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  1. Halesh

    [CONCERN] for State Of The Squadron #15

    sweet mother of loot! ty Neo, even if you did sorta die at the end of the final movie in a very anticlimactic way.
  2. Halesh

    In Preparation for 9000

    LOL, words fail me.
  3. Halesh

    Here we go again: Should I...

    I got the CCU for my sabre and Khartu al. I already own both, but if an lti ship becomes available. I have the option to liquidate them, and get lti on them from the other ship.
  4. Halesh

    Here we go again: Should I...

    and you can always spend $20 to get the taurus to sabre CCU, and hold onto your ships. You can always liquidate the CCU if you find something better. Also don't waist LTI, upgrade those ships into another ship. the new ship will have lti like the starting one.
  5. Halesh

    Before the sale ends, you might want to consider

    Well. if I ever come into some large amounts of money. I can have a fleet of Khartu-al ships lol
  6. Halesh

    Before the sale ends, you might want to consider

    Well I just learned something. Even though I used no store credit to get the ccu, you still can't gift it. guess they want to make sure money changes hands lol.
  7. Halesh

    [CONCERN] Montoya has hair . . .and Feb Taurus give away

    I have not noticed anything weird, perhaps you need another drink?
  8. Halesh

    [CONCERN] Montoya has hair . . .and Feb Taurus give away

    no worries, I didn't see the text at the bottom to see you were having speaker issues.
  9. Halesh

    [CONCERN] Montoya has hair . . .and Feb Taurus give away

    totuscling (or something like that) won
  10. Halesh

    Before the sale ends, you might want to consider

    I grabbed several ccu of the Khartu al. Just in case (since it costs nothing)
  11. Halesh

    [CONCERN] Montoya has hair . . .and Feb Taurus give away

    check the video on youtube.
  12. Halesh

    Before the sale ends, you might want to consider

    let me clarify, you can buy just the ccu, Without doing an actual upgrade. just go to the extra's tab in the store and scroll down till you find it.
  13. Halesh

    Before the sale ends, you might want to consider

    In case some of you don't know. you can grab the CCU for the connie taurus to the Khartu-al for $0.00 in case you were thinking about getting it, or just don't have the cash now, or even if you want to hold off till an LTI ship goes on sale, so you can upgrade to the Khartu-al (scout). You can...
  14. Halesh

    Bargains on eBay?!?!?!?

    I'm sorry for you luck Azmodeth, he might not like Canadians. I love you guys though, your much more polite, and hard to get angry at..... even when your drunk.
  15. Halesh

    TEST picture thread

    argh, what is that monster holding you in its arms?
  16. Halesh

    The Scout is FLIGHT ready?

    It is the best space suite, hides that imaginary face, makes you haft to wonder how drunk, crazy, or *gasp* sober I am.
  17. Halesh

    The Scout is FLIGHT ready?

    It's ok, you and I can go watch hasslehoff and kit ride off into the sunset.
  18. Halesh

    Bargains on eBay?!?!?!?

    I got the Crucible, was such a great deal. I was willing to take the heat from my wife.
  19. Halesh

    Beer for the Verse, Starfarer Brewery

    We must invest time, and keep this topic going. I am going to try and find more places to increase exposure to the devs.
  20. Halesh

    TEST picture thread

    Perhaps it was the creepy "I am going to take your love" look.
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