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  1. Sirus7264

    Worst song ive ever heard.

    i was watching a top 10s worst video and this video came up so i had to check it out.
  2. Sirus7264

    Space Whales comming to Star Citizen

    Yes you heard correctly it has been announced that Space whales are going to be created and put in SC they will do a live creation on Friday via twitch.
  3. Sirus7264

    Collectable magazine

    Thought I would post this up for anyone who collects star citizen collectables.
  4. Sirus7264

    X1 Sale begin
  5. Sirus7264

    It's monday morning entertain me!

    So i'm here at work and I'm bored hoping someone can post something to entertain me as today it seems posts are a bit slow!
  6. Sirus7264

    Space owl submission

    I decided in love for @Blind Owl I would choose "Space owl" as my submission on the RSI forum's competition. Upvote to get some love for owls in space! We are owl.
  7. Sirus7264

    League of Losers

    Does anyone else around here play league? I'm in a rut with ranked atm with silver 4. Keep getting really bad players and i could use a duo partner to get back up. Let me know if you are interested.
  8. Sirus7264

    Was roaming spectrum and i found this...

    I couldn't resist.
  9. Sirus7264

    Price increase Aquilla

    So it's been predicted that the Aquila will go up in price no one knows by how much but put it on your back burner. There will be an increase from what i'm hearing for many ships upcoming to 3.0. Just be ready...
  10. Sirus7264

    600i rover question answered.

    So sent a ticket in about the 600i explorer concept pledge. here is some info back
  11. Sirus7264

    What every exploration ship should be like!

    So I remember this old game from my younger days. Where is my Black egg!
  12. Sirus7264

    Austrailian Sales tax sale

    So it seems CIG is doing a VAT sale for Australians and they have handed a code out to every person so they can choose a ship with 5 year insurance. I was able to pick up a sabre with 5 year insurance and if I find more codes i'll try to pick up some of the others for people if they need them...
  13. Sirus7264

    And thus the critics begin....

    Searching the news this is one that was on the front page of MSN wooo....
  14. Sirus7264

    Just an idea.

    So seeing as we hit our 14,000 mark maybe we can use that as a bargaining tool with CIG to see if possibly by some sort of chance if we donate enough money to do it. We can ask for our very own Test squadron Space station. I'm mean they can pretty much do anything they want right? and if we...
  15. Sirus7264

    Don't ever waste your money on a car like this....

    Long story short bought a used one for about 5k back 2 years ago and have had to replace all of this at just 100,000km Engine overhaul Battery Terminal Timing belt Water Pump Radiator line Oil Sump Fuel Pump Selespeed pump Selespeed relay Selespeed solenoid valve fuel Injector Battery 4 Tires...
  16. Sirus7264

    WTB Ursa Rover or Lynx Rover

    Anyone have an Ursa Rover on buyback? Id prefer a Lynx but I don't think the Lynx was ever sold as a standalone which is a real shame.
  17. Sirus7264

    (PSA)Ursa Rover will retroactivate LTI.

    As stated it was announced on spectrum that the Ursa Rover standalone will have LTI included retroactively.
  18. Sirus7264

    Starcitizen trades Cakeday

    Better come up with a good jingle to join Bocs giveaway! It will end 12 hours after his original post.
  19. Sirus7264

    Keep your ship cockroach free

    This is what will happen if you leave crumbs lying around and you crash land planet side. View: View:
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