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  1. Halesh

    Shameless Plug - Asking for TEST Squadron help

    I has voted too, to bad we cannot wake up the rest of tests 9000
  2. Halesh

    Do you think we could...

    If we could inject enough iron into the star, that would cause it to nova. Iron is the last element a star can make during its life, and is what causes it to blow. All heavier elements are created during the nova event.;) I love discovery channel lol
  3. Halesh

    Howdy Yall

    Welcome BigT. test squadron welcomes you.
  4. Halesh

    My Jury Rigged flight chair

    I do feel your pain about hanging my gaming nerd stuff up. My wife won´t let me do that either. Unless I moved it upstairs out of sight...... but the fridge and kitchen..... I can live without the posters
  5. Halesh

    My Jury Rigged flight chair

    We have an understanding. If it is my video games, and it stays in my designated areas.... I get to do what I want. In return she gets to do whatever messy hobby she wants to do. Right now she is into crochet.
  6. Halesh

    My Jury Rigged flight chair

    It is a pershing... but it is an airsoft RC pershing ;)
  7. Halesh

    Servus Testies

    Welcome to test, where being a cubs fan won't be held against you...... but flying straight and sober is Heresy!!!!
  8. Halesh

    Hello from Captain Archmage

    Welcome to test, and now we shall call you Son Beerfu in honor of your being 9000
  9. Halesh

    [GIVEAWAY] Quantum Conundrum

    Ty very much Darquesse, going to play it tonight when I get home.:)
  10. Halesh

    My Jury Rigged flight chair

    Ty, my wife thinks it looks red necky...... to her I say, who did you marry?
  11. Halesh

    Xian Scout commercial

    yes, it is an awesome ship. I'm going to try racing it tonight when I get home.
  12. Halesh

    My Jury Rigged flight chair

    Because, taking two to three hours and a little material is cheaper than 300 for a decent flight chair. Working on finding a good Beer holder & going to tie up the wires so they aren't an issue.
  13. Halesh

    What are you going to name your beerFarer?

    That is a great question, I´m thinking "wide load" "O´Brian" or "Exon"
  14. Halesh

    Starfarer priced at $300 now

    I CCU´d a blade into the beerfarer. All was store credit so I am happy with the result. Between this and the crucible I am done ship shopping ;)
  15. Halesh


    or getting rid of
  16. Halesh


    he might mean it in the context of embracing
  17. Halesh

    Starfarer priced at $300 now

    I have not gotten a CCU yet, I'm probably not going to go grey market again. I got the ship I really wanted and don't want to chance loosing it. I was refereing to buying a CCU to the Farer when it goes back on sale. That way if you come into a free ship, or other means. It will be there for you...
  18. Halesh

    Test this thing on?

    Run it's a Sleestak! Also welcome to Test squadron, perhaps you should call yourself a Xi'an.
  19. Halesh

    Starfarer priced at $300 now

    Lol, I fixed my autocorrect mess.
  20. Halesh

    Starfarer priced at $300 now

    @Blind Owl I´ll get a cheap CCU to the beerfarer and hold onto it incase you win the contest this month. If you win the freelancer that should make up the difference in price.:)
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