Search results

  1. Hadron Xon

    LOGAN (20th Century FOX): Review & Discussion

    Her claws are the only thing coated in adamantium. They were going to lace the rest of her skeletal system once she reached adulthood. Because of this her healing factor is greater then that of Logan. This is due to his body constantly trying to expel the Metal , Which if i remember is toxic to...
  2. Hadron Xon

    The Banu Merchantman IS REAL AND IT'S COMING (New Sneak Peek)

    I have given up on ship sales til release.......The MM will probably be the first ship i fly and max out. Unless i decide not to use my CCU from terrapin to MM.
  3. Hadron Xon

    Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron

    Gonna start playing ED again.I been really missing it.Does anyone know where i can buy a new Track IR tripod ? Do they sell them independently ?
  4. Hadron Xon

    Funding success story - will it continue in 2017?

    Depends on whether or not i can haul cargo this year .......
  5. Hadron Xon

    Caterpillar Walkaround - Modified 2.5 CLient with model from 2.6

    I originally was going to go with the cat but it lacks the speed and maneuverability of the BMM, also the BMM is describe as a Q ship so its hard for me to believe that an escort will be needed.The Cat on the other hand will undoubtedly need one.For those reasons i went with the BMM.
  6. Hadron Xon

    F7C Hornet Wildfire

    Well, if it will not be sold again i think its a solid value.
  7. Hadron Xon

    Why are ships so hard? (this may be a shitpost)

    Unfortunate side affect of buying that ship edit: Great looking ship btw.
  8. Hadron Xon

    Estimated Ship Prices in UEC (based on RSI estimates Nov 2016)

    So we can't cash in ? (100M Reward - 2945 War Bond)
  9. Hadron Xon

    Why are ships so hard? (this may be a shitpost)

    May get a CCU for Aegis Reclaimer ...... its just so dam big :cold_sweat:.
  10. Hadron Xon

    AnniVERSary Sale 2016: how much money have you burned?

    5$ on a CCU with store credit.
  11. Hadron Xon

    Why are ships so hard? (this may be a shitpost)

    well I just need to buy a bounty hunting ship and i am done. Buying and trading ships are fun but I really am going to try to leave my fleet the way it is after this sale.....:wink::money_mouth::fingers_crossed:
  12. Hadron Xon

    Why are ships so hard? (this may be a shitpost)

    I just got an ship upgrade to a BMM , if I don't apply it to my account during the sale will i lose the price at 250 $ for the upgrade ? What i am asking is can i just keep the CCU upgrade in my hanger until i am ready to use it ? Is there a time limit in which i can ?
  13. Hadron Xon

    Why are ships so hard? (this may be a shitpost)

    THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th – EXOTIC MANUFACTURERS & AVENGER TITAN RENEGADE step one - Melt all my shit step two - Buy BMM step three- CCU to TITAN RENEGADE step four - Black out from eating so much step five - repeat step 1 for GRAND FINALE. Its not really about the ships, its about going...
  14. Hadron Xon

    Good bounty hunting ships?

    The Cutlass Blue no longer for sale ? Edit:Right now i have a Anvil Terrapin could it be used for bounty Hunting ?
  15. Hadron Xon

    Good bounty hunting ships?

    As the title says what are some top tier ships in this category? Anyone know how Bounty hunting will work ? Will you be going after ships(elite dangerous) or the people in them ? Meaning i have to board their ships and capture them and engage in fps fire fights ? It's hard to buy a ship for a...
  16. Hadron Xon

    What is your current fleet?

    It's not about the size of your fleet , but how well you use it. According to CIG upgrades make and brake a ship regardless of price point.So a ton of bare bones ships are candy in a bag for pirates until their upgraded.
  17. Hadron Xon

    Anniversary Sale Schedule

    I really don't want to but i probably will CUU to BMM .....:upside_down:
  18. Hadron Xon

    Esperia Prowler LTI $425

    All i want at this point is to be able to transport cargo from A to B .........Instead what do we get ? More dam ship sales ........I just want to take some freeze dried beans to the nearest station....Not a 400$ phantom spaceship.The creep is real and growing :money_mouth::scream::cry:.Just...
  19. Hadron Xon

    I dont want to but... [IDWTSBHTS]

    Is it this model ?. :)
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