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  1. Crymsan

    What do you look for in SC spaceships these days?

    Hmm lets be honest there are 4 ships that concepted well and I have sold, Khartu Al, Blade, caterpillar and 600i. Basically sales will say anything to get a ship sale save your money things change.
  2. Crymsan

    Montoya's thoughts on the Nautilus

    Is it fame or infamy?
  3. Crymsan

    The upcoming 890J sale when PTU goes live:

    Its a big ship and I am sure it will have things to do in the verse but having bought and sold the 600 my origin luxury yacht fingers are well burnt.
  4. Crymsan

    Nautilus brochure and related data

    Hmm what I meant is it seems to be a very good guard ship as in guard that other ship doing something. The value in this ship would seem to be to make someone change their mind about attacking. This is assuming the drones "punch above their weight", i.e. are worth using. The problem with drones...
  5. Crymsan

    Nautilus brochure and related data

    Its interesting, the only thing I think is weird is the whole point of mines is remote weopons, but this thing has a higher crew than the hammerhead. Its the same cost as the hammerhead and I think it has more flexibility but that's mainly because combat still sucks and that therefore includes...
  6. Crymsan

    Im not usually a tinfoil hat conspiracy guy, but Epstein did not commit suicide!

    I think he was a concierge backer and gave up waiting knowing he wouldn't be able to use his ships in jail.
  7. Crymsan

    Guess the Aegis ship going to be announced in Frankfurt Aug 24th

    I think we should have the equivalent of a Kamikaze bomber so we can suicide mission the vanduul. It would have a giant screen on the side with a clock that counts down and if you haven't reached your target before it counts down you explode. This would be the perfect griefer's ship there would...
  8. Crymsan

    Guess the Aegis ship going to be announced in Frankfurt Aug 24th

    Well on the one hand its nice to be surprised with something completely new but do we need another mechanics black hole to fill. On the other its just another ship that needs building. Being pragmatic its probably a mid sized ship since they sold well (and well they have spent all cash raised...
  9. Crymsan

    What games are you guys planning on playing for the rest 2019?

    Well I am currently playing panzer corps grand campaign, steel division 2 and order of battle.
  10. Crymsan

    What was your first (backer) ship in Star Citizen?

    1) I purchased the constellation Aquila 2) I liked the idea of exploring new star systems 3) I do not still own it,it was a silly first purchase it wasn't even a game package (Doh!) 4) It became credits
  11. Crymsan

    Which should be the next SURPRISE ship to go live?

    Unfortunately they seem to be postponing ships on the development front so cannot see it being an existing announced ship. The only one we know about is the idris and that seems to have gone into the waiting for squadron 42. So yeah they may well have a ship go straight live but it will be new...
  12. Crymsan

    Three months to go for the 890 Jump.

    Firstly none of the purchased ships are for squadron 42 and lets be serious why are you taking this the latest estimated release date seriously? Is this not the fourth one for squadron 42?
  13. Crymsan

    Three months to go for the 890 Jump.

    years and years down the road I want to get out of alpha.
  14. Crymsan

    NOVA is TEST’s sister org?

  15. Crymsan

    Violent Video Games the truth.

    I have never understood how all the people employed to censer stuff are not maniacs if it is so bad for us?
  16. Crymsan

    Are there any advantages of having multiples of the same ship?

    I look forward to when the server can handle a fight against a kingship. Until then its a cut scene at best in squadron 42 when your lone aurora hits the weak spot with a missile!
  17. Crymsan

    Are there any advantages of having multiples of the same ship?

    As has already been said largely it would depend on how NPCs ends up. Lots of things have been said but lets see how that ends up as lots of things change in development. Jump limits and stuff could mean its a pain to jump with lots of different size ships. I don't think the insurance queue...
  18. Crymsan

    Three months to go for the 890 Jump.

    Well they say the team gets better so the longer you wait the more chance of it being better and lets be fair it would not be hard to be better than the 600i. On this basis the endeavour will be the best ship ever and it has even more chance as like the 890jump I do not own it! (Maybe the...
  19. Crymsan

    PSA - Official CIG 3.6 Feedback threads and survey

    The problem with learning to do it well is, they will just change it again. Why invest the time? Experience of this development is expect nothing except change well and bugs.
  20. Crymsan

    PSA - Official CIG 3.6 Feedback threads and survey

    It sounds like some of you are having fun at least! I have not upgraded my pc for a few years and it is surprising how little progress this game has made to make me even want to get a pc that can cope (i.e. motherboard SSD). Do people play past the first few days looking at the new stuff? 3.6...
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