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  1. SullyQuindarius

    hard-up alcoholic pilot with a beer gut and a bad temper

    WELCOME TO TEST Gil, Gill, Gilly, Gilligan, or asshhhwhooole!!!
  2. SullyQuindarius

    IT'S HERE 3.1 PTU

    IT'S A TRAP!
  3. SullyQuindarius

    Disney Cruise

    Printimus didn't deliver, so... CRUISE ALL THE THINGS!
  4. SullyQuindarius

    Price increases finally

    Well shit, all my CCUs are from the Aquila, not to it.
  5. SullyQuindarius

    IT'S HERE 3.1 PTU

    spinny chair all the things!
  6. SullyQuindarius

    IT'S HERE 3.1 PTU

    Reclaimer. Oh my God Alien vibes. I'm so happy I have one. Terrapin is cool too, I don't own one but I'm sure Terrapin owners will be happy with it. It's one tough turtle, I flew through that big fiery death laser in AC freeflight and survived (minus the paint).
  7. SullyQuindarius

    Introduce Yourself!

  8. SullyQuindarius

    Member Added

    CONGRATS man! When she gets old enough can she be my Reclaimer drone operator? I promise I'll clean up the ship first :3
  9. SullyQuindarius

    IT'S HERE 3.1 PTU

    No. I'm Batman.
  10. SullyQuindarius

    IT'S HERE 3.1 PTU

    ...and they disabled the Cyclone and Cutlass for the latest minipatch. And nerfed the 350r weapons back to what they used to be.
  11. SullyQuindarius

    Austin bomber kills himself

    Serves the bastard right. I just wish he had been properly brought to justice instead of getting the easy way out though.
  12. SullyQuindarius

    Plumbing Services of the Galaxy

  13. SullyQuindarius

    Next time the Reclaimer is sold it will be $400

    I'm probably gonna grab an Orion CCU soon. I assume they'll be bumping up the price significantly since it's over 400m long now. If so, I've got a chance at a Polaris :D
  14. SullyQuindarius

    Reclaimer on pad 01. Can you imagine the Idris?

    Sorry, O Glorious Leader, but it's Pad 00.
  15. SullyQuindarius

    IT'S HERE 3.1 PTU

    .....aaaaaand downloaded. 3.1, here I come!
  16. SullyQuindarius

    IT'S HERE 3.1 PTU

  17. SullyQuindarius

    How to deal with being left with 3 aUEC?

    Do two missions, get 300 creds, then go back to trading.
  18. SullyQuindarius


  19. SullyQuindarius

    Beer gives you Strength

    Once they add salvaging mechanics, I'm gonna find out how many Auroras can fit in a Reclaimer, eaten or otherwise.
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