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  1. SweetDee

    600i first thoughts

    I like. I'm gonna bet the Aquila is your 600i loaner in the PU anyway, but we shall know soon.
  2. SweetDee

    600i first thoughts

    I like your passion Teal. I think they are treating the Origin ships as premium, just like alien craft such as Banu, Esperia, etc. Is the cost justified? Depends on the person. Personally I think I'm gonna stick with my BMM and not CCU it as the cost for what you get with the 600i is not...
  3. SweetDee

    Face tracking, my worries and issues.

    My heart just skipped because you are not far from the truth.
  4. SweetDee

    600i first thoughts

    I'm not sure yet. Upgrade the BMM or not? That is the question. Cargo is minimal, but its got that NEATO thing going for it. Decisions decisions....
  5. SweetDee

    Day 1: Uh oh

    Cause I'm not an established streamer, because otherwise I would be. But don't worry, I ass grab quite well in the PU.
  6. SweetDee

    Day 1: Uh oh

    2 days of watching people play ass grab on Daymar. I'm better at playing ass grab than them I tells ya!
  7. SweetDee


    Bob is a creepy guy, but nice. He might shoot up the office some day, but for now he helps with my taxes so he's coo'.
  8. SweetDee

    Are people's expectations getting...weird?

    I agree that some expectations are pretty far fetched and its due to a lot of people not understanding project management. Scope creep is a real demon on projects like SC. Specifically on the whole "when a ship tilts and people don't fall out" issue it never crossed my mind as an issue...
  9. SweetDee

    Day 1: Uh oh

    Totally get that, but why say things about removing all these features to keep people in a small area, when in fact the truth is "its not ready". I dunno maybe I took a lot of Disco's comments the wrong way, but they seemed misleading from the truth that 3.0 is not ready. Brian Chambers is Mr...
  10. SweetDee

    Day 1: Uh oh

    Is this it? A stripped down 2.7 locked to 1 moon for 15 minutes because the server's memory leak will crash everyone if they don't reset all assets 4 times an hour? No real atmospheric flight physics, no mobi-glass, no atmosphere burn entry effects? I get the bugs, even though the Nox...
  11. SweetDee

    How essential is base building to you?

    I totally get the appeal of base building, but I got into a space game for space stuff. Space.
  12. SweetDee

    600 series price confirmation

    Listen to the man. I did for this exact reason.
  13. SweetDee

    Which ship would you buy if you could only choose to have one with LTI?

    Only 1? Polaris. I don't even own one, but if I could only have one that'd take the cake.
  14. SweetDee

    New Lego Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon

    I own quite a few UCS Star Wars Lego kits as well as other Star Wars related Legos and I MUST HAVE THIS, but damn...$800? I was expecting $700 tops. Fuck.
  15. SweetDee

    Beer Around the World (What are you drinking)

    Currently? Like this very second???? Deschutes Hop Slice Summer Ale. Has some local Three Floyds Space Ship Middle Finger in the fridge if I wanna get spicy. I also have 5 gallons of an IPA finishing up the fermentation process this weekend.
  16. SweetDee

    So, 3.0 live release just bumped to September...

    Y'all be nutty. I said last year that November 2017 would be the release of 3.0 and the world gave me flak. In fact I'm going to set a hard date of November 4:00pm CST (Chicago time). That's a Tuesday. Tits Tuesday. Cya then...boners.
  17. SweetDee

    Albion Online (Launches on July 17th)

    Started playing yesterday. Total time suck, so you know its awful. Don't play it.
  18. SweetDee

    Will it fit? Ursa Edition

    These answers are wonderful. =D
  19. SweetDee

    Will it fit? Ursa Edition

    For reals, will an Ursa fit in a Reclaimer or BMM? Do we have any idea one way or the other? I ask because I have a Cyclone Pre-Sale LTI, but that Offroad Package looks tempting because it includes the Cyclone-TR, Ursa, and Graycat (meh) with LTI...
  20. SweetDee

    The Weekly Schedule is out.

    No shit. I work in schools and I'm busy as hell in August.
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