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  1. Star Pilgrim

    Constellation Phoenix or Anvil Carrack?

    It has bigger power plant, all missiles are size 2, it has an automated countermeasures turret at the back, it has better weapons. I fail to see your argument. In every relevant way it is superior to Andromeda which is more than sufficient as support to any fleet.
  2. Star Pilgrim

    Melting, remelting, melting some more?

    Man ow man, this sale made my head spin. I've made some mistakes and I have to wait 1 day to remelt heh. :D I came to the idea to melt everything and take a favourite Package and then CCU ships as I please. The bonus is, the larger packs have Lifetime Insurance on every ship. Nice place to CCU...
  3. Star Pilgrim

    Constellation Phoenix or Anvil Carrack?

    Carrack is a money maker not a battle ship. It is military all the same and has top of the line tech, same as phoenix. Phoenix can rip some ships apart, more so than Andromeda and way more than Carrack. But Carrack has other stuff you might be liking. Phoenix is really rare, Carrack is not...
  4. Star Pilgrim

    Who has the Crucible?

    Melted Crucible for Phoenix since no CCU is possible. But since I can un-melt later, I am good with my decision. :)
  5. Star Pilgrim

    Happy Thanksgiving TESTies!

    Altho we do not celebrate Thanksgiving here, I am up for one turkey sandwitch and I can raise my glass to you guys (and gals). :)
  6. Star Pilgrim

    The Fastest Ship in the 'Verse!

    How on earth did he come up with that. It's brilliant. :D
  7. Star Pilgrim

    The Fastest Ship in the 'Verse!

    Archimedes should be the fastest hands down. Big engines, low weight.
  8. Star Pilgrim

    Ship Talk Returns! - Ship Talk #12 - Heavy Industry

    Hull B is a lot more profitabble if pirates leave you alone and i is a lot easier. I mean it is just hauling from A to B, no mechanics involved. Starin at the wall and hoping fo come excitement *cough* pirates I mean. :D
  9. Star Pilgrim

    Ship Talk Returns! - Ship Talk #12 - Heavy Industry

    Well if you are funds limited and just want one industrial ship, pick the one you see yourself enjoying the most naturally. Some mechanics are really complicated, which is better than pressing a button and looking at a progress meter. Some people do not like that tho. I am all for micro...
  10. Star Pilgrim

    Ship Talk Returns! - Ship Talk #12 - Heavy Industry

    Insignifficant. Cost to run is proportionate to the proffits made by %. It does not matter what kind of ship you have. Small ship has same % of cost to run since proffits are a lot smaller. The most expensive thing would be if you have a battle chariot full of missiles and you go after...
  11. Star Pilgrim

    Anyone play some Overwatch this weekend?

    If only I had access to beta. :D
  12. Star Pilgrim

    Ship Talk Returns! - Ship Talk #12 - Heavy Industry

    The ONLY ships worth pledging is industry ships with LTI. Everything else is fluff and can be earned easy with those industry ships. Money maker ship up front will give you a meaningful head start. You can always do fun and games later when you have enough money to play around. Well I am going...
  13. Star Pilgrim

    Ship Talk Returns! - Ship Talk #12 - Heavy Industry

    I meant the game mechanics (cargo, ship routing etc) NOT the economy. That is seperate as they said. Well Tony Zurovec. Besides they are going to keep the economy in check artificially and not let it run out of all measure of reason like in EVE online and many others. How? Well demmand and...
  14. Star Pilgrim

    Ship Talk Returns! - Ship Talk #12 - Heavy Industry

    It will be some time still, before they can start working on actual game mechanics such as mining, salvaging etc. Trading is next on their radar and it is the simplest one to tackle.
  15. Star Pilgrim

    Aurora $30 question

    First day it was 2 minutes I believe. I think it was 13 seconds the next day, all 300 gone. :D
  16. Star Pilgrim

    Upgrade Connie to Carrack?

    Say what? You upgraded to Carack and do not have a Connie to play? Issue council, bug report asap.
  17. Star Pilgrim

    Aurora $30 question

    Yeah CIG said that at the Javelin sale as they were gone in seconds, not minutes. People were suspecting bots/scripts. In actuality, people just purchased it but did not complete the last step (had it in their cart), and when the time ticked for new batch, they pressed the button. Some even did...
  18. Star Pilgrim

    Upgrade Connie to Carrack?

    I think as time goes by, ships will look better and better. I just hope they work on Merchantman last. :D I want it to look otherworldly.
  19. Star Pilgrim

    You're crewing a Constellation. What is your post?

    Look at it this way. Connie is available all the time for purchase, Carrack is not,... yet, if you own a carrack you still get to test a Connie all you want untill Carrack is flight ready.
  20. Star Pilgrim

    Upgrade Connie to Carrack?

    Amm, potentially? They DID double the quality if not quadruple it, compared to the old model.
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