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  1. zeddie

    Star Wars Revisited

    Rather than a "random spam" this is more of a "random rambling" regarding Star Wars. So, I just recently finished watching the Clone Wars animated series, and felt like re-watching the Star Wars movies again. ok I guess the tags don't work, so I'll avoid Clone Wars spoilers... I presume you...
  2. zeddie

    In regards to the S.S.S Weekly

    also, weird how "War Thunder / f2p" and "WarGame Red Dragon / paid" aren't mentioned yet =b
  3. zeddie

    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    So I played a bit more during the weekend, and got myself to level 14, started a few quests on Dromund Kaas (partly done with Vapsy) while he went even further. Hope you don't mind doing some "catching up"? I just got the first class mission and was on my way to the location, grabbing side...
  4. zeddie

    Important: Stuffs or things?

  5. zeddie

    420 Blaze it

  6. zeddie

    Challenge Yourself! (Word Per Minute Test)

    naaa it's scientifically accurate for TEST purposes
  7. zeddie


    or water
  8. zeddie

    Challenge Yourself! (Word Per Minute Test)

    I guess this confirms it... mechanical keyboard IS better at typing faster!:
  9. zeddie

    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    anything's good really, I've already played through the capital planets on all 4 classes so up to that point, I don't mind "skipping" or moving ahead on my own. I think I'll import my Jedi Shadow from Jedi Covenant, as I kind of am interested in advancing its story. (and the Legacy Bonus is...
  10. zeddie

    Challenge Yourself! (Word Per Minute Test)

    I just tried it again at work's basic DELL membrane keyboard and got this: I'll try again when I get home to see if mechanical keyboard really is easier to type with (says 0 wrong words, but that's because I backspaced and corrected them... probably could have gotten 100 without a typing...
  11. zeddie

    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    So, we're up for 8pm tonight? (EST)
  12. zeddie

    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    btw, to get to 20 "relatively fast" just complete every single quest you can find on Coruscant (Republic) or Dromund Kaas (Imperial) and get your ship. Once you do, you can pretty easily get to 20 within 2-3 days by doing the daily space missions (they're really easy, takes about 10-15 mins) and...
  13. zeddie

    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    If I were to level on my own, I'd go back to Jedi Covenant (as my legacy is quite advanced, with a LOT of unlocked cartel market stuff that can boost me up pretty fast. also a million or 2 credits, which isn't much, but can last quite a while at early levels) I really want to at least finish...
  14. zeddie

    War Thunder Tanks!

    WOW... and WarThunder releases a big patch... sigh... haven't logged on in a long time. I have about 6-7 games/shows/things floating around to play/watch/do ... I can't find the time!!! ugh
  15. zeddie

    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    we haven't really "set a time" yet lol... we said last Friday to put it at 8pm then, but that was set Saturday =b At least my character... (only 1 so far) on Shadowland I've started with TestBot is only level 5-6. I intended to play some yesterday after class, but Agents of SHIELD finale, and...
  16. zeddie

    Challenge Yourself! (Word Per Minute Test)

    I tried twice... 88 with 5 mistakes, and 87 with 2 mistakes......
  17. zeddie

    Aurora Crash Now Available on Android

    ENLIST NOW button isn't working!!
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