Search results

  1. Sirus7264

    Amazon Prime Day clickbait....

    Silly Amazon clickbait it's really doing me over haha i guess no new funds into SC this month thats a bummer.
  2. Sirus7264

    Scammers on the rise

    Hey guys just want to put a reminder to becareful who you buy stuff from if you buy second hand. Scammers have been weezeling themselves all over the place ebay, reddit, etc.. you name it they are there. keep your accounts protected with 2 step authentication also with a strong password as...
  3. Sirus7264

    We need a dislike button!!

    We need a dislike button to put an end to Tierney and bring justice.(cough cough or just so we can drag virtualace's one post on our forum to -13000.
  4. Sirus7264

    Ship's on buyback no added cost

    So I wanted to follow the spirit of what @Elmy does and offer what's on my buyback out to our local community in the case they needed anything from it. This is not for the general public only my fellow Testies. I will continue to build up my buyback and pass it around as needed. the cost will...
  5. Sirus7264

    Finally got my reclaimer

    I know this is a long shot but who knows maybe i'll get lucky. Does anyone have a Starfarer gemini Concept I can buy for the 240? I'll handle any fees of course I figured this is probably the best way for me to get my reclaimer before it goes on sale again (want to prevent any chance of them...
  6. Sirus7264

    Hardcover Jumpoint Volume 2

    So I saw this for sale and thought I would let the enthusiasts know. looks like hes willing to sell it off for $65ish
  7. Sirus7264

    Star citizen Gamescom Founder Card

    I was hunting around Star citizen trades today and I saw one of these puppies pop up. I know we have a lot of enthusiasts out there so I wanted to ensure you all had a chance to snag it up if you wanted to get it...
  8. Sirus7264

    WTB Reclaimer

    Hey guys looking for a Reclaimer or another BMM for the cheapest I can get it for. I prefer the reclaimer but I can live with a BMM and hope the reclaimer doesn't jump in price on next sale. Reclaimer is one of the primary ships I want to keep in stock as this is the primary way I plan to make...
  9. Sirus7264

    New computer build for SC

    So I am planning on building a new desktop to play SC in 4k at its best. Here is what I am planning on getting and I would like to know if anyone had any other suggestions and good deals out there in the world for the components I am laying out. Most likely I plan to buy all of this on black...
  10. Sirus7264

    Look what i found.

    Pretty sure you all know but im going to say it anyways. Aurora craashh.
  11. Sirus7264

    BEER of choice

    To all my fellow Testies its time we make a toast to all of our favorite beers. Next time you open your favorite brewski take a moment think of your fellow testies and take a good photo of the best of the best. only rules are no screenshots it has to be real and you cant spill a drop because...
  12. Sirus7264

    (WTB) RSI Credits from fellow Testies

    So ive decided the best place I could possibly buy RSI credits if anyone is looking to sell is here so if you have an offer please let me know. Since I was recently scammed i'll be very picky who I buy from just name your price and i'll give it a thought and how much you want to offer. I'll be...
  13. Sirus7264

    Players getting hacked

    Just had a nice long lengthy chat with a player on redit about players accounts getting hacked. It's not that hard to prevent yourself from getting hacked. For all of you out there make sure you are protecting your accounts and perform most of these if not all. Don't put your password on...
  14. Sirus7264

    Redeemer for sale

    So I have a Redeemer with LTI up for sale If needed I can upgrade it to something else higher up if needed. I know a lot of you guys have Redeemer to BMM upgrades laying around so thought I would toss that out there. Selling it for 230 for you guys cause I like you currently listed on Redit...
  15. Sirus7264

    Video game accapela

    So recently I have been running around youtube looking at video game music like I always do from classic video games I love and dear.(Megaman 2, Mario RPG, Zelda a link to the past etc..) and I ran into this guy this is just absolutely amazing he has done hundreads of different video games...
  16. Sirus7264

    Current Warbirds

    Ok so recently I bought a Constellation Andromeda and as much as I love this ship I have learned that it isn't as good as it cracks up to be. The turning on it makes it near impossible to fight small fighters especially in large groups when all they need to do is stay behind you. So with this...
  17. Sirus7264

    Another new weirdo

    Im new been plsying for a little while. i like exploration and i suck at dog fighting. hopefully i can learn some technique from you all currently im flying a khartu al but plan to get something bigger in the future. hope to see you guys on the play ground. btw im 30 lol hopefully im not the...
  18. Sirus7264

    Complete(WTB) Need Package for best friend(LTI would be nice)

    So I've been scouring the internet for an LTI package $65 and under with SQ42 and SC so my best friend can play the game with me. So far I've had no luck thought I would try here and see if I can find anyone who would be willing to help out. I'll also be looking for a cheap LTI standalone for...
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