I'm sure that CIG isn't going to shoehorn piracy into PVP-only, so I'm betting the crime and punishment system will work within subsumption. But the real question here is; No witness, no crime? (Ala Red Dead Redemption)
I hear there is this prince in Nigeria that will have your back...
Remember: If something is provided for free, then you are the product. You think the cows at the slaughterhouse ever had to pay rent?
He was talking about keeping a character aboard a TEST-run capital ship. Anyone who manages to steal one of THOSE deserves the damn thing. haha Also, remember that ships will "de-spawn" if all of its occupants are in beds after like 5 minutes. So as long as you dont get jacked within that time...
Response &
T.H.R.E.A.T. can be TEST's round-the-clock response fleet that always stands at the ready to serve and protect the interests of its members in the universe.
Imagine: You are a TESTie who was digging for some of that sweet ore when a...
Heres what we do, maytes; Two Idrises=ALL the beer. Friends SHARE beer. Beer is the liquid of peace. Ooh look, another beer! I forgot what I was driving at, but the moral of the story is BEER.
Think buoyant thoughts, everyone. In a pinch, empty kegs can be used as a flotation device; But ONLY if they're empty. As good an excuse as any to start drinking before noon!
God dammit, white people. This is why other races can never take us seriously. First the infomercial thing and now this shit? I quit. I'm 1/32nd Nigerian anyways...