Check OP for pics. VIP status is Concierge, 2946 Pirate Agressor is a badge earned 2 years ago when they introduced Pirate Swarm. The prize was a chance to purchase a Pirate Caterpillar or a skin to upgrade an existing one.
Check it out. Thoughts?
$120 for Warbond and $140 for Credit. There are also a few other packages available.
Sunder here with another giveaway. I thought about what to do with this and came to the conclusion that I might as well just give it away hence the thread title. Now, how do you enter? You simply post a reply to this thread. Your post # is your entry number. Multiple replies will be...
Houston was built on a swamp I'm sorry to say so you're getting the worst of most everything. Heat, humidity, double heat from it radiating off concrete and pavement later in the day and in such a large city. And to top if all off you're right at sea level.
As a fellow Texan, I can corroborate giving the middle finger to the Texas heat. However I'll say this. For those of us that live away from the coast, at least it is a dry heat and there's usually a breeze going all the time. That's the saving grace.
From what I can see, they're selling every ship they've created and concept sold to date in that package.Every variant, EVERYTHING. All the modules, upgrades, and things too.