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  1. Han Burgundy

    Forum Background image

    The other day when I was watching the 3.0 presentation I was blown away with how pretty they had managed to make everything. Any chance we can update our old stale forum background image to show some of the new aesthetic? Fresh hype=Fresh look? /$0.02
  2. Han Burgundy

    I want to believe....

    I had a dream last night that awoke a calling, so embedded into the deepest corners of my soul, that I just couldn't shake it. I dreamt that there was a hybrid creature that exhibited the characteristics of both a bear and a deer, aptly named the "Beer" [Yes, I know everyone is already aware of...
  3. Han Burgundy

    Preveiw of delayed ATV

    DiscoLando just posted this teaser to the forum Notice the 42 painted on the side there?
  4. Han Burgundy

    Starfarer LTI path

    So I'm looking to take advantage of the Cheap LTI nature of the dragonfly and using it to secure LTI on my starfarer. Can anyone explain to me if/how this would work? As I understand the process would be to: Buy Dragonfly Melt Starfarer Upgrade Dragonfly LTI to Starfarer Would I be able to do...
  5. Han Burgundy

    {Short Story} The Aimless Expedition (Part 2)

    Here is the second installment of my short story regarding the crew aboard the Carrack cruiser Aimless (Here's part 1 if you missed it...
  6. Han Burgundy

    Story Time: The Aimless Expedition (Part 1)

    Greetings again, ladies and gents! I am writing another short story, but this time it's about the ship of my TRUE desires; The Carrack Cruiser. Enjoy!
  7. Han Burgundy

    Story Time!: My ascension to Captain of the Starfarer Nogas

    Hey everybody. I was basically going insane chomping at the bit while walking through my Starfarer, so I wrote a short story about one. Enjoy!
  8. Han Burgundy

    Fights make Friends

    Last night I was on with AdmrialBrannigan and we were cruising for criminal scum around the security post when some tool in a 300 series decides he wants to fight. We started our 2v1 attack on the guy and he was annoying the crap out of us by jousting then zipping WAY away (like super far)...
  9. Han Burgundy

    Starfarer shadyness

    So now I hear a rumor that the Starfarer will have ANOTHER $100 jump in price when it becomes flight ready (Totaling $400). I understand the first price bump to match the final size of the ship, but that big of a price leap for flight ready?? This is starting to smell a bit like greed. Hype...
  10. Han Burgundy

    Anyone else still have access to the Hornet after the free weekend?

    I only own the connie and Cutlass. I was on with one of my friends last night and we discovered that I can still request the Hornet and fly it after the free weekend, but he couldn't. Has anyone else been able to do this? I checked my hangar settings and it doesn't show up there at all, so I...
  11. Han Burgundy

    The illustrious Han Burgundy

    Where you from stranger? Washington state: Home of Sasquatch and Weed What drew you to Star Citizen? General dissatisfaction with Elite Dangerous as well as disgruntled that I was born too early to go through spess for real. What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration...
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