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  1. JonSpencer

    TEST Org - In games Roles and Ranks degree is in inner asteroid basket looks like I get stuck on waypoint duty doodie BTW...I onlystarted this thread to see how long it would take TEST to derail it completely off track! I am proud to report - TEST did it in record time with only 6.5435e-4 % of the org...
  2. JonSpencer

    Salutations fellow Citizens

    Welcome aboard!
  3. JonSpencer

    TEST Org - In games Roles and Ranks

    LOL....that is funny...and just another example of why TEST Squadron = BEST Squadron!!! 😎 No problems. Been doing a few mining missions with the gang. Trying to work up BH so I can drag ppl along to get a feel for turret gunning or let them fly my cutty...but dunno if its me or the ship...
  4. JonSpencer

    T16000M Zaxis going out - advice on 'fix' (aka spend $$$s) Jan 2021

    Was following, but guess notifications are turned off, so missed the recent updates. Would have never guess that I could get a better quality product, for $25 cheaper. While I want to get it immediatly, Reddit mentioned end of Feb should see the Throttle controller coming out also, but VKB...
  5. JonSpencer

    TEST Org - In games Roles and Ranks

    And yes...I realize this is TEST. The disclaimer is immediately provided on why one should join, and was a major factor in my decision. 😁 Space Life is so free without expectations! Please understand, my panties are not wadded at being a cadet. Rank doesn't stop me from doing anything, other...
  6. JonSpencer

    TEST Org - In games Roles and Ranks

    I don't think it's confusing between ranks here vs roles/ranks in TEST Org. You can easily see in here that all that's needed to advance is spam LIKES or forum messages. Are people really getting that confused that TEST forum is not directly related to SC TEST Org in game? Ok. So being a...
  7. JonSpencer

    TEST Org - In games Roles and Ranks

    I noticed here in the forums, I am a Vice Admiral. I have been playing on and off since 2.9ish. Recently though, I noticed when I look at my status in the Org, I am still a cadet. Since roles and ranks are separate in SC Orgs, is there a reason why many of us are still cadets? Other games...
  8. JonSpencer

    T16000M Zaxis going out - advice on 'fix' (aka spend $$$s) Jan 2021

    Long time gamer (WoWp, Warthunder, Rebel Assault, etc) and when I got into Star Citizen 2.9ish, didn't realize I would be buying a new PC and controllers to boot! :) Currently, I have my i5, 16G Ram, upgraded recently to RX 580 from 1050ti and a dual thrustmaster setup with the right Z axis...
  9. JonSpencer

    Hello there

    Welcome aboard, mattie!
  10. JonSpencer

    You want to see a real roadmap?

    Don't post the map to me booty plz!
  11. JonSpencer


  12. JonSpencer


    Welcome aboard!
  13. JonSpencer

    Engineering Society of Drunk Engineers - TEST's very own Engineering Squad

    I'm in, and I know how Oct 31 and Dec 25 are the same!
  14. JonSpencer

    Semi-Daily Mining Ops for 3.12

    I have my aurora, titan, black, and just picked up the prospector with aUEC. Also have the dragonfly and ROC. Would welcome some team play...let me know when and what roll I can fill. I'm usually on discord, but also jumping servers in game, so look for me there also.
  15. JonSpencer

    Hey everyone...........

    Welcome aboard!
  16. JonSpencer

    Hello There!

    Welcome aboard!
  17. JonSpencer

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome aboard!
  18. JonSpencer

    FLIGHT MODEL - How Did We Get Here... Can We Get it back - By Noobifier

    It cracks me up how so many talk about 'realistic' space flight, when very very very few humans have ever ACTUALLY flown in space. Those that have, have not ever flow any type of craft similar to what is in game either. So essentially, all this 'realistic' talk is just theory and perception of...
  19. JonSpencer

    Whatup Citizens

    Hello and welcome aboard!
  20. JonSpencer

    saying whats up.

    Hello and welcome aboard!
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