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  1. White Lando

    o7 friendos

    Welcome and thanks for the lead on a fetish I wasn't into yet! 🍻 :o7:
  2. White Lando

    6th TESTaversary

    My one year is in 4 days but I got my trophy early. Plaque says "Congratulations! You probably have herpes by now." :drunk:
  3. White Lando


    Don't want to wait till you know me better. Let's just be glad for the time together.
  4. White Lando

    Banu Merchantman tease

    Pretty sneaky
  5. White Lando

    Glaive CCUs? (SOLVED)

    Yep. Vanduul Swarm is the answer. $350 is STEEP especially since it's in a bad state ATM. Should be gold pass "soon" considering it's important for SQ42, though.
  6. White Lando

    IAE 2952 WB CCU watch

    I CCUed my extra BMM to an Orion when it was at 550. Then I decided to turn my Redeemer into a Polaris so bought a M2 (520) -> BMM (550 at the time) CCU for $30. So far that $30 has saved me $100. Kind of worried the next price hike will put the BMM at $750 (next Alien week). Probably going to...
  7. White Lando


    Welcome! 💋🍻 :o7: (Sorry about the kiss emoji. I used it once and it's in my favorites list now and since it's there I'm going to use it. Vicious cycle.)
  8. White Lando

    Cutter this, Cutter that

    I'd say the price tag which is a big benefit for some people. Right now getting the IAE deal game package is only $45 and comes with LTI. I agree that the Titan and 300i/315p are definitely worth the extra $10-$20 cost to CCU to but it's pretty common that customers are only willing to invest...
  9. White Lando

    Cutter this, Cutter that

    It's probably wishful thinking but there's a possibility a decent percentage of the pirate community won't be griefers when the game is "officially live". If that's the case, they might also take it easy on pilots of the Cutter. Not really worth their time. Additionally, maybe it'll be similar...
  10. White Lando

    Cutter this, Cutter that

    It comes stock black/yellow paint and there's a $3 yellow/black paint. I would've paid $70.
  11. White Lando

    IAE 2952 WB CCU watch

    You're lucky I'm not next to you IRL because I'd kiss you for doing this. 💋
  12. White Lando

    VIDEO! First look at the Drake Corsair!

    My work mouse is ready ETA: Didn't have duct tape at the office so had to use scotch tape. Kind of hurts the aesthetics but it is what it is. ETA2: I got pretty close.
  13. White Lando

    VIDEO! First look at the Drake Corsair!

    It's official. My Taurus will become a Corsair on friday.
  14. White Lando

    07 From the New Guy

    I like your style Welcome! 🍻 :o7:
  15. White Lando

    I am currently transitioning into "Grumpy Oldish Man" phase of life

    There are clouds you can yell at until they get fishing tier zero in :like: Welcome! :o7:
  16. White Lando

    o7 Yo!

    Welcome! 🍻 :o7:
  17. White Lando

    Hi all

    Welcome! 🍻 :o7:
  18. White Lando

    Hello all

    Welcome! 🍻 :o7: I just turned 40 myself so I am also in my prime :like:
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