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  1. Floating Cloud


    I was really impressed by their technology demo (I guess that must have been at kickstarter time). I need yet another game, like I need yet another ship though. ...ahem, excuse me, I just have to get my credit card out and visit a web site. Nothing to see here.
  2. Floating Cloud

    Testie wins great prize at BritizenCon 2018!

    Yes, huge congratulations on the case Shadow. Maybe we can have a word with Chris, and next year's Britizencon raffle will include computer bits in the prize list. Seeing your luck, I have no doubt that you would walk out with the full set ;) Sorry I had to dash at the end. Darned kids...
  3. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 2018 (April 21st)

    Myre couldn't make it this year, so just sent his hat. Ok, well maybe it's just my photo timing sucking :slight_smile: Edit note: talking of photos, the best one will probably be from Brian Chambers, doing his customary selfie from the podium, with the audience in the background. I'm keeping...
  4. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 2018 (April 21st)

    Old school and new. 2 wing commander stations set up, with the SC dogfighting competition on the opposite side:
  5. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 2018 (April 21st)

    The livestream team with Brian Chambers pulled in.
  6. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 2018 (April 21st)

    Hey, good news. They've sorted the livestream problems. Anyone interested should head over the Britzencon channel on Twitch. @Kenlee ^^ FYI
  7. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 2018 (April 21st)

    Not sure if the backstory for this piece of (four foot or so high) artwork yet, but i'll find someone to quiz. I notice Erin Roberts signature on there so I'm wondering if it's a raffle prize offering from the UK developers. Wishful thinking probably :)
  8. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 2018 (April 21st)

    Everything is being filmed with two broadcast quality cameras. I'm sure that all panel discussions will be up on the Britizencon YouTube channel within a week.
  9. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 2018 (April 21st)

    Sorry to hear that, But. Next year there will be two pints with your name on as a minor consolation. This panel is really good. Firing up my excitement for the game again.
  10. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 2018 (April 21st)

    First panel. Luke Pressley (lead designer), Erin Roberts and Brian Chambers.
  11. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 2018 (April 21st)

    ...and we're in. Decor is impressive
  12. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 2018 (April 21st)

    Good turnout, but main events are running a little late.
  13. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 2018 (April 21st)

    Just arrived at Britizencon. Woohoo. Ran into Rear Intruder already, and looking forward to seeing the rest of you folks. By the way, Don't have a heart attack at the hotel parking rates, it will be a fixed £9 charge for those attending Britizencon. They use a camera system to monitor parking...
  14. Floating Cloud

    BoredGamer Interview with Erin Roberts - uncut (March 2018)

    Some interesting stuff.
  15. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 2018 (April 21st)

    Heaven's But, don't be sorry. Your generosity is appreciated. Hope you have fun in NZ. Very jealous ;)
  16. Floating Cloud

    Can anyone recommend a SC Youtube video or three that give a flavour of the game?

    Hi folks, I was looking on youtube for some of the great teaser videos that people have done in the last year or so (relatively recent would be good, so that planetary tech has a chance to be in there), but unfortunately I didn't bookmark any, and it's sort of a needle in a haystack scenario...
  17. Floating Cloud

    What movies do fellow TESTies enjoy? Top Three.

    Looks like I have a couple that haven't been mentioned, but great to see Princess Bride up on people's Lists. My picks are: 1. Leon Though I actually prefer the non-director's cut. Superb film, superb acting (and actually Natalie Portman's first role). 2. Mystery Men I absolutely love...
  18. Floating Cloud

    Vulkan Concept Sale Page

    So tempted, but will probably hold back. Even if I melt my Hull-B and the ship-upgrades that I have, it would still be over £100. Hell of a functional ship though, and we have a month of sale, so who knows... ;)
  19. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 2018 (April 21st)

    I don't. It's more of a face-to-face event.
  20. Floating Cloud

    Upcoming Windows patch expected to slow Intel CPUs

    So whilst this will definitely impact RSI and their hosting costs, it doesn't look like it will hit us at the game level (as per Michael's comment above). The Windows patches aren't out yet (as far as I know) but we've seen Linux kernel updates and this website has some game performance...
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