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  1. Halesh

    Just a Reminder for the Taurus Giveaway

    Black sunder might have a bunch of little spoons already, his drawer might be full o_O
  2. Halesh

    Just a Reminder for the Taurus Giveaway

    More giveaway, sweet. I hope to win, but whoever does I'm happy for you.
  3. Halesh

    Intro - Guki - OZ

    I'll be happy to test the structural integrity of your Idris's Hanger. Multiple times if need be. Welcome to Test, even if you have been lurking in the shadows like a sex predator for over a year.
  4. Halesh

    New User DavidCooky

    Welcome to Test Squadron, I understand do good English. How your bad English understands? I speakada both. Mostly bad engrish
  5. Halesh

    bomkata new member

    They hand them out with the beer Grimbli, and welcome to test
  6. Halesh

    Xi'an scout & Sabre on sale

    I thought you were home, or is home where the beer is? then go my son, go find more beer
  7. Halesh

    Xi'an scout & Sabre on sale

    If you want to try out the sabre, hit me up when I get on this evening. At least then it will be an informed decision :)
  8. Halesh

    New member Omega6ix

    Aurora Handle beautifully, and are very tough. Though you wouldn't know it with this bunch..... and HERESY Williams Shatner is awesome captain. he creates plenty of work for his underlings. Sign of great leader. Greatest crewman ever was Scotty, no arguements. take a number from my complaint...
  9. Halesh

    Hi everyone, fc here

    We have a fast cart? so who is the slow cart? I hope its not me.
  10. Halesh

    Xi'an scout & Sabre on sale

    They are both back on sale until Monday. For any who are not paying attention to RSI, this is my only attempt to inform you. :p
  11. Halesh

    You have a Magical Ship Voucher, what do you get?

    Crucible, Because space garage, room for lounge chair on top of my garage overlook area. I can do shoddy repairs and charge outrageous prices (to the general public of course). Wear my space trucker hat and overalls, Because nobody will say anything to me if they want thier rig fixed. Oh and...
  12. Halesh

    How old are you guys and gals?

    I'm aging backwards, I started off at old man... now I think I'm about to hit Old enough to know better, but to young to care. Heaven help my wife when I hit young dumb and full of .......
  13. Halesh

    Crash Test dummy reporting for duty

    Thank you for the warm welcome, and the cold beer. More words, gums flapping together, oh and some words...... HAIL GLORIOUS LEADER Beer?
  14. Halesh

    TEST ARK Server

    Cool, I'll build a crappy Thatch hut, then set in on fire.... because I just want to watch it burn.
  15. Halesh

    Wondering where my Drink floated off to.

    Wondering where my Drink floated off to.
  16. Halesh

    Crash Test dummy reporting for duty

    I have disgraced the servers of many games, Eve, destiny, World of Warcrack, Evercrack, Elder scrolls Online, World of Spanks, Armored Warfare, and several others nobody has heard of. I am hoping to be a space trucker, miner, kamikaze pilot, or even a crash test dummy in the Verse. I don't...
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