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  1. Star Pilgrim

    Space tunes - for your gaming pleasure

    Just came across this tune while on BadNewsBarons twitch channel. 1 minute in, it nicely opens up. And here is the rest of his amazing playlist. Enjoy. Please post your SPACE music that gets you in the zone. ;)
  2. Star Pilgrim

    Oh the dilemma!

    I changed my Transporters pack into this: Hull E is going towards 890 J if the CCU ever becomes a possibility (doubt it). But still, I am content for now. And yes it is a bargain by giving you a $165 bonus free of charge. Also I have taken a load of Ship X to Ship Y $0 CCUs to last me any...
  3. Star Pilgrim

    Melting, remelting, melting some more?

    The Captain is the employer,... whatever proffit he makes is up to him. Captain did post the job tho. If the price of you performing that job is to your liking, you take it. At the end of the mission you receive the agreed upon payment and an evaluation score or rating by the Captain. Simple...
  4. Star Pilgrim

    Melting, remelting, melting some more?

    I envisioned it like this: Captain posts a job on the job board; Cargo run location X to Location Y. Possibility of pirate incursion high. Gunner needed 2x, job pays 10k UEC Engineer needed 1x, job pays 15k UEC Multi-role copilot needed 2x, job pays 20k UEC Escort Gladius up to Hornet 1x, job...
  5. Star Pilgrim

    Will fly for free beers!

    Deffinitely 5 Putin worthy. :D
  6. Star Pilgrim

    May your Beer be extra chilly and foamy and never ending!

    Hehe nice story. I wonder if it is true.
  7. Star Pilgrim

    Melting, remelting, melting some more?

    Yeah but the PIE cut can never be right. People think that it should be divided equally (cut up the proffit in to equal pieces), while this can NEVER be true. The owner should get the lions share, just as with any Company who employs people to work for them gets it. First there is the cost of...
  8. Star Pilgrim

    Melting, remelting, melting some more?

    I am begining to think it is going to be extremely hard to find crew in this game. I mean, everyone has a ship of some kind. And I can certainly immagine doing jobs for others in the meanwhile while I wait for the insurance company to re-issue my ship. It is this part that will need to be...
  9. Star Pilgrim

    [CLOSED] [WTB] Andromeda to Phoenix upgrade - Thanks SkippyLeDoo!

    They said all upgrades and hull updates are going to be available in the game. Just make sure your stuff has LTI and just don't worry about it. :) You can be sure LTI will be gone forever once the game launches proper. They keep saying it is a small thing, but hey, it is one less inssurance to...
  10. Star Pilgrim

    Melting, remelting, melting some more?

    I finalized my purchase shenanigans for this Anniversary sale. :) Now waiting for 890 Jump if I can CCU Hull E to it. If not, then I will use that Hull E to earn for one. heh
  11. Star Pilgrim

    Constellation Phoenix or Anvil Carrack?

    That is a given. So what are we discussing here? :D
  12. Star Pilgrim

    Constellation Phoenix or Anvil Carrack?

    In one of 10 for the **** or Reverse The Verse shows. It is even worded like I am saying. Sure you will have best chances if all the stations are fully manned, but everyone will be able to solo a ship. How effective that will be, depends greatly on the quality of AI NPCs you are willing to...
  13. Star Pilgrim

    [CLOSED] [WTB] Andromeda to Phoenix upgrade - Thanks SkippyLeDoo!

    Think of it this way. CIG just saved their necks. In the grander scheme, if they sold CCUs people would hoard them, making this a bigger fiasco than it needed to be. Owners of Phoenixes were prety mental on the forums and CIG caved in. It would have been a too big of a community blowback if...
  14. Star Pilgrim

    [CLOSED] [WTB] Andromeda to Phoenix upgrade - Thanks SkippyLeDoo!

    I bet those skyrocketed on the black market just after the sale went live and there was no CCUs to be had. :D If I were you, I would do the next logical thing. I would CCU my physical package to lets say merchantman, or Carrack or whatever. Then I would straight up purchase Phoenix with 3 year...
  15. Star Pilgrim

    Constellation Phoenix or Anvil Carrack?

    Crew size means how much consoles it has that people can man. You can pretty much solo connie and hire 2 crew for the turrets if you wanted to. Starfarer has more also bu only 2 are required to operate it efficiently. Same goes for many other ships.
  16. Star Pilgrim

    Melting, remelting, melting some more?

    Overall an amazing sale, so we can all equalize our fleets to what we mot want. :)
  17. Star Pilgrim

    Constellation Phoenix or Anvil Carrack?

    I believe they will remove it altogether.
  18. Star Pilgrim

    Constellation Phoenix or Anvil Carrack?

    Retaliator is one of the more useless ships currently. Its sole job is to bring hurt to the capital ships. It is unable to kill those ships solo tho, and it is quite defensless against fighters with its puny S1 pea shooters (turrets). CR himself said that one Retaliator could never kill an...
  19. Star Pilgrim

    Melting, remelting, melting some more?

    Heheh. Well I want LTI only as the means to ease my mind when the game launches for years to come. The bigger the ship is, the more it costs to insure. I agree that with a single seat fighter the insurance is negligible. But on a Hull E or Crucible etc,.. I am sure I would be banging my head...
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