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  1. O-Lefty

    City Boppin' and Bar Hoppin' Saturday May 23rd at 6:00PM UTC

    Welcome to TEST Squadron! Grab a beer! The time has come to take a moment to celebrate the many men and women that provide the rest of us the security and services needed to live in a free world. In the spirit of TEST we will be having a City Boppin' and Bar Hoppin' event traversing the 'verse...
  2. O-Lefty

    TEST Operation Merchant Navy Part Deuce

    TEST OPS: Merchant Navy When: Saturday, May 9th, 2020 at 1800 UTC (2:00PM Eastern) Where: Stanton System → Crusader→ Port Olisar (Start) Coordinator RSI Handle: seriousseriouspunch What: Organic and emergent gameplay! Join your TEST wingmen on an opportunity of a lifetime. Fly trade routes with...
  3. O-Lefty

    Introduction to Guilded, an alternative to Discord

    You can make whisper roles and make them self-assignable. Also, the commander should be the only person really working that channel. Also........... the game Star Citizen itself has side channels you can make and join now.
  4. O-Lefty

    Introduction to Guilded, an alternative to Discord

    You can already do this with whisper to groups.
  5. O-Lefty

    Guilded Multi-Tier Voice Chat Tutorial

    We're TESTing it. As Guilded becomes more stable/streamlined we will be running more and more events on it. Time will tell if we end up moving there completely. Definitely get it and give it a shot. We have the opportunity to provide feedback on the development now, so we can get features added...
  6. O-Lefty

    TEST Merchant Navy: A well oiled disciplined money-printing machine!

    Just FYI, the event is being run by seriousseriouspunch. I'm sure trade routes can be verified on an as-needed basis to ensure maximum gains. o7
  7. O-Lefty

    TEST Merchant Navy: A well oiled disciplined money-printing machine!

    TEST Merchant Navy "A well oiled disciplined money-printing machine!" ~seriousseriouspunch When: Saturday May 2nd, 2020 at 1800 UTC (2:00PM Eastern) Event Coordinators: seriusseriuspunch, TBD others Where: Stanton System → Crusader→ Port Olisar (Start) What: Strike the iron while it's hot! Join...
  8. O-Lefty

    Virpil Base Decision. Go for Gold or save the $$?

    Get a WarBRD unless you're using extensions. The CM has less throw and is internally stiffer. You can change out springs in the WarBRD to make it stiffer.
  9. O-Lefty

    Idea for new game play for bounty hunters.

    Pokemon Silver Armor, bounty hunter edition.
  10. O-Lefty

    No longer for sale!! "LTI ARES SALE!!"

    You only get store credit equal to the money/credit used in the purchase transaction. You cannot create 30% more credit this way. However, you can keep the Ares as a CCU and it will be valued at the MSRP listed on the ship upgrades.
  11. O-Lefty

    Quick Chairman's club question

    Sometimes it takes time. Also you have to be in the PU.
  12. O-Lefty

    Fleet Repository

    Here's my fleet as it stands now: And here's my fleet in AEUs (Aurora Equivalent Units):
  13. O-Lefty

    CitizenCON 2019 picture repository

    I It's actually hidden fine print we added to the other side saying if they sign it they are joining TEST Squadron exclusively. o7
  14. O-Lefty

    CitizenCON 2019 picture repository

    That's Chris Roberts
  15. O-Lefty

    CitizenCon 2949 TESTie Attendees List!

    Both but limited space so I'd do concierge if you have it. Good luck! o7
  16. O-Lefty

    CitizenCon 2949 TESTie Attendees List!

    It wasn't announced. They normally have tours around CitizenCon and you have to ask to be in them and be approved. One of the main reasons we coordinated the attendees list early!
  17. O-Lefty

    CitizenCon 2949 TESTie Attendees List!

    ^ this means you @Thumbs31 and @Zaxxon !
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