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  1. sovapid

    Star Citizen content hits Reddit front page, and its not bad!

    Whats the link to the reddit thread?
  2. sovapid

    Original LTI Ships and Ground Vehicles for TESTies

    Interested in an 85x, gonna send a PM.
  3. sovapid

    Anyone have CCU to Razor LX?

    Thanks, but i grey marketed it a day or two after i posted 😃
  4. sovapid

    Gameglass - interesting take on adding an iPad/Android to the SC experience

    Not cheating anymore than using a stream deck to initiate a keypress. Looks interesting.
  5. sovapid

    Dual Hotas---HELP

    This is a genius idea.
  6. sovapid

    Auto aim gimbals coming in 3.5?

    I don't necessarily think it is a bad thing. Could let more casual players be effective against NPC's. Auto aim should be at a disadvantage against players who are aiming on there own though. Depends how it all fits together and is balanced.
  7. sovapid

    Auto aim gimbals coming in 3.5?

    Pretty sure this was added to the road map with todays update: Wonder if the will be like in Elite.....
  8. sovapid

    Anyone have CCU to Razor LX?

    Been thinking about picking one up.
  9. sovapid

    MassivelyOP: Sorry, everyone, but I had fun in Star Citizen

    His next game is going to be Elite. Am curious to see what he will think of ED and how it compares to SC.
  10. sovapid

    MassivelyOP: Sorry, everyone, but I had fun in Star Citizen

  11. sovapid

    Razon EX target spotting ship

    Cut shields, then weapons, and then pretty sure quantum drive (edit, just looked it up, wasn't the QD. Not sure what I turned off last)..... View:
  12. sovapid

    Razon EX target spotting ship

    If I remember I'll check it out for you tonight.
  13. sovapid

    Can't wait for 3.5! Arccorp and the new flight model!

    I'm dual stick and don't have a slider for throttle control. I use a button for 100% and a button for 0% throttle. Works well enough. And when I need more precision I'm just using the thrusters.
  14. sovapid

    Atlas a port of Ark with Ark menus etc still in the game xD

    You should hear what people say about star citizen.
  15. sovapid

    Star Citizen Financials and New Investors

    You can just buy into an LLC. I've done it.
  16. sovapid

    SC 3.4 game data

    Malagos had posted it in the SC4 discord:
  17. sovapid

    The Hawk is awesome!

    I dont know about pitiful. Get a decent load out and it has DPS close to other light fighters. And it has an EMP.
  18. sovapid

    WTB Tali Bomber or Harbinger CCU

    Hmmm Are you looking for a Tali Bomber CCU or the ship itself? And then the Base Tali or the actual bomber? I picked up a few Connie Andromeda to Tali Bomber CCU's over the past anniversary sale.
  19. sovapid

    Saitech HOTAS

    I have the virpil constellation delta. It is pretty big. For me it was way too tall to use on the desktop. Ended up getting mounts for it.
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