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  1. Phantomoftruth

    New Concept Ship Tease: Origin 100 Series

    That's kinda sexy and uses much of the AX2 design language translated to Origin.
  2. Phantomoftruth

    New Concept Ship Tease: Origin 100 Series

    because Aegis needs more ships. I'm not really an Aegis hater, the Penguin was my gateway to SC. After watching the video, I see a Redeemer/Hoplite competitor. When the Early Bird drops, we'll know more.
  3. Phantomoftruth

    Anyone got a Pirate Caterpillar CCU?

    I don't have the Pirate Cat CCU, but I do have a Pirate Cat with YellowJacket and Black DF's.
  4. Phantomoftruth

    How many SOTS (State of the Squadron) is it going to take before full persistent universe

    we all know that SC and SQ42 cannot come out until SOTS 16 is found. there is no limit to the [CONCERN].
  5. Phantomoftruth

    So a family member asked..........

    I love the idea of this game so much that i've another $15-1600usd to buy back the packages that have all the ships and vehicles I truly want, because I was dumb and picked up a package I cannot melt without CustServ help. Inertia Booze. Crashing auroras.
  6. Phantomoftruth

    I ran into a TESTie at the zoo!

    "Best Squardon!"
  7. Phantomoftruth

    Ow crap, I just completed my 2nd year in TEST

    More drinks for everyone!
  8. Phantomoftruth

    @CrudeSasquatch turned older and drunker today!

    Have a Beer Day! sorry, I'm late.
  9. Phantomoftruth

    Test Squadron hockey sweater mock-up

    Necro'ing a Necro of a Necro. @Callahad @JackAvalon @ThunderGod I still have your hockey sweater/jersey
  10. Phantomoftruth

    New RSI Website is Live.

    I had to kill all my cookies and history for the new site to work as intended. FYI. now, it's pretty swank.
  11. Phantomoftruth

    New RSI Website is Live.

    If I can get the new shopping experience to work.
  12. Phantomoftruth

    New RSI Website is Live.

    I got you covered.
  13. Phantomoftruth

    We get ONE question... Help me.. what should we ask?

    "When considering Xi'an Court and Culture, it would be easy to imagine the style of music being played at the time. extrapolating from that what types of music do you imagine most common to the other races, i.e. Tuvan Thoat for the Vanduul.
  14. Phantomoftruth

    New subscriber benefit

    citizens, in general, have some level of masochism. Subscribers and Concierge in greater values. masochism and a dream. What could be better?
  15. Phantomoftruth

    CIG Responds to Crytek

  16. Phantomoftruth

    CIG Responds to Crytek

    I'm listening to the unedited version, just for the bonus drama.
  17. Phantomoftruth

    [WTB] Hanger Flair, BigBenny's Machine

    I was contemplating an extortionistic reserve via eBay in about a year, once the Reddit shops finally ran out.
  18. Phantomoftruth

    Video: Star Citizen Today - Jan 4th

    the chipset issue is Two Part. Meltdown effects Intel, as it allows access to Kernel memory and is capable of reading the entire physical memory of the target machine. As Tech articles state, Script-kiddie can do this and the most dangerous part of it is how you can spool up a cloud instance...
  19. Phantomoftruth

    Avenger rework

    If they are going through older ships and re-scaling them for standing/walking models, I'm a little non-plussed. I like that there are Cramped vehicles, the challenge of that is Collision which is addressed by the previous thought.
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