, the maneuverability between these 2 is only noticeable with Roll: Guardian 130 and QI 120.


Dec 26, 2024
RSI Handle
As are some of our personal fleets.
My fleet is small, by August .24 I've started collecting CCU Warbonds for Retaliator... I collected and collected... And when I was about to combine them all I've found out I can have Perseus and S-Max and 2 more chains... These 2 chains become Guardians, Perseus will be my Max size ship for Star Wars themed Imperial Frigate, but then I saw similarities of Liberator with imperial Tie Carrier... I'll never save money for better joystick lol...


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Ah, the allure of the CCU Dance, many of us TESTies know it very well, myself included. That's how quite a few vehicles in my fleet have been added, thankfully at discount rates, but those do still add up over time. So far you're mentioning ships that should serve you well. Though, if you're truly looking for a ship that can act as an Imperial Tie Carrier ... *points towards the Polaris*.



Dec 26, 2024
RSI Handle
Ah, the allure of the CCU Dance, many of us TESTies know it very well, myself included. That's how quite a few vehicles in my fleet have been added, thankfully at discount rates, but those do still add up over time. So far you're mentioning ships that should serve you well. Though, if you're truly looking for a ship that can act as an Imperial Tie Carrier ... *points towards the Polaris*.

my discount for Guardian is 40%, 57% for Perseus, QI variant was made forcefully using mostly Store Credits with just 22% savings, Starlancer MAX is either getting an upgrade to TAC, or chained inside Perseus as of half of Perseus Chain was used for Guardian xD
I cant decide yet which to keep if not the both of them, immagine Perseus Painted Whiite with 2 Guardians at its sides, 4 Furys in the cargo AND ....


cant confirm or deny, but if i consider earlier leak that it could have Pulse Garage in one of the wings, it could have body fridge in an another and Sonic Bombs in the upper one... WHERE did i see that concept?...
Mandalorian - Razor crest AKA The Cutter - catchy name
But what if...Jango Fett Slave One ??
If Guardian is "To protect"
and Tie-Silencer "To Enslave"

Then Guardian BH should be called ... plz help me with this one im totally loosing it... because "Freelancer" is already in use lol.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, just a heads up on something that you might eventually encounter in regards of Star Citizen, it's known as Concierge. I mention this, because those that have backed enough to reach this height, are offered the opportunity to also purchase limited edition items such as special paint versions for vehicles. Case in point, as you're a fan of the Perseus, I present to you, the Thundercloud paint for the Perseus.



Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Okay, first Things first.
Welche to the squardon Moon_Varcan!
May your glass always be full and your explosions be colorful and spectacular.
Now to the Theorie crafting:
The below concept ship is definitely not the Guardian. Can't wait to find out more about what appears to be another Mirai ship. Love the lines either way. Maybe CIG will name this ship 'Crabby McCrab'?

Star Citizen New Ships and Vehicles in ...
This is, without a doubt, the sleek backside of the RSI Constellation MKII.
Because seriously folks, a simple Gold Standard Pass won't be enough to bring the Conny up to standard. Needs new interior and everything. And while they are at it they'll probably shrink the weapons on all models to size 4 guns. Because it's tradition by now...
Oh well, as long as they add internal storage...

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
On the Fat Fury theory, I guess one question revolves around its ship 'class'. Question: If the MIRAI Guardian is a 'heavy fighter', what would something bigger be? Would something having a similar design theme but bigger be a MIRAI 'gunship'? A MIRAI 'corvette'? Does MISC / MIRAI have a larger military ship in its lore?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
This is, without a doubt, the sleek backside of the RSI Constellation MKII.
Because seriously folks, a simple Gold Standard Pass won't be enough to bring the Conny up to standard. Needs new interior and everything. And while they are at it they'll probably shrink the weapons on all models to size 4 guns. Because it's tradition by now...
Oh well, as long as they add internal storage...
Oh... oh my gwad it might just be!


Dec 26, 2024
RSI Handle
This is, without a doubt, the sleek backside of the RSI Constellation MKII.
I was thinking about it to be Connie class MK2 something but it faces front with 4 headlights... If it was red or something then yeah... Too many questions... Not many answers :(

Does MISC / MIRAI have a larger military ship in its lore?
MISC Starlancer series model TAC... Guardian TAC xD?

Case in point, as you're a fan of the Perseus, I present to you, the Thundercloud paint for the Perseus.

It's perfect! But still...
200$ to go... XD
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
On the Fat Fury theory, I guess one question revolves around its ship 'class'. Question: If the MIRAI Guardian is a 'heavy fighter', what would something bigger be? Would something having a similar design theme but bigger be a MIRAI 'gunship'? A MIRAI 'corvette'? Does MISC / MIRAI have a larger military ship in its lore?
Yes, “gunship” is the next class up, size like the Paladin. A Mirai gunship would be nice. Something scout-sized with a twist we haven’t seen. I’d personally like to see two remote triple turrets, triple S4 guns for the pilot and a bubble bridge for three crew akin to the Reliant. 3x3S7 torps. Tiny interior like the Guardian but with three bunks. Variable geometry like the Reliant but in more a diamond broadhead shape that doesn’t swing the bridge. . .kinda like the Skipray Blastboat if you’re familiar, but that justifies some crazy low crossection. Two dorsal turrets, port and starboard. Armor up the dorsal and leave the ventral lightly armored as one intends to keep the dorsal toward opponents.

Result should be better maneuverability than others in the class but some specific fragility built in that can be exploited by knowing opponents. Much smaller than the Paladin. Dedicated spy drone bay that also fits three Pulse. S3 radar, 2S2 reactors, 3S2 coolers, 6S1 shields, 2S2 Q drives pilot selectable for quick, short jumps or long, slow efficient jumps that resist interference, 6 cargo, stock with 9 Revenants w/quad magazines: sneaky spy scout with great range designed to murder Vanduul in their own back yard.
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