Hello every one,
My name is David, but im more know, if even known by name Varcan.
After many years of waiting i was able to get my hands on a decent PC, and be able to play Star Citizen.
The reason why i did start is ... complicated, im Star Wars fan since 1987 and i love the way of how CIG is giving me an opportunity to play the game with at least minimum of their SW themed ships.
The culminative moment of my decision was a Tie-Fighter ermmmm The Guardian - yes i know You probably heard the story from about half of SC community what is and what not good about this ship but hear me out.
at the early 2023 when i was looking for a decent game that could bring back my childhood back with good graphics and Star Wars themed ships, and as I've seen many of them that didn't do it right i came to the SC community and they did show me what Star Citizen is all about.
- that time i didnt have a PC yet, it was just me and my old PS4.
The first I've seen were Exactly the Leaks of Mirai Guardian know back there as something else - forgive me I've forgot - and it wasn't fury since it was released in May that year.
And imagine my frustration when i already had all the leaks and found out it is Mirai Fury that got released but Guardian at all, and then we have called it a "MIrai FAT Fury", and there where everything gets interesting ! cuz its not he FAT fury - YET...
Once I've got my hands on a tons of leaks, predictions, and i started my theorizing with being already by able to play the game since June- July this year - i was going furious and started to question my sanity...
but TL:DR i was right with everything, my theories are within my Org Discord and mostly wrote with my home language witch is Polish - so forgive me if i write like 5 yo kid in English.
what was i right about: Its size, weapons, crew size, its propose and having an interior - half a year before we get it playable here...
So what is all the fuss about? we have the Fury, the Guardian already ?! ... but as i wrote above - we didn't get FAT fury yet...
- after couple of hours flying and KOSing everything with both my guardians - yes ofc i had to get 2 of them - friend of mine that always have supported me even when 90% of org questioned my sanity, he came with words "What if i told You, you were right about FAT Fury not being The Guardian At all??"
And So ... that's why im actually here, CIG removes my posts from their Discord Channels... My Org started to question my Sanity again... only few of us are working on that yet to be called "Theory".
And here we go...
At the CitizenCon 2023 we have received Concepts of upcoming Ships like Tali, Intrepid, Guardian etc. - btw my theory about Intrepid was ok as well, just size of Gun didn't match.
We were told That we can get them with next 12 months...
At the CitizenCon 2024 (i know i should write 2954) - we have received 2 concept rooms - one from 2023, with names, with release date at the end of 2024 and an apology about Legionarie not being released yet because of the lack of gameplay for this ship, and after we have few scenes about upcoming ships such as Polaris, Intrepid and Terrapin Medivac, What Happens next - they Show an another Concepts to come to live in next 12 months...
We have new Hornets, Medical Terrapin, long Awaited Perseus, and other big vessels... AND ... Guardian ?? Ok Sure - that time we didn't know about its Final and Confirmed Looks, everything was about theory and with Theory and speculations only BUT, now ? when i look at my Tie-Fighters errr... Guardians - IT IS NOT THE SHIP FROM Citizencon 2024...
- I got my Hands on Jump Magazine where they shown Guardian creation from the basic cumulation of all possible MISC/MIRAI theme parts, up to a project that got accepted by Mod/ Devs or Kriss himself.
- so i look again at my ship, at Concepts from 2023, again into magazine, an again at my Ship... so i look at 2024 concepts... Trying different angles, camera play ... NOPE... its not The guardian.
SO WHAT THE... In the name of Galactic Empire is that Ship ?? An another Multi-role MISC/MIRAI Guardian-TAC type of ship ??
I have no idea, im digging as deep as possible to get any info about this, and at the end it looks like im not alone with this "Theory"...
The Theory of " FAT FURY " is still alive, it didn't came to complete after Guardian Release...
few pictures below, maybe my Sanity is long lost, but if that was the case, why was i Right about Guardian, Intrepid, oh... and even Starlancers...
Can You Guys accept me here? and help me out with Theory Crafting ?
My name is David, but im more know, if even known by name Varcan.
After many years of waiting i was able to get my hands on a decent PC, and be able to play Star Citizen.
The reason why i did start is ... complicated, im Star Wars fan since 1987 and i love the way of how CIG is giving me an opportunity to play the game with at least minimum of their SW themed ships.
The culminative moment of my decision was a Tie-Fighter ermmmm The Guardian - yes i know You probably heard the story from about half of SC community what is and what not good about this ship but hear me out.
at the early 2023 when i was looking for a decent game that could bring back my childhood back with good graphics and Star Wars themed ships, and as I've seen many of them that didn't do it right i came to the SC community and they did show me what Star Citizen is all about.
- that time i didnt have a PC yet, it was just me and my old PS4.
The first I've seen were Exactly the Leaks of Mirai Guardian know back there as something else - forgive me I've forgot - and it wasn't fury since it was released in May that year.
And imagine my frustration when i already had all the leaks and found out it is Mirai Fury that got released but Guardian at all, and then we have called it a "MIrai FAT Fury", and there where everything gets interesting ! cuz its not he FAT fury - YET...
Once I've got my hands on a tons of leaks, predictions, and i started my theorizing with being already by able to play the game since June- July this year - i was going furious and started to question my sanity...
but TL:DR i was right with everything, my theories are within my Org Discord and mostly wrote with my home language witch is Polish - so forgive me if i write like 5 yo kid in English.
what was i right about: Its size, weapons, crew size, its propose and having an interior - half a year before we get it playable here...
So what is all the fuss about? we have the Fury, the Guardian already ?! ... but as i wrote above - we didn't get FAT fury yet...
- after couple of hours flying and KOSing everything with both my guardians - yes ofc i had to get 2 of them - friend of mine that always have supported me even when 90% of org questioned my sanity, he came with words "What if i told You, you were right about FAT Fury not being The Guardian At all??"
And So ... that's why im actually here, CIG removes my posts from their Discord Channels... My Org started to question my Sanity again... only few of us are working on that yet to be called "Theory".
And here we go...
At the CitizenCon 2023 we have received Concepts of upcoming Ships like Tali, Intrepid, Guardian etc. - btw my theory about Intrepid was ok as well, just size of Gun didn't match.
We were told That we can get them with next 12 months...
At the CitizenCon 2024 (i know i should write 2954) - we have received 2 concept rooms - one from 2023, with names, with release date at the end of 2024 and an apology about Legionarie not being released yet because of the lack of gameplay for this ship, and after we have few scenes about upcoming ships such as Polaris, Intrepid and Terrapin Medivac, What Happens next - they Show an another Concepts to come to live in next 12 months...
We have new Hornets, Medical Terrapin, long Awaited Perseus, and other big vessels... AND ... Guardian ?? Ok Sure - that time we didn't know about its Final and Confirmed Looks, everything was about theory and with Theory and speculations only BUT, now ? when i look at my Tie-Fighters errr... Guardians - IT IS NOT THE SHIP FROM Citizencon 2024...
- I got my Hands on Jump Magazine where they shown Guardian creation from the basic cumulation of all possible MISC/MIRAI theme parts, up to a project that got accepted by Mod/ Devs or Kriss himself.
- so i look again at my ship, at Concepts from 2023, again into magazine, an again at my Ship... so i look at 2024 concepts... Trying different angles, camera play ... NOPE... its not The guardian.
SO WHAT THE... In the name of Galactic Empire is that Ship ?? An another Multi-role MISC/MIRAI Guardian-TAC type of ship ??
I have no idea, im digging as deep as possible to get any info about this, and at the end it looks like im not alone with this "Theory"...
The Theory of " FAT FURY " is still alive, it didn't came to complete after Guardian Release...
few pictures below, maybe my Sanity is long lost, but if that was the case, why was i Right about Guardian, Intrepid, oh... and even Starlancers...
Can You Guys accept me here? and help me out with Theory Crafting ?
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