Ship Talk Returns! - Ship Talk #12 - Heavy Industry

Will you get a Heavy Industry Ship in this sale?

  • Yes - Orion

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Yes - Reclaimer

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • Yes - Crucible

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • I have one or all 3 already now

    Votes: 17 36.2%
  • No, it doesn't interest me

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Ship Talk #12 - Heavy Industry

Risen from the depths of the abyss Ship Talk returns for its 12th main installment! With the advent of the Anvil Crucible I can finally do a Talk I wanted to do since the very first one. This is Ship Talk #12 - Heavy Industry. If you've never read any of these, and it has been a while since I've done one(June 28th!), Ship Talk is where I take the current on paper stats for a group of ships similar in either role or hull, analyze them, and give my own thoughts on how they compare to each other. Usually I would take a group of similar ships in role or hull and compare/contrast them. This one will be a bit different and I'll just go over each of the Heavy Industry ships individually and what they will be good for along with any potential weaknesses. Below you will find links to the previous Ship Talks and Ship Talk Commentaries. Keep in mind these are very old and probably very outdated but if you like theory and analysis they may be fun to read.

Link to Ship Talk #11 - The Starter Ships with links to 1-10 and Ship Talk Commentary links 1-3
Link to Ship Talk Commentary #4 - The Genesis Starliner

What I call Heavy Industry Ships are a group of 3 ships that will most likely make up the core of Heavy Industry in Star Citizen. They are the Orion, Reclaimer and the new Crucible. The Orion is the biggest baddest Mining Ship you can get with onboard crushing and refining capability. The Reclaimer is the down and dirty Salvager with all the tools to get the job done including a massive multi-tool arm. Think of it like a Newell Shredder but in space. The Crucible is the flying toolbox you need to repair minor paint damage or bring a ship back from the brink and reclaim it for the glory of TEST Squadron. Each ship will have a distinct purpose in the game and in depth mechanics to go with them to give a gratifying play experience and viable career path.

These ships talked about here are intended to be end of the line career ships. They are the best at what they do but are large and unwieldy for small jobs. They require large crews to operate efficiently and are poorly armed if at all. But where there is a will there's a way. You can fly all of them solo with an NPC crew if you wish but don't count on them being nearly as effective as if it were crewed by your friends. CIG may in the future introduce more industry career ships that are smaller in size and can be used more effectively by a solo player but that is far off. We have at seen a hint of this though with the Aegis Terrapin which was part of a poll for a 3rd starter ship. Unfortunately it wasn't elected to be our 3rd Starter but we got the reliable Reliant instead.

It is my sincere hope that Industry in Star Citizen becomes a much sought after career field choice with a plethora of options available to specialize in. It may never be as glamorous as commanding a Javelin Destroyer or commanding a fleet to victory but there will be plenty of money to be made if you know where to look and where to sell your product.

My Thoughts on the Ships(The Orion, The Reclaimer, The Crucible)

General Thoughts on Stats

First let me acknowledge again that these stats and listed equipment are all subject to change. However, unless something drastic occurs in testing I would expect these stats to still give a good overall direction and capability for each ship. Below is a link to a composite picture I made with all the stats listed from the RSI site:

All Heavy Industry Ship Stats
The Concept Sale page for the Orion can be found here
The Concept Sale page for the Reclaimer can be found here
The Concept Sale page for the Crucible can be found here

Descriptions and Roles

As stated before each of these ships has a very different role in the Star Citizen Universe. The Orion again is the end all Mining ship. The Reclaimer is the same for Salvage and the Crucible is your go-to repair box for large and small ships in space. To start off lets look at the Orion's spec and concept sale page descriptions. It states that the Orion brings Mining down to an individual level from what was previously a profession ruled by mega corporations(Shubin?). It features several tractor beams, lasers, and plenty of storage by the way of saddlebags. The Orion is designed to support extended operations and features crew quarters suited to that, even if they are a bit spartan. There is also talk of drone interfaces and from the concepts they could possibly be used to pull asteroids toward you or push debris away for a clear shot.

Next up is the Reclaimer. At its core the Reclaimer is a utilitarian salvage ship. It has the tools to get the job done and make it profitable. Like the Orion it comes equipped with a very large cargo hold for all the salvage you'll make. In addition the Reclaimer carries an onboard processing unit capable of processing even a Constellation. I like to think of it like a Newell Shredder. The turrets are multi use and can be fitted with additional weapons or salvage equipment such as floodlights, scanners, or tractor beams. The Reclaimer also features some Surveyor-class drones which will let you look beyond your current area and see what else may be valuable as you go through that debris field. Finally it comes with a manned cutter that can carry tools and supplies for EVA activity. This may also play into the search-and-rescue game mechanics in that if people are trapped in a derelict without an exit, cutting into the ship would then free them. Overall the Reclaimer may be the most versatile ship of the three listed here.

Finally the new Crucible is the last of the Heavy Industry Ships. Whereas the Reclaimer slices and dices a wreck up into pieces the Crucible is meant to put a ship back together in functioning order. Like the Reclaimer it is a flying toolbox but of a different sort. It contains all the tools you need to patch a ship up and even replace entire destroyed sections if you have enough supplies on hand. It features a rotating bridge allowing you to look forward as you fly to your destination or look back at the repair work being done. Unique to the ship is a rear workshop dubbed 'The Scarab' that can function as a dry pressurized work area complete with robotic arms. It can also be detached to serve as a temporary repair platform. The Scarab can only fit single seat fighters. Larger ships will require the Scarab to be opened up for un-pressurized work or left behind altogether depending on the size of the ship. The repair arms can be used remotely by a person in the cab area. For large or small the Crucible can repair it all.

Structure and Propulsion

Now we get down to some of the technical details. The first thing to look at is Cargo capacity. Before we get to that keep in mind that as the ships go through their various stages of production, the cargo figures(and all Stats) are subject to change to fit the needs of the ship and we saw this several times when they changed over to the Standard Cargo Unit system. For the Orion and Reclaimer the listed Cargo stat is wrong because it shows their ore/scrap capacity. This is even more wrong because it clashes with newer figures we got in the Hull B Q&A. Regardless, for standard cargo, not ore or scrap the Orion has 216 SCU while for ore it can carry 13824 SCU worth. Not terrible and to be expected for such a large craft. The Reclaimer has both a normal cargo hold and a large reinforced hold for scrap. for standard cargo it can carry 288 SCU worth while for scrap it can carry 6266.88 SCU. The Reclaimer carries less not only because of its size(smaller than an Orion) but also because it is all internal storage whereas the Orion carries its cargo externally. The Crucible will carry 300 SCU worth of cargo. Most of this will probably be various materials and components for the repair process. I wonder at this time if the Scarab workshop can double as an additional cargo area. If it can then that could multiply the cargo capacity of the Crucible.

Continued Below.....
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Next up we have the crew complement for each ship. It was brought to my attention by Adiran that the max crew stat is misleading and here is a good example. On the Retaliator you have a 'Max Crew' of 6. This can be the pilot and 5 gunners. Great! No, not so great because who will handle the torpedoes, engineering, etc if the 6 people are already occupied. The pilot can surely handle some things aside the flying but if you need to make some quick reroutes of systems or hit the damaged engines with a hammer to get away while under fire you need more than 6 people. Another example is the Orion. In the Mining Design Doc by Tony Z there is at least 8 listed roles and this doesn't include redundant crew to operate other tractor beams, defensive turrets, etc. but the Max Crew stat for it is 6. The point here is this stat may be very misleading to the point of severe underestimation for maximum ship and crew efficiency.

Having said that lets talk about this. The Orion being a larger ship than either the Reclaimer or Crucible needs 6 people while the Reclaimer lists 5 and the Crucible 4. With what I've just said these seem low considering their roles and their end of line career ship status. When these ships get in the game we'll have a much better idea of how many people we need to operate them. Moving on to power plants we can see the max listed for the Orion is a Size 6. The Reclaimer on the concept page shows 2 Size 6 and the Crucible doesn't show one at all. I would have expected the Orion to have a larger Power Plant than that or at least multiple ones. Again all stats subject to change so we may see this one change drastically.

Going down the list we come to the main engines. The Orion boasts 4 TR6 engines to give it some much needed power not only due to the size but its eventual mass after mining. The Reclaimer comes in at 6 TR5 engines. Even though the Reclaimer is smaller length wise compared to the Orion it is very wide so it will need the additional power. The Crucible only shows that it will have 4 main engines of an unknown Thrust Rating. The thrusters are not numerous on either the Orion or Reclaimer but this may change. The Orion has 12 TR3s and the Reclaimer 8 of the same. The Crucible here is the big winner with 20 thrusters of an unknown rating. This makes sense. You'll need to carefully maneuver the ship into a specific place to begin repairs while the others are made for forward facing operations only. The Crucible will be the most maneuverable but the other two will probably move like a sloth on land when not going in a straight line.

Lastly is the shielding. The Spec page lists a Size 6 for both the Orion and Reclaimer but the concept page for the Orion lists a Size 7 which I would find to be more in line with its function and size. The Crucible does not list a Shield but the concept sale page has 2 places for it indicating 2 shield generators of unknown size.

Hardpoints and Equipment

(This pic is utterly useless this time)

Thought these ships are not meant for combat, it does not mean they are unarmed. The spec page is utterly useless in this regard so I'll discuss them based on the concept sale pages and let you draw your own conclusions on the posted spec picture. Links to these are above of course. First up is the Orion once again. It lists Tractor Beams, A Cutting Laser and Flak Cannons. Obviously the Flak Cannons are for small fighter defense but they fail in comparison to a dedicated security detail of trusted people. Even hired NPCs would serve better. The concept pictures point out several other attached items such as a scanner, a turret for both tractor beams and some of the flak cannons, and drone storage on the underside of the vessel and a rear turret for more flak cannons.

Next is the Reclaimer. Aside from three turrets capable of hosting a variety of weapons or other implements it features 4 point defense weapons. What form these will take is unknown at this point but they are likely to stop large missiles such as torpedoes. I could be completely wrong on this but we will see in the future. Although not listed as equipment it is worth noting the enormous mechanism for chewing up raw material. I liken this to the Newell Shredder of today and how they operate to produce fist sized chunks of metal from whole cars by sheer force. Also worth noting is the large grasping arm that also serves as a tool mount for various things. Floodlights also come standard to the Reclaimer to let the pilot see what they are getting at, Other equipment are high density scanners, survey probes, and a manned cutter EVA craft for those delicate or cramped situations. It really is the most versatile ship of the Heavy Industrials.

Finally is the Crucible. At this time not much is known as the concept page does not go into too much detail. Stated there is a remote Size 7 turret on top and a remote Size 6 turret on bottom of the ship. In theory this makes sense when because a damaged ship may still be a worthy prize to someone. Some firepower will make a single person think twice but not a determined fleet. I would also list the robotic arms as equipment do to their specialized nature and use in the repair process. Finally the Scarab detachable module I would also class as Equipment.

All of these ships of course come equipped with a Jump Drive even if it isn't listed. The Reclaimer specifically says it is equipped with a Tarsus Marauder.


Orion - As stated before the Orion is your end of line ship for your Mining Career. Well technically that would be a mining station but that is a completely different topic. It is known that CIG will have smaller ships later on for Mining and probably other Industry careers but for now this is all we have. It has a prodigious cargo capacity for ore which means less travel time back and forth to station to drop off. If CIG allows the external cargo modules of the Orion detach and be put on a Hull Series ship as part of a logistical chain it will open up many great opportunities but if they don't then it is a greatly missed opportunity for some interesting game play. The Orion needs a large crew to be run right and probably even more than the listed 6 people. The Ship is huge at 170 meters in length but is a bit narrow otherwise. It will probably handle like a space whale due to this and also the mass it will take on with valuable ore. One concern I have is the power plant. Only a single Size 6 is listed and this seems really low to run the refinery, crushers, lasers, and other equipment going full force. It will probably be changed later of course but for now it seems to be the only sore spot I can find on the ship. The Orion is not defenseless but neither is it well defended. It has a highly rated shield but pop guns for defense. When out on an operation or even just fun mining you'll want to bring an escort for security. The cargo you obtain and process may be worth more than the ship itself at times.

Reclaimer - The Reclaimer is the Anti-Crucible. It is the toolbox you go to when you want to utterly destroy a ship. It is the Newell Shredder of space. As I said before I believe the Reclaimer is the most versitile ship of the three listed here and that is because of the multi-use hardpoints to mount additional salvage equipment or weapons depending on the desires of the player and needs of the organization. The Reclaimer is also mentioned as being able to perform search-and-recovery operations. That means getting out of the ship in EVA and using the manned cutter to go inspect and explore a derelict ship for valuables. This is a particular mechanic I am greatly looking forward to. The Reclaimer is your salvage ship. Others like the Caterpillar may be able to do the same on a more limited basis but the Reclaimer will do it best. You'll need at least 5 people to fly it effectively but the potential riches you find will be worth the effort. I except handling to be better than the Orion due to the additional main engines but worse than the Crucible. It has a fairly nice double size 6 shield for protection and you'll need it in a debris field. It also has drones for surveying surrounding wrecks to determine values as you move along. It wouldn't surprise me if the Reclaimer becomes fairly common in TEST with all the crashing we'll be doing. If you plan to do anything Industry related this will be a good ship to have even if it is your only one for it.

Continued Below....

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Crucible - Finally we come to the Crucible. The Crucible is the opposite of the Reclaimer. It repairs and reconstructs ships that have been damaged using onboard blueprints. It needs the fewest people of the three Heavy Industrials at 4. It carries a lower amount of cargo than I was expecting at only 300 SCU. If the Scarab can double as a cargo bay it will be even more. We can expect to see several of these ships on scene when a derelict capital ship is found. For Bengal expect every one we can find to be deployed along with an extensive capital fleet for protection. The Crucible comes in 2 parts: The Cab and the Workshop. The central Cab has the essentials you need to get ready for EVA activity, stores the cargo, and houses the command structure which can rotate a full 180 degrees forward or back. The Workshop is where the action takes place. Either inside the Scarab as a pressurized bay or open to space with only the robotic arms this is what you'll be giving the majority of your attention. The Scarab itself is an interesting and welcome addition because it can detach from the main ship and keep serving a purpose as a temporary repair station while the main ship does something else. Overall the ship will be of great use to anyone that has one. People will always be damaging their ships and getting pieces blown off and a handy Crucible may be cheaper than going to a station or planet for the repairs.

Closing Thoughts

All 3 ships will serve the people who use them very well there is no doubt. All 3 can make money for sure. The Orion and Reclaimer are more self evident in this regard but the Crucible can also command premium prices for quick quality repairs in the middle of space. The Orion of the 3 ships needs the most 'outside' support to be utilized to its fullest potential with the Crucible coming in 2nd due to the small amount of cargo it can carry. The Reclaimer is likely the most independent of the three ships. If a person is serious about industry they will get one of these ships or jump to the call to serve on one in a role aboard. These are a team effort to make work at their best with little room for error and that goes double for the Orion deep in an asteroid field. They will all need security protection of some kind because of their immense size and poor maneuverability. Deployment of these assets can either bring great profit or great ruin if they are not properly cared for. I personally have all three but I was interested in Industry long before the Reclaimer was even sold and my interest has only grown from there.

November 25th will mark the day you can pick up the Reclaimer or Orion in this sale. You can get them with 3 year insurance or get a P-72 first and CCU for LTI. The Crucible will be sold until the 30th and comes with LTI anyway. If you want to do something in Industry, pick one up. You can always melt it later if you decide it isn't for you. This closes out another Ship Talk but it is not the last one by a long shot. I enjoyed writing this after so long so expect more from me in the future. But not just me! There are a few others who are starting to write their own Ship Talks to post including a small series focusing on Exploration Ships from single seater to the massive Carrack. Look for them in the near future!

Now for Extra Heresy(because our Inquisitors are falling asleep)!

"So the fleet is repaired and ready to go after that last battle?"

" sent Reclaimers to the battle site and they shredded everything to scrap for selling."

"But I said to salvage everything possible!"

"I don't think that word means what you think it means in this context."

"Next time just know what I mean to say and repair all the ships."

"Even the enemy?"

"......yes for C/P."


"Confusion and Profit of course!"


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Why doesn't Hull E count as heavy industry? That thing is the most beastly cargo beast the game will ever see!

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Industry is about production.

The Hull series are logistics.
This exactly. The Hull Series as a whole may become a great asset though to an Orion if CIG goes that way and allows interchangeable cargo boxes. Otherwise they will be invaluable to transporting refined materials to planets that command a high price. Its all part of a great big chain.


Space Marshal
Sep 15, 2015
RSI Handle
From the description of the repair process, do you think repairs will take a lot of time to perform? Would it be better to salvage/destroy a badly damaged ship rather waiting for and paying for repairs? How do you think CIG will handle this dilemma?


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
For those who aren't sure what a Newell Shredder is:

Great job! I'm looking forward to playing around with these industry-type ships.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
From the description of the repair process, do you think repairs will take a lot of time to perform? Would it be better to salvage/destroy a badly damaged ship rather waiting for and paying for repairs? How do you think CIG will handle this dilemma?
It certainly won't be instant. It will take some time for sure. As for salvaging a ship as opposed to repairing it. It'll depend on the ship. Obviously you want to save something like an Idris or any capital whenever possible but something small like a Hornet? Probably best to scrap it unless you're in combat and need the ship in play. The decision will be on an individual basis of how much cost you need to put into repairing the ship as opposed to its face value.

For those who aren't sure what a Newell Shredder is:

Great job! I'm looking forward to playing around with these industry-type ships.
It is quite the machine isn't it?


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I'll be getting all of my industry ships in the 'verse (where's that poll option Sunder!?).

Excellent write up as always!

Also, where is the Ship Talk on which boat is best for crashing into the enemy? I can provide artwork, HMU.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I'll be getting all of my industry ships in the 'verse (where's that poll option Sunder!?).

Excellent write up as always!

Also, where is the Ship Talk on which boat is best for crashing into the enemy? I can provide artwork, HMU.
I didn't even think of that as an option when I made the poll. I'll see what I can do about manned missiles in the future. It is probably imperative that I do such a Talk.....for TEST Science!

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
The idea that the Reclaimer is like a Newell Shredder is just my own theory. Logical yes but still my own theory.


Space Marshal
May 31, 2014
RSI Handle
Really it comes down to what are the needs of the org and what you as individuals want to do for the night when it comes to manning ships. This is one of the reasons I stopped at 8 ships... All my friends have all the others so no need to buy more when they'll need a crew just as I will for mine.

Star Pilgrim

Rear Admiral
Feb 24, 2015
RSI Handle
It will be some time still, before they can start working on actual game mechanics such as mining, salvaging etc.

Trading is next on their radar and it is the simplest one to tackle.
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
It will be some time still, before they can start woking on actual game mechanics such as mining, salvaging etc.

Trading is next on their radar and it is the simplest one to tackle.
strongly disagree

inflation in game economies has killed several AAA titles. balancing in-game money faucets and sinks while keeping game play engaging is hard.
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