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  1. Space Monkey

    RSI Profile links

  2. Space Monkey

    RSI Profile links

    So you know how you're awesome and get stuff done super fast even though I know you might be studying. Anyway we could do the same thing on Disord/Mumble(if we ever get back there)? Might not be possible but just thought I would ask. Maybe it's something to ask the developper to add a link to...
  3. Space Monkey

    D.S.E.T. - Deep Space Exploration Testies

    When did this happen? I've had work. : )
  4. Space Monkey

    D.S.E.T. - Deep Space Exploration Testies

    If you build it, they will come.
  5. Space Monkey

    RSI Profile links

    Best Hamster Ever!!!!! Good luck on your exams and I promise I won't have any mind-blowing ideas until you're done with them.
  6. Space Monkey

    RSI Profile links

    Yeah, but if someone isn't very active in the forums they would still have a profile if they are a TEST member most likely. Plus making the process uniform would be helpful in that I don't have to think to hard to find it. I would be more likely to think to go to the profile as a new member.
  7. Space Monkey

    RSI Profile links

    Yeah, I don't think it needs to be too involved. We just need a linked button that forwards to the rsi profile page. When I click my picture on the TEST Forum, I get this. A button can be easily added to include this link. Even if someone just puts their RSI Handle we could simply add the...
  8. Space Monkey

    Here to muck out the Space Zoo!

    My cousin's in a zoo. -_- Welcome to TEST! ~dirty hooman....
  9. Space Monkey

    RSI Profile links

    HIyo, So after many an Arena Commander match, I noticed that I kept adding a few people here and there to my RSI profile. This process added quite a few minutes where one person was fumbling around trying to add the people trying to play together to their page so a match could be started. Since...
  10. Space Monkey

    Upgrade in progress

    They look good on you Ocean.
  11. Space Monkey


    man, that sucks. What kind of motherboard was it?
  12. Space Monkey

    D.S.E.T. - Deep Space Exploration Testies

    Yeahyeah, that's the one. When digging into the site a little, we can actually find the code and source for the map. Here is the GitHUB link:
  13. Space Monkey

    D.S.E.T. - Deep Space Exploration Testies

    It's definitely a thing to learn but it might come in handy as an explorer. ;)
  14. Space Monkey

    D.S.E.T. - Deep Space Exploration Testies

    Well the dataset is available and the space map is available in WebGL. I've done projects in ArcGIS and other mapping software and I think this might be a really fun project. I don't know WebGL but it might be interesting to learn through working with the data set since it is a 3d engine for the...
  15. Space Monkey

    D.S.E.T. - Deep Space Exploration Testies

    Well, we can start goofing around with it. In the least, it will get us familiar with the dataset and the material. I figure we can take our time with it rather than rush something out because we need it and imagine the type of functionality we might need even if it will change and how to go...
  16. Space Monkey

    D.S.E.T. - Deep Space Exploration Testies

    So penis jokes aside, is there anything that we could do right now for exploration and stuff. I was thinking of a WebGL map of Star Citizen that I saw recently and how one could be useful for TEST in general. I know that will probably by available in the PU and everything but it doesn't hurt to...
  17. Space Monkey

    D.S.E.T. - Deep Space Exploration Testies

    We get your point. o_O
  18. Space Monkey

    D.S.E.T. - Deep Space Exploration Testies

    I don't know. Do monkey eat coconat? but I could definitely see myself with a pina colada sitting in a lounge chair while we look for abnormalities.
  19. Space Monkey

    More hate mongering and general lack of facts

    So my 2 cents, is that yes DS is bullshit but we really don't need to participate in every "opinion" that comes across. They have opinions, so what? They have the right and so do we. That shouldn't automatically mean we should have pich forks in hand because if we do, it is only us that will be...
  20. Space Monkey

    D.S.E.T. - Deep Space Exploration Testies

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