I have 1700 items in my buyback list. I have had my game package be Rear Admiral, Lightspeed, Digital Colonel before settling on UEE Exploration Package.
I would also recommend you contact CIG. Fully explain your situation. You will get more money back.
There have been numerous hacked accounts sold on reddit and most people aren't interested in buying accounts only to have CIG take back account.
Like I wrote you on reddit, I can't buy it either. I have bought two glaives (initial offering and vanduul swarm glaive). I have zero glaives in hangar or in buybacks. Yes I have beat Vanduul swarm numerous times but not in 2.6.3.
Any upgrades applied are gone forever when you melt. For example, when you melt a ccu'd carrack (upgraded from a lti dragonfly) you only can buyback dragonfly.
Not mine
@Mr. Pickles sale should start thursday for Pioneer warbonds. Main sale should start Friday.
I am hoping for a game package better than last year's UEE exploration package.