Melting, remelting, melting some more?

What did you do this sale?

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Star Pilgrim

Rear Admiral
Feb 24, 2015
RSI Handle
Man ow man, this sale made my head spin.
I've made some mistakes and I have to wait 1 day to remelt heh. :D

I came to the idea to melt everything and take a favourite Package and then CCU ships as I please.
The bonus is, the larger packs have Lifetime Insurance on every ship. Nice place to CCU from.

I made a mistake and took Aliens pack, somehow I had it in my mind that the pack has LTI. :)

Well, now I will wait 1 day, melt it again and get transporter pack.
My ship lineup is going to change drastically and I will have to make sacrifices.
BUT I will get $165 ship (Freelancer MIS) for free. :)

My mind is still racing, and I am trying to think of the most optimal lineup to CCU from.
I want Phoenix LTI and I do not want Hull E so I am kinda screwed in that department.
This loss means I will have to let go 2 of my bigger ships.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Tell me your thinking process, plan or procedure you are going to take today or this weekend,

I finalized my choice to the following. :)
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Got a P-72 LTI and melted to small ships to ccu my Aquila LTI to a Carrack LTI. I'm done.

Serious Table

Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
0 Dollars spent, but have been melting and remelting and remelting. I think I finally have a plan to enact tomorrow:

Melt what ships I have floating around, then buy an Aurora LX, a Reliant, and a bunch of upgrades to my Endeavor.

I give zero fucks for LTI at this point, so I cannot be bothered!
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Star Pilgrim

Rear Admiral
Feb 24, 2015
RSI Handle

Well I want LTI only as the means to ease my mind when the game launches for years to come.
The bigger the ship is, the more it costs to insure.

I agree that with a single seat fighter the insurance is negligible.
But on a Hull E or Crucible etc,.. I am sure I would be banging my head for not aranging my purchases to include LTI when I had the chance.

I do think that 3 years insurance should be more than enough of a head start on insurance for everyone.

But you know,... LTI? Why not?
Especially since it costs me nothing extra to get. :)


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I have an LTI Aurora because TEST

I have an LTI Super Hornet and Freelancer MIS to maximize PVP time vs. grinding for UEE credits to replace ships

I'm done buying ships pre-launch. I'm pretty sure VR combat is gonna be awesome. As for other aspects of the game, we'll just have to wait and see.

My strategy is based on my Eve experience - PVP, lame as it was, was the only thing that didn't become a grind after doing it a while.
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Mar 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I have everything I want now apart from two ship which is not feasible with my current financial situation. Thoes are Aquila and Idris lol.

So in the end I got the essential ones I want the most.

so in the end i have Reliant with 3mo insurance (30 dollar starter with CCU)
LTI 315P(stand alone)
LTI Carrack(stand alone)

That gives me LTI on the 2 ships I will use the most, the better "tier 2" starer ship.

The larger starter ship for mini hauling and the like to set me up for early game. Unless I find another use for it i dont see myself using it all that much. But it is on my starter package.

The 315P I can use for exploration when im alone or also outfit it for some pvp. It wont be the best but with the missiles I can take down at least 1-4 others with me before I go lol. It can make a good scout ship in a pvp fleet as well with its advanced sensors, or a mining fleet as a defender/scout.

The Carrack is my baby. Every chance I get I will be getting her out to show her off and stretch her legs. Scouting, exploration, even fleet command if I can with it. I expect her to be used the most when im not pvping.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I melted my Andromeda and Dur, grabbed a redeemer package because i forgot to CCU one with a package and then CCU to a Carrack, also have a LTI Sentinel.

Star Pilgrim

Rear Admiral
Feb 24, 2015
RSI Handle
Overall an amazing sale, so we can all equalize our fleets to what we mot want. :)

Star Pilgrim

Rear Admiral
Feb 24, 2015
RSI Handle
I finalized my purchase shenanigans for this Anniversary sale. :)

Now waiting for 890 Jump if I can CCU Hull E to it.
If not, then I will use that Hull E to earn for one. heh
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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Everything has LTI in my fleet, and I used cheap Aurora packages to keep my extra NPCs. Good sale, good sale.


Space Marshal
Jul 21, 2014
RSI Handle
If not, then I will use that Hull E to earn for one. heh
Sounds like the better thing to do. Always good to have a couple of in-game goals/targets.

Am now with my Freelancer Max and Hull-B as much on Logistics as need to be.
Was thinking to get a Mustang, to run escort for Larger ships, but I think I keep that for in-game.
Cant be to much of a grind to earn a Mustang with trade running and smuggling.

Star Pilgrim

Rear Admiral
Feb 24, 2015
RSI Handle
I am begining to think it is going to be extremely hard to find crew in this game.
I mean, everyone has a ship of some kind.

And I can certainly immagine doing jobs for others in the meanwhile while I wait for the insurance company to re-issue my ship. It is this part that will need to be balanced greatly by CIG.

Majority of PvPers are probably oing to hate this a lot and try force CIG for insta respawns of sorts.
I hope not. But time will tell.

I can certainly see myself be having fun as part of the crew doing all immaginable jobs on all ships.


Space Marshal
Jul 21, 2014
RSI Handle
I am begining to think it is going to be extremely hard to find crew in this game.

I don't have capital ships and might never aim to get one of them.
Rather jump into a multiplayer mission with others, if the cut of the Pie is right.
Am sure there are many like me out there + there will always be NPCs.

Wouldn't be surprised though if CIG hands out a very cheap digital download to the very late joiners,... like 10 GBP/USD but no ship, so that they have to crew up. Personally I would be in favor for it.
Might be a good question for 10 for the Chairman ;-)
In case somebody might want to ask it for me.

Star Pilgrim

Rear Admiral
Feb 24, 2015
RSI Handle
Yeah but the PIE cut can never be right.

People think that it should be divided equally (cut up the proffit in to equal pieces), while this can NEVER be true.

The owner should get the lions share, just as with any Company who employs people to work for them gets it.
First there is the cost of the Ship itself.
Then there is the cost of fuel.
Possibly even repairs if it comes under attack, so certain percentage should be put aside.
Then there is the cost of cargo which has a set price.

Out of all of this:
Price of cargo — Price it could be sold at = Pure proffit
Pure proffit — price of fuel — running costs of the ship — repair jar percentage = PIE
Now this PIE can be divided based on the importance of the task (manned station type, ship escort,...).

This gets even more complicated if the captain is forced to hire escorts, because they also have fuel and running costs and possibly repairs to consider.
BUT the captain is offering them a fixed cut, regardless if they sit in their craft and lazily escort the ship to its destination or if they are hurt/blown up by some pirates if they are attacked.

It is up to the privateers if they want to risk/work for the said captain for that price or not.
But they have no right to negotiate prices whatsoever.

See? it is a complex balance.
Stray but a little and one is going to get buthurt.

There should be an ingame automation system that does this in such a way, that it is acceptable for all involved.
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Space Marshal
Jul 21, 2014
RSI Handle
Simple Solution.
Share based on net revenue, after fuel and repairs is agreed upfront.

A.) 3 Shares of the loot for the one who brings a capital ship.
(+0.5 shares if She/He agrees upfront to not need repairs covered).
B.) 2 Shares of the loot for the one who brings an escort ship.
(+0.5 shares if She/He agrees upfront to not need repairs covered).
C.) 1 Share for each crew
(not to be applied on top of A & B).

In the end, sum it up and divide accordingly.

There might be a minor in-game system for that, as the NPCs probably also want to be paid, though I guess they will ask for fix prices per Trip or Hour.

Star Pilgrim

Rear Admiral
Feb 24, 2015
RSI Handle
I envisioned it like this:

Captain posts a job on the job board;
Cargo run location X to Location Y. Possibility of pirate incursion high.
Gunner needed 2x, job pays 10k UEC
Engineer needed 1x, job pays 15k UEC
Multi-role copilot needed 2x, job pays 20k UEC

Escort Gladius up to Hornet 1x, job pays 35k UEC
Estimated difficulty: medium
Estimated time: 30 min
Reputation required minimum: 3/5

Then it is up to people to take the job or not, regardless of the proffits.

After the job posting, captain sees these positions filled up and people are lead to your hangar number X.
When a certain ammount of time passes (cca 5-10 min) he decides if he will make the run (if all positions are not filled yet). He will fill those with NPCs.
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Space Marshal
Jul 21, 2014
RSI Handle
You forgot to type how much you keep for yourself, ... as a captain.
Or would you be one of the Multi Role Pilots?

People that give a share per Net-Rev might out hire your potential staff then.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
I almost caught my hangar on fire, with all the melting I did over the weekend. And I'm not done yet, so I hope the fire suppression system is working in there.....

Star Pilgrim

Rear Admiral
Feb 24, 2015
RSI Handle
The Captain is the employer,... whatever proffit he makes is up to him.

Captain did post the job tho.
If the price of you performing that job is to your liking, you take it.
At the end of the mission you receive the agreed upon payment and an evaluation score or rating by the Captain.

Just like in real life.

Keep in mind there will be a lot of player generated jobs out there, and a lot of pilots.
That is why a minimum rank is a necessity.
So total n00bs can not take high ranking jobs that pay a lot, but are demmanding on the particiapants.
This way the business is protected and is going acording to plan, at the price it does.

Think of it as a self regulating reputation system.
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