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  1. SweetDee

    Do stripess make it go faster?

    Truthfully? I like the car. However imo (this is coming from someone who grew up around old school paint shop huffers) stripes should never touch the front or rear bumper covers. Having said that, grey or black stripes on white is boss.
  2. SweetDee

    Sea of thieves

    Bought it. Who's up for sailing on the old Drake Caterpillar?
  3. SweetDee

    Waiting for 3.1

    Well the Reclaimer has to be impressive, because just look at it. But in all seriousness I hope its a very enjoyable build similar to 2.6.3. Close friends stopped playing when 3.0 came out as it broke a lot of the gameplay that kept them interested and I don't fault them in the slightest as...
  4. SweetDee

    Is Killing Justified in Star Citizen?

    I came up with my name during an Always Sunny binge watching weekend. I know there was a time when I cared what I was "known" as in the gaming world, but now? Now I'm a fucking bird!
  5. SweetDee

    Is Killing Justified in Star Citizen?

  6. SweetDee

    Is Killing Justified in Star Citizen?

    Why does it matter?
  7. SweetDee

    Will there be a new concept sale next Thursday?

    Lando says its something he's been waiting to show us for awhile. Know what that means? Premature disappointment. Real talk.
  8. SweetDee

    I have to post this sexy pic

    What if there is violence? WHAT THEN?!
  9. SweetDee

    Starting a D&D group

    I'm in a few DnD groups, but I'm always looking for new ones. If you need another please let me know sir.
  10. SweetDee

    Will there be a new concept sale next Thursday?

    You're damn right. HYPE TIME!!!!
  11. SweetDee

    I have to post this sexy pic

    Not enough people cook red meat to perfection. Enjoy this flesh you glorious son of a bitch!
  12. SweetDee

    CitizenCon 2018 Austin Texas

    I'm making plans to show up to this event finally. Beers all around...from you to my mouth. I demand a convoy to the Salt Lick BBQ joint outside Austin. Its most good.
  13. SweetDee

    Burn all the

    I've been trying the Cutlass, but honestly you need a Vanguard variant or Glaive to fight NPCs in 3.0. However Vanguards currently don't have oxygen, so its a timed death trap.
  14. SweetDee

    Burn all the

    For the love of all that is holy WHY are these buggers nearly invincible? Hitting anything with weapons in the current state of 3.0 is impossible as is, let alone keeping lasers on target long enough to break through a NPC Gladius' shield. Their shields recharged within seconds of not...
  15. SweetDee

    First Look at Nintendo Labo - Nintendo Switch .. what?

    I'm missing something here as I don't see the appeal. Yes I'm drinking, but this Google Cardboard all over again? I break my damn HOTAS on a daily basis so what chance does putting cardboard in my hands have? So I break it and get pissed???? GOD DAMN I'M ALREADY ENRAGED!
  16. SweetDee

    Every Time Someone Mentions Daymar

    ^^ I like this guy. He's on my boat.
  17. SweetDee

    Hello Ladies and Gents!

    Ooooooh you like Han Solo more? He's a good one, get him in Rock Raiders NOW!
  18. SweetDee

    Hi guys

    Welcome to the worst decision of your life....translation: best decision of your life.
  19. SweetDee

    Every Time Someone Mentions Daymar

  20. SweetDee

    Gladius' Cannot be Stopped

    Uhh...anyone play today's patch? Them Gladius pirates sure are...strong. I mean they take a barrage of abuse before they finally pop. Is CIG testing our patience in battles?
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