Search results

  1. Accented

    Wanted Mustang omega- that amd one

    It would not cause a problem with your current game package. AFAIK pre-package split the going rate for one AMD Mustang Omega package was $25 without Squadron 42 and up to $35 including Squadron 42. Now, post package split I would assume that the price would be most likely closer to $45, but...
  2. Accented

    What smartphone is your daily driver?

    I myself use a LG G4 (brown leather back) on T-Mobile. Best flagship smartphone IMO because of the removable battery and available SD slot. What's your daily driver?
  3. Accented

    /r/StarCitizen Drama and TEST v/StarCitizen Takeover

    So, as many of you may already know, u/Dolvak of r/StarCitizen has given up his position of moderator due to a pretty stupid post (now removed) claiming how because of Dolvak heavy affiliation with INN, he cannot moderate r/StarCitizen without bias. A discussion and more information about that...
  4. Accented


    Welcome to TEST!
  5. Accented

    HTC Vive price leaked! $799!

    Hmm. Oculus or Vive? secretly cries because cannot justify purchase
  6. Accented


    So... now that you know this is not the TEST you thought it was, are you staying? If so, welcome to TEST (not that TEST but this TEST if you know which TEST I'm talking about).
  7. Accented

    So, this happened. ? inb4 @CrudeSasquatch shows up at your house.
  8. Accented

    Hello, everyone!

    We're still spamming invitations? Anyhow, welcome to TEST!
  9. Accented

    No longer Friday.

    No longer Friday.
  10. Accented

    TESTies, how did you think up your current handles?

    I wanted something common, but still undeniably unique. After multiple iterations of insanely long names (I'm talking over 7 syllables) seeing that noone is called @Accented made it the obvious choice. I also like the letter A for no particular nor apparent reason.
  11. Accented

    It's Friday.

    It's Friday.
  12. Accented

    SeungRyul's Introduction

    Welcome to TEST @SeungRyul The circle is now complete.
  13. Accented

    Need A New Computer? Check Here First!

    Test necro, don't ignore. I need the opinion of TEST here: PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Core i3-3240 3.4GHz Dual-Core Processor (Purchased For $0.00) Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H77N-WIFI Mini ITX LGA1155 Motherboard (Purchased For $0.00) Memory: Kingston...
  14. Accented

    Filming New SC Video -- Help Wanted!

    You can try Audacity. It's open source, so free in both beer and speech.
  15. Accented

    Testicular Testing of the TEST: Member Distributions across the Galaxy

    So.. let's take Terra xD In all seriousness though, what aspect of the criteria do you think TEST should care the most about? I'm thinking because TEST is one of the larger organizations, we should focus on taking jump point hubs.
  16. Accented

    Mildly Offensive jokes that aren't racist and won't offend anyone, and are rated PG17 (maybe)

    "Son, I wanted to let you know you were adopted," my dad told me.
  17. Accented

    Testicular Testing of the TEST: Member Distributions across the Galaxy

    Yeah, but then we'll be separating TEST...
  18. Accented

    Food, candies, snacks! post a link to your favorites

    You live with a 6 month old, no? A 6 month old is considered a minor, right? Therefore could we correctly assume that we could not find any beer at your residence? Are you a spai?
  19. Accented

    Testicular Testing of the TEST: Member Distributions across the Galaxy

    Speaking of TEST pirates on Nyx, what would we do if a members reputation started being counted against his org? Like if amazing TEST pirate #101 gets a massive bounty on his head which in turn brings TEST a negative rep to NPC's, will we cut out that amazing TEST pirate?
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